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[Gardening] FoF!

  • Thread starter Flora Green
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


The question was can we tell what a seed will grow into... and the response was something new with Peculuar plants??? Peculuars don't grow seeds so how would they identify?

Do we plant the Peculuar seed to see what it's going to grow into and then we can recover the bowl and seed?

I don't really understand what they are doing here.

Any clarification, Sak?



I'm assuming that it means that once you have planted the seed, you will be able to check the resource menu to see what it will be turning into.

Dunno if I like it or not - I kinda do, but at the same time, the not knowing has never bothered me =) At least I can ignore it if I want to! =D


Stratics Veteran
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Do we plant the Peculuar seed to see what it's going to grow into and then we can recover the bowl and seed?
ewwww nuh uh, that would be needlessly griefy!

It means that once Pub 57 hits, check the pollination/resource/seed gump of your peculiar plants. One of them will be different than the others. I'll let you guess the rest :lick:


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
oh this is gonna sound so greedy, but...... just one??

must be the sugar cane, then, producing sugar

next time around the flax will produce, she says hopefully.......?


Queen of The Outlaws
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“Will we ever be able to identify the seeds before we grow them?”
I would really hate that, then everyone would pick the good seed and grow their own plants and the gardeners would be out of business.

At least make it so you have to grow the plant for 2 days before you can see what kind of plant it is, then you can emty the pot if you don't want the plant.

I would like a label with name of the monster the seed is from, but sure not the name of the plant.

Look forward to see what plant that will start to give resources :)

Flora Green

Well I was excited at first and misunderstood. If we have to plant it first to find out what it is, it's still a waste of time. I like DHMagic's idea of using the item ID skill or an ID wand on them prior to planting. Then people like Freja can still grow without knowing what the seed is and people who want to know, can.

As for gardeners being out of business, that makes no sense. They grow what they want from the original system. I assure you my poppies, campions and even rushes sell fine. I have sold one cacti in months, so I never grow them. Picking and choosing out of the new plants wouldn't be any different. No reason to grow what isn't profitable.

Sakkarah's post has me utterly confused. Sounds like we need to plant the seed if you have to see the gump.


Stratics Veteran
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Ugh, no. you guys have it completely backwards. You will not have to plant a seed every time you want to know which plant will grow from it. That would be lame and annoying.

Yes, it will work like Item ID.

Yes, the ability will come from a new resources.

Yes, it will come from a peculiar plant (hence the look at the resource gump of your peculiar plants to figure out which one of them will start giving resources!)

Yes, the resource will have a limited number of charges so gardeners will continue to be needed to keep producing that resource

No, I'm not telling you which plant it is.



Queen of The Outlaws
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That sounds good to me. This way, only gardeners will grow enough plants to have a nice stack of this resources I hope.

Hunters will still sell their seed to gardeners and the gardeners can id them and plant the ones they have customers for.

You really do a great job with our plants, thanks


I wanted to use now, although it is wonderful resources.

Does the confusion condition of the present cactus also come to be known?

Remaining two chocolate materials are also worried.


Ugh, no. you guys have it completely backwards. You will not have to plant a seed every time you want to know which plant will grow from it. That would be lame and annoying.

Yes, it will work like Item ID.

Yes, the ability will come from a new resources.

Yes, it will come from a peculiar plant (hence the look at the resource gump of your peculiar plants to figure out which one of them will start giving resources!)

Yes, the resource will have a limited number of charges so gardeners will continue to be needed to keep producing that resource

No, I'm not telling you which plant it is.

My translation:
One of the peculiar plants will give us a resource that can be used to identify peculiar seeds before they are planted. The resource will have a limited number of identification charges on it.

I hope that translation is correct and clarifies any questions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My translation:
One of the peculiar plants will give us a resource that can be used to identify peculiar seeds before they are planted. The resource will have a limited number of identification charges on it.

