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The ultimate "change UO" thread....


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So this kind of took me a really long time to write, there is a lot of changes I have put down that would be great for UO, not just a few tweaks here and there, but some real changes.. I'm wanting this to be some kind of "focus" thread.. This is everything I got, post your ideas as well..

Alignment: This is something that is very broken, alignment is this... You kill someone and get a count, when you get 5 counts, you go red and the only penalty is that you don't get to go to Trammel rulesets... Then you have to sit around and wait many days and weeks and burn off the counts if you want to go blue.. Out it should be, there should be no such thing as counts. Everyone should start with a neutral alignment and based on your actions, this alignment changes, turning evil would be easy and would make for a difficult life, making most guards, players and guilds to attack you on sight.. There could also be a reputation with each town, by doing quests and helping out NPC's etc, you can gain a good reputation with a town and when your character has an "evil alignment" You'd be safe in that town... Killing evil NPC's should also change our alignments to good..

Guards: They kill you in one hit, allow players to fight them off, similar to faction guards....

Character emotes: You would thinking our character would be able to perform emotions by now with the KR client and all, you know, by jumping, climbing up some mountains and swimming in that water over, but no..

More Races: Yeah, we shouldn't have to wait every expansion just to get 1 race with a new skill, Juka's, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Meers, etc.. Should all be races in the game..

More Skills: I can honestly think of about 100 more skills they could add into the game, and allowing them to raise the skill cap very much higher.... Maybe a mount riding skill, swimming, jumping(acrobatics).. The list can go on, if they ever added these features into the game, and they should..

Realism: Realism is something the devs have been driving away from UO, wearing metal armor should make our running speeds and casting speeds slower, and make us swing our weapons slower, is a good example, but it should offer us way more physical and magical proection from spells and weapons..... Get my drift??

Random house customization: It sounds like this would be difficult, but some players are just really bad at customizing their houses, and there should be a random houses customization for this.... There should also be name generators when we make characters..

Factions: More needs to be done with factions.. I have always suggested to get rid of stat loss and the whole no beneifictial acts for you thing.. But we also need to be able to get rewards from it, which would make a lot of players join... They should change the way faction points work, I think when we kill other faction players or when we are in a party and our party kills other faction players, we should get points, but when we die, these points will never go down, and then you spend these points on some nice "faction only" equipment... A lot of you would complain, well two people will just kill each other over and over, but to prevent this, an item could cost, let's say, 10,000 points? Depending on how good it is..

Naval Combat: Sure why not? I don't need to have a long paragraph to describe how awesome this would be... There should also be some bigger boat sizes, and crafters should be able to craft boats and players should be able to customize their own, similar to housing....

NPC Hirlings: How many people do you see with one of these now and days?? Exactly, not very much people.. NPC hirlings should be able to perform tasks for us when we hire them for example, go out and chop some wood for us, and do some mining for us, perform maybe some simple tasks such as healing when we get injured... Just a thought..

Currency: 1 million, or let alone, 10 million, should not be a word that is used in a medieval game such as UO, when someone says to a new player.. This really needs to sound a lot less tedious... I'v suggested in another thread on the old forums that we need new currency, copper/silver, where as 100 copper = 1 silver and 100 silver = 1 gold, then convert all existing gold into copper and put copper loot on monsters and lower the amount of gold on them by quite a bit... This would knock off two zero's although it wouldn't change anything, an item that was 1 million would = 1000 gold I think.. This would make it a lot less tedious for new players and myself to work for gold.. If you also want to stop the duping of gold, get rid of it physically, no more dropping it on the ground, there could just be a bar or something down in our backpack or health bar of our screen that tells us how much gold, silver and copper we have... There could also be a max on how much gold we can have... ;)


Alignment: The only times I go to Fel is for resource gathering. Sure I get killed sometimes, but I dont mind, BECAUSE that player cops a count. And the more time he needs to keep that player logged in working off the hours on that count the happier I am. Keep counts. Keep red. You wanna kill people and not pay a penalty on your character status go join a faction and PvP with someones consent. Hell if I care really.

Guards: I semi agree. Before Tram I used to actually feel bad for thieves that got guard whacked. Honestly they had raised those skills and a simply insta-whack seemed a little too gay. Perhaps beef up the guards, increase speed and skills etc, but one hit kills are stupid. I agree with you on this one.

Emotes: Again, couldnt care less. Swimming and climbing mountains? Blech. Please dont tell me you want to see dancing in UO?

