3 things:
1. A weapon "Made from Valorite" is made with valorite ingots (which people also do, but is a waste of valorite ingots). You really mean "Weapons Made By Valorite Runics".
2. There's no way to identify the weapons by the source of the hammer, though as a crafter, it wouldn't break my heart to see all weapons made by known purchasers of duped hammers (regardless of who owns them) go poof, as they will always be exceptional, and exceptional weapons have the crafter's tag (probably even if it's not displayed). I NEVER buy runics - I EARN them myself.
3. And, people wonder why so many others don't like PvP... The simple fact is that the central theme to almost all dupes in UO, has always been to generate thousands of times more "high-end" gear illegally for PvP. Even a lot of the scripts and exploits exist to get resources for library donations for those high-end items, materials to fill duped BODs, to burn with duped runics, or to sell to those that do, in order to get the gold to BUY the illegal items generated (which is why the non-combat uber-rares are duped). It's a self-feeding monster. If you want balance in PvP, it should be made where all gear is treated as plain-jane exceptional quality in PvP (unless its resists are worse).