I hope that translation is correct and clarifies any questions.
That's my take on it too. I am very intrigued by this and can't wait to test it out. :love:

Flora Green

That's what I'm taking from it, too Shellybean and Beastmaster. Now that Sakkarah posted again. Thank you very much, Sak! :):)


Can new resources be taken also from peculiar plant which it has now?
Can resources be taken even if it raises from the seeds which it has from before Publish?
Or can't resources be taken unless it raises from the kind taken by after Publish?

This difference is great and influences future action greatly.


Lore Master
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Guessing and hoping retroactive for pre-publish non deco mode plants giving resources. My really old live bonsai plants actually had seeds on them after the last publish.


Here's hoping we can EVENTUALLY get to the point where all seeds can be identified (not just Peculuar seeds) and we can get some type of seed storage....

Flora Green

I'd take storage over anything right now. Even cool bugs being allowed to stay in game. Storage is a real problem for many of us.


Stratics Veteran
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Here's hoping we can EVENTUALLY get to the point where all seeds can be identified (not just Peculuar seeds) and we can get some type of seed storage....
The new resource identifies ALL types of seeds. You guys simply assumed it was just for peculiars :lick:

We all want seed storage and storage for countless other things. But that stuff is complex and exceeds my knowledge of Wombat. Besides, except for Live Content, we're all crunching on SA so don't hold your breath about that in the near future. Even in the best case scenario, I do not see this happening before SA launches.

Flora Green

I don't think anyone expects storage to ever happen. (At least I don't). Should have been thought out LONG ago. It's only been asked for since plants were introduced, so hardly fair to put the blame on the current team. :) Now, if we were allowed more than one house per account....that would help.:stir:


Queen of The Outlaws
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I'd take storage over anything right now. Even cool bugs being allowed to stay in game. Storage is a real problem for many of us.
For now, I would be happy if seed of same kind and color would stack, I rather have a stack of 64 light green snake plant seed than 8 plants storing 8 seed each. Sure there is still alot of different plant seed but it would help.

Also I could id my new seed and stack them.


Is a name minced by the seed if new resources are used?
Or is merely it only a message?
If it is named, it becomes easy to sell PeculiarSeed.

Damia TMC

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The new resource identifies ALL types of seeds. You guys simply assumed it was just for peculiars :lick:

We all want seed storage and storage for countless other things. But that stuff is complex and exceeds my knowledge of Wombat. Besides, except for Live Content, we're all crunching on SA so don't hold your breath about that in the near future. Even in the best case scenario, I do not see this happening before SA launches.
You know it's really nice to have someone flat out tell us the truth, not just say things like it's coming "soon" or we're talking about it, or something else to put us off. I appreciate knowing it won't happen for at least a year and why it won't. No one's going to get mad, we just want the truth. :)

Also, I have to say the things you're doing with plants is amazing, it's given us gardners something to get exicted about again. We love it !!!! Keep up the great work.


Stratics Veteran
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Thanks Damia! :eek:

Is a name minced by the seed if new resources are used?
Or is merely it only a message?
If it is named, it becomes easy to sell PeculiarSeed.
After you used the new resource, the seed is renamed for everyone to see. For example, if you have use it on a random red seed, the name on it would change to "red campion flowers seed" or on a random peculiar seed, it would change to "peculiar foxglove flowers seed".



It is wonderful.
When you want to surround the surroundings in a hedge
When you want to take new resources etc.
Only the plant aimed at can be cultivated.

It is a change very delightful to those who are doing the vendor.

However, since it comes out of a monster, mass production seems to be difficult.
It is a problem how many seeds can be appraised with one resources.

Flora Green

:grouphug: Sakkarah. And I agree with Damia. Thank you for being upfront with us. :)


Babbling Loonie
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This is wonderful news!! There are some peculiars and even black plants I really have no use for. I got a black lilypad and it's terrible. But as a good house deco does, I'll find a use for it...in my stables as dung. It will work nicely there i think.



Flora Green

Maybe you could use it as soot near your fireplace. I dunno. :)


Babbling Loonie
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Well after some consideration, I think they would make good stepping stones too, kinda like the shaped ones you can get.