Races: Hmm. If players can play as Orcs, are they KOS to all other races? Can they enter any town, or will new towns need to be created? The same goes for all new players races.

More skills would be cool, but no extra skill points. Allow us to create new and different characters, but not improve the current ones we have by simply giving us 200 more points (or however much youd like). The skills you listed though? Blech. Swimming isnt a skill, its a chore.

Realism: No comment. Well maybe a small comment. This is fantasy. There shouldnt be any realism.

Random House Customisation: Now this I like. Would take a lot of coding, but it would be tres cool.

Random Name Gen: Sure, why not.

Factions: I dont PvP in UO. Never liked it. So no comment on this.

Naval Combat: Hmm. Hmm. I dunno. PotBS is apparently great to start with, and quick boils down to mind numbingly boring.

NPC Hirelings: Yeah, these should be used/implemented/buffed up something. Maybe even if a player hires one, and keeps it alive inisde a dungeon environment (the NPC must engage in combat) then it can increase in skill, or level, or provide the player with some trinket/buff/something.

Currency. Nothing will ever change with currency. Theres too much value tied up with rares, and since EA support gold sales, its not likely to change anytime soon. Id like to see a currency wipe, honeslty, and folks can start all over again.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alignment: The only times I go to Fel is for resource gathering. Sure I get killed sometimes, but I dont mind, BECAUSE that player cops a count. And the more time he needs to keep that player logged in working off the hours on that count the happier I am. Keep counts. Keep red. You wanna kill people and not pay a penalty on your character status go join a faction and PvP with someones consent. Hell if I care really.
There would still be reds and you would still go red for killing other players, going red would just mean that you're evil... You're mostly KOS, but what I suggest is a reputation you can gain with the towns, where even as a red, if you have good reputation with the town, but as you do good deeds, "quests" doesn't matter what they are, then you can change your alignment back to blue..

Emotes: Again, couldnt care less. Swimming and climbing mountains? Blech. Please dont tell me you want to see dancing in UO?
Meh.. I like to think of UO as a game of endless possibilites and player freedom, it is what UO was based on, now it is copying what is popular on the market rather than going back to its sandbox roots, that means the devs should do everything in their power to offer our characters a chance to do more than walk and run.... And besides, my character being able to jump, might come in handy..

Races: Hmm. If players can play as Orcs, are they KOS to all other races? Can they enter any town, or will new towns need to be created? The same goes for all new players races.
Well, they wouldn't be KOS with Trammel, but with town reputation, again, all characters no matter what race could start with a neautral alignment..

More skills would be cool, but no extra skill points. Allow us to create new and different characters, but not improve the current ones we have by simply giving us 200 more points (or however much youd like). The skills you listed though? Blech. Swimming isnt a skill, its a chore.
Well, it depends on how much skills they have, and swimming is a skill, I know some people who can't swim.. And the more you do it, the better you get..

Realism: No comment. Well maybe a small comment. This is fantasy. There shouldnt be any realism.
The point I was trying to make here is if you use realism for items and combat, you can balance the game out more.... The game is still my escape from reality..

Naval Combat: Hmm. Hmm. I dunno. PotBS is apparently great to start with, and quick boils down to mind numbingly boring.
What is PotBS?? Sea battle is something that can add a lot of fun to a massive game. A party of people being good with ships will be very valuable in many ways. They can transport troops and resources. They can raid coast lines, give support to coastal battles with its canons or just plain rob other ships as pirates for fun and profit. There needs to be more thought put into ships, imagine different size ships from 10 cannon ships to huge 50 cannon ships, ne person can mount a canon and use it to shoot at people, shoot at other canons, other ships, coastal buildings, npcs or whatever else. If you have 50 people on your 50 canon ship you can dish out some serious damage. That is, unless the enemy boards your ship, kills the captain (also a player) and turns the whole ship around so your canons can’t aim at the target. If the ship sinks and you are on the lower decks, you sink and die with it. Imagine 50 guildmates trying to escape a sinking ship through the narrow doorway going onto the upper deck. Each trying to push their way through and what it would be like if a couple of enemies are at the entrance pushing back and killing people. This is the kind of realism that makes games fun, unlike WoW, which is very, very boring.. :D

Currency. Nothing will ever change with currency. Theres too much value tied up with rares, and since EA support gold sales, its not likely to change anytime soon. Id like to see a currency wipe, honeslty, and folks can start all over again.
With my idea, you would probabley stop dupers.. Which would make for a better economy, like I said, gold would be weightless and you wouldn't physically move it, would always be in your pack as a number telling how much you got.. The point of new currency is to knock off two 0's, an item worth 1 million would become 10,000.. It's value is the same but it just sounds a lot less tedious to get gold.. As I said, 1 million should never have been something to be said in a game such as UO, "Hey I have 100 million gold!" It just makes me think what the hell went wrong..


