- I can only recall hearing of a few ways that they use to try to determine the legitimate account owner:
One would be the person linked to the CC that paid for the account for several months most recently (& I think you're right in that after 1 year of paying for it, they consider it your account; might even be sooner).
The other would be the original CD key and/or other vital account/user information; potentially along with some sort of sob story.
(The truth is, EA should give the account back to the initial owner -even though it might have been sold, & as such was then stolen back- because the rules say that accounts are only recognized as being transfered, if they were done via the EA provided account transfer system. Once you trade without involving them, then they shouldn't have to spend much, if any, effort dealing with it. I truly have no idea which protocol takes precedence in this matter. But I am also trying to warn people that they should not buy game accounts they wish to keep unless they pay EA to make the trade official. Hope I'm wrong, for your sake. But stealing back an old account, that has been developed a bit more, seems like something some might resort to; and perhaps be able to succeed, if it was traded 'under the table'.)
To be placing a bet: I'd be willing to put a coint toss on the eventual outcome; so I wouldn't place a bet.