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some other ideas...

Combat.. I seriously didn't like the idea of targeting, I think it is bad for combat, now in KR and of course easy UO, nametags.... Well that defeats the purpose of hiding behind a rock, if we ever could.... I like the idea of being able to dodge spells though, block manually and attack manually instead of auto-attack... Not many MMO's do this cause it is fairly difficult, Age of Conan somewhat pull it off, and it is very fun, instead of click and watch, it puts you there with the action and allows a more skill based game..

I'd also like to see a good NPC auction house in UO, it is really getting hard finding what I need now and days and it is VERY time consuming..

I'd like to see kingdom building and siege combat in UO one day, don't know how difficult this would be, doesn't look like the game was built for it..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guards: They kill you in one hit, allow players to fight them off, similar to faction guards....
You used to be able to, years ago. They changed it, and I can only guess it was becuase they proved too ineffective against the majority of the playerbase/monsters.

NPC Hirlings: How many people do you see with one of these now and days?? Exactly, not very much people.. NPC hirlings should be able to perform tasks for us when we hire them for example, go out and chop some wood for us, and do some mining for us, perform maybe some simple tasks such as healing when we get injured... Just a thought..
"Performing tasks" like those would be impossible unless you were walking around with them. They couldn't go out on their own because of how the game is programmed; when a player isn't in immediate range of a monster or animal, they don't move to keep from overloading the server. Sherry and Inu are currently the only 2 NPCs that go against this, but Drac himself said the program they use wouldn't be efficient enough on a mass scale.

Zym Dragon

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Random house customization: It sounds like this would be difficult, but some players are just really bad at customizing their houses, and there should be a random houses customization for this.... There should also be name generators when we make characters..
I would rather see a way for players to be able to design design houses for others.

The best way I can think of to do this is to have a new house access level that grants temporary access to customize a house, while not giving access to secures, etc. The house owner and architect would agree to a contract similar to vendor contracts and the architect gets paid after the owner sets the new design.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
More Races: Yeah, we shouldn't have to wait every expansion just to get 1 race with a new skill, Juka's, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Meers, etc.. Should all be races in the game..
I'm suprised we havn't heard from the zounds of old timers that cry and moan whenever someone mentions the addition of new races in the game. Generally these suggestion are beseiged by "WoW clone" and "every generic MMO" tags from people who don't want to be bothered to add up to 100 and remember more than 1 type of damage type.

Would love to have a few races added. Fact is I don't think our dev team is capable of such broad changes. No expansion has really wooed me like it really should given that I spend the same amount on it I would for any other game. This is really the problem with UO today in general. The content and expansion do not meet up to current MMO baselines. Would be nice though.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alignment: This is something that is very broken, alignment is this... You kill someone and get a count, when you get 5 counts, you go red and the only penalty is that you don't get to go to Trammel rulesets... Then you have to sit around and wait many days and weeks and burn off the counts if you want to go blue.. Out it should be, there should be no such thing as counts. Everyone should start with a neutral alignment and based on your actions, this alignment changes, turning evil would be easy and would make for a difficult life, making most guards, players and guilds to attack you on sight.. There could also be a reputation with each town, by doing quests and helping out NPC's etc, you can gain a good reputation with a town and when your character has an "evil alignment" You'd be safe in that town... Killing evil NPC's should also change our alignments to good..
Reputation is one thing, but I believe that Murder Counts is supposed to be the deterant to killing other players. It's obviously not been enough as people are okay taking counts. If it's consensual and all that jazz, even in Fel, then people won't hand out counts. But I don't think it's too terrible a punishment to fitting the crime. The problem with a more fleshed out alignment is fine, but it has to be a reasonable set of actions that would cause a change in alignment. How do you define that in UO? Killing certain mobs? Other players? How does the alignment system define what's a gain or loss for who? Personally I think with UO, since all towns are human and there aren't any monster towns or towns for any other 'race' really.. it's not really feasible to split it out like that.

Guards: They kill you in one hit, allow players to fight them off, similar to faction guards....
Kill someone in town retribution is getting wacked. Towns are supposed to be safe, and guards are what make them safe. A gaggle of Reds going around killing town guards shouldn't be able to change that, they are the only 'safe' place in Fel and should really remain that way.

Character emotes: You would thinking our character would be able to perform emotions by now with the KR client and all, you know, by jumping, climbing up some mountains and swimming in that water over, but no..
Well it's KR, you'd think you'd be able to do a lot of things like not having to switch back to 2d for quests or house building or anything else you'd normally need to play the game.

More Races: Yeah, we shouldn't have to wait every expansion just to get 1 race with a new skill, Juka's, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Meers, etc.. Should all be races in the game..
Even Dwarves, Bobbits, Furries 'etc. All the original races from the elder Ultimas would be nice to see.

More Skills: I can honestly think of about 100 more skills they could add into the game, and allowing them to raise the skill cap very much higher.... Maybe a mount riding skill, swimming, jumping(acrobatics).. The list can go on, if they ever added these features into the game, and they should..
Problem with more skills and a higher skill skill cap is balancing. One of the issues UO has always had over 'other games' is balancing all the possible options of skills vs each other. It's different with most other games because the level based systems they use are very narrow in scope and quite limited. The flexibility of UO's skill system makes the whole balancing thing considerably more difficult taking into account all possible combinations of skills.

Besides, skills like jumping/acrobatics don't make much sense in a game where you can't jump.. *grins* I'd much rather see them just make or redo the skills that they've broken or obsoleted (taste ID/item ID 'etc).

Realism: Realism is something the devs have been driving away from UO, wearing metal armor should make our running speeds and casting speeds slower, and make us swing our weapons slower, is a good example, but it should offer us way more physical and magical proection from spells and weapons..... Get my drift??
To an extent this would be nice, but the first thing they'd absolutely have to do is remove all the bloody numbers from the game. This would include most of the AoS Changes, move back to a behind the scenes system for armor, damage 'etc 'etc. Get rid of all the stinkin numbers if the first, best step to bringing any sort of realism to the game again. Maybe then unlobotomise all the NPC's

Random house customization: It sounds like this would be difficult, but some players are just really bad at customizing their houses, and there should be a random houses customization for this.... There should also be name generators when we make characters..
Maybe not random, how about some default styles that people can choose.

Factions: More needs to be done with factions.. I have always suggested to get rid of stat loss and the whole no beneifictial acts for you thing.. But we also need to be able to get rewards from it, which would make a lot of players join... They should change the way faction points work, I think when we kill other faction players or when we are in a party and our party kills other faction players, we should get points, but when we die, these points will never go down, and then you spend these points on some nice "faction only" equipment... A lot of you would complain, well two people will just kill each other over and over, but to prevent this, an item could cost, let's say, 10,000 points? Depending on how good it is..
Easy to circumvent for people to abuse as ya said, I think a better idea would be to remove the downsides of participating. No Kill Counts, No Insurance Costs, no Item lost 'etc 'etc while your in a factions area or participating.

Naval Combat: Sure why not? I don't need to have a long paragraph to describe how awesome this would be... There should also be some bigger boat sizes, and crafters should be able to craft boats and players should be able to customize their own, similar to housing....
Crafting a moveable object may not really be feasible within UO, however talk to all the pirates this is something that's been asked for since release almost.

NPC Hirlings: How many people do you see with one of these now and days?? Exactly, not very much people.. NPC hirlings should be able to perform tasks for us when we hire them for example, go out and chop some wood for us, and do some mining for us, perform maybe some simple tasks such as healing when we get injured... Just a thought..
Way too easy to abuse I'm afraid, and really wouldn't add a whole lot to the game as a whole IMHO.

Currency: 1 million, or let alone, 10 million, should not be a word that is used in a medieval game such as UO, when someone says to a new player.. This really needs to sound a lot less tedious... I'v suggested in another thread on the old forums that we need new currency, copper/silver, where as 100 copper = 1 silver and 100 silver = 1 gold, then convert all existing gold into copper and put copper loot on monsters and lower the amount of gold on them by quite a bit... This would knock off two zero's although it wouldn't change anything, an item that was 1 million would = 1000 gold I think.. This would make it a lot less tedious for new players and myself to work for gold.. If you also want to stop the duping of gold, get rid of it physically, no more dropping it on the ground, there could just be a bar or something down in our backpack or health bar of our screen that tells us how much gold, silver and copper we have... There could also be a max on how much gold we can have... ;)
Problem is, while this is a good idea for the wealthy, it's a bad idea for the poor. Besides without altering the economy in other ways, and doing something about the scripting (other than doing more damage to honest players) it won't really have an effect as it'll return to where it was sooner than later.

Just my 2 cents


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So this kind of took me a really long time to write, there is a lot of changes I have put down that would be great for UO, not just a few tweaks here and there, but some real changes.. I'm wanting this to be some kind of "focus" thread.. This is everything I got, post your ideas as well..

Alignment: This is something that is very broken, alignment is this... You kill someone and get a count, when you get 5 counts, you go red and the only penalty is that you don't get to go to Trammel rulesets... Then you have to sit around and wait many days and weeks and burn off the counts if you want to go blue.. Out it should be, there should be no such thing as counts. Everyone should start with a neutral alignment and based on your actions, this alignment changes, turning evil would be easy and would make for a difficult life, making most guards, players and guilds to attack you on sight.. There could also be a reputation with each town, by doing quests and helping out NPC's etc, you can gain a good reputation with a town and when your character has an "evil alignment" You'd be safe in that town... Killing evil NPC's should also change our alignments to good..

Guards: They kill you in one hit, allow players to fight them off, similar to faction guards....

Character emotes: You would thinking our character would be able to perform emotions by now with the KR client and all, you know, by jumping, climbing up some mountains and swimming in that water over, but no..

More Races: Yeah, we shouldn't have to wait every expansion just to get 1 race with a new skill, Juka's, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Meers, etc.. Should all be races in the game..

More Skills: I can honestly think of about 100 more skills they could add into the game, and allowing them to raise the skill cap very much higher.... Maybe a mount riding skill, swimming, jumping(acrobatics).. The list can go on, if they ever added these features into the game, and they should..

Realism: Realism is something the devs have been driving away from UO, wearing metal armor should make our running speeds and casting speeds slower, and make us swing our weapons slower, is a good example, but it should offer us way more physical and magical proection from spells and weapons..... Get my drift??

Random house customization: It sounds like this would be difficult, but some players are just really bad at customizing their houses, and there should be a random houses customization for this.... There should also be name generators when we make characters..

Factions: More needs to be done with factions.. I have always suggested to get rid of stat loss and the whole no beneifictial acts for you thing.. But we also need to be able to get rewards from it, which would make a lot of players join... They should change the way faction points work, I think when we kill other faction players or when we are in a party and our party kills other faction players, we should get points, but when we die, these points will never go down, and then you spend these points on some nice "faction only" equipment... A lot of you would complain, well two people will just kill each other over and over, but to prevent this, an item could cost, let's say, 10,000 points? Depending on how good it is..

Naval Combat: Sure why not? I don't need to have a long paragraph to describe how awesome this would be... There should also be some bigger boat sizes, and crafters should be able to craft boats and players should be able to customize their own, similar to housing....

NPC Hirlings: How many people do you see with one of these now and days?? Exactly, not very much people.. NPC hirlings should be able to perform tasks for us when we hire them for example, go out and chop some wood for us, and do some mining for us, perform maybe some simple tasks such as healing when we get injured... Just a thought..

Currency: 1 million, or let alone, 10 million, should not be a word that is used in a medieval game such as UO, when someone says to a new player.. This really needs to sound a lot less tedious... I'v suggested in another thread on the old forums that we need new currency, copper/silver, where as 100 copper = 1 silver and 100 silver = 1 gold, then convert all existing gold into copper and put copper loot on monsters and lower the amount of gold on them by quite a bit... This would knock off two zero's although it wouldn't change anything, an item that was 1 million would = 1000 gold I think.. This would make it a lot less tedious for new players and myself to work for gold.. If you also want to stop the duping of gold, get rid of it physically, no more dropping it on the ground, there could just be a bar or something down in our backpack or health bar of our screen that tells us how much gold, silver and copper we have... There could also be a max on how much gold we can have... ;)
Bro, it sounds like you want World Of Warcraft. They can swim and dance there. They have copper and Silver, they have alignments, they have more races and so on. Maybe you should check that game out.

Im not being critical. I just dont think throwing stuff from WoW and other MMOs are whats going to "improve" uo. Devs and that really care and soem fragging advertising along with a small monthly fee reduction would benifit this game A WHOLE LOT.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bro, it sounds like you want World Of Warcraft. They can swim and dance there. They have copper and Silver, they have alignments, they have more races and so on. Maybe you should check that game out.

Im not being critical. I just dont think throwing stuff from WoW and other MMOs are whats going to "improve" uo. Devs and that really care and soem fragging advertising along with a small monthly fee reduction would benifit this game A WHOLE LOT.
Absolutely! I mean, a battlegrounds system(like the one originally conceived for UO way before WoW was in beta) would be a bad addition for the game because it's in WoW. Basically anything that makes 10 million people play another game should never be added to UO else we just become a clone.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alignment: This is something that is very broken, alignment is this... You kill someone and get a count, when you get 5 counts, you go red and the only penalty is that you don't get to go to Trammel rulesets... Then you have to sit around and wait many days and weeks and burn off the counts if you want to go blue.. Out it should be, there should be no such thing as counts. Everyone should start with a neutral alignment and based on your actions, this alignment changes, turning evil would be easy and would make for a difficult life, making most guards, players and guilds to attack you on sight.. There could also be a reputation with each town, by doing quests and helping out NPC's etc, you can gain a good reputation with a town and when your character has an "evil alignment" You'd be safe in that town... Killing evil NPC's should also change our alignments to good..
This was the original notoriety system and it did not work.

Guards: They kill you in one hit, allow players to fight them off, similar to faction guards....

Character emotes: You would thinking our character would be able to perform emotions by now with the KR client and all, you know, by jumping, climbing up some mountains and swimming in that water over, but no..
I believe these are in the works, however it will be some time yet and be a large download since instead of retaining the 3d client's version of modeling, they went back to the 2d version. In short, the delay is more due to the use of 2d-style stop-motion animation and a change in priorities. Perhaps the 3d client wasn't so bad afterall... was it?...

More Races: Yeah, we shouldn't have to wait every expansion just to get 1 race with a new skill, Juka's, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Meers, etc.. Should all be races in the game..
KR + Body Sculptor = more races, and done they way they should ALL be done in the UO game system... DISPLAY ONLY.

More Skills: I can honestly think of about 100 more skills they could add into the game, and allowing them to raise the skill cap very much higher.... Maybe a mount riding skill, swimming, jumping(acrobatics).. The list can go on, if they ever added these features into the game, and they should..
Skills shouldn't go too far into minutia. It's difficult as it is to balance the 50 or so skills we have right now. I will agree that it'd be nice to see some more skill-tree based development to allow characters to specialize as well as generalize, but 100 more skills can only lead to pointlessness.

Realism: Realism is something the devs have been driving away from UO, wearing metal armor should make our running speeds and casting speeds slower, and make us swing our weapons slower, is a good example, but it should offer us way more physical and magical proection from spells and weapons..... Get my drift??
One of AOS's worst mistakes was changing how the different armors worked. It allowed Leather Armor to supercede EVERYTHING ELSE. This is something that DOES need to be addressed.

Random house customization: It sounds like this would be difficult, but some players are just really bad at customizing their houses, and there should be a random houses customization for this.... There should also be name generators when we make characters..
Nah, this only leads to garbled messes. House customization and character creation (names) are fine IMO.

Factions: More needs to be done with factions.. I have always suggested to get rid of stat loss and the whole no beneifictial acts for you thing.. But we also need to be able to get rewards from it, which would make a lot of players join... They should change the way faction points work, I think when we kill other faction players or when we are in a party and our party kills other faction players, we should get points, but when we die, these points will never go down, and then you spend these points on some nice "faction only" equipment... A lot of you would complain, well two people will just kill each other over and over, but to prevent this, an item could cost, let's say, 10,000 points? Depending on how good it is..
I believe they are working on Factions.

Naval Combat: Sure why not? I don't need to have a long paragraph to describe how awesome this would be... There should also be some bigger boat sizes, and crafters should be able to craft boats and players should be able to customize their own, similar to housing....
Difficult to impossible as long as the 2d client remains in existence. Once/If 2d is removed they can more easily revamp the sailing system.

NPC Hirlings: How many people do you see with one of these now and days?? Exactly, not very much people.. NPC hirlings should be able to perform tasks for us when we hire them for example, go out and chop some wood for us, and do some mining for us, perform maybe some simple tasks such as healing when we get injured... Just a thought..
I saw quite a few people using NPC fighter hirelings in the Ophidian Invasion in Vesper. This is another balance issue that would have to be addressed to keep people from hiring their own armies and production staff.

Currency: 1 million, or let alone, 10 million, should not be a word that is used in a medieval game such as UO, when someone says to a new player.. This really needs to sound a lot less tedious... I'v suggested in another thread on the old forums that we need new currency, copper/silver, where as 100 copper = 1 silver and 100 silver = 1 gold, then convert all existing gold into copper and put copper loot on monsters and lower the amount of gold on them by quite a bit... This would knock off two zero's although it wouldn't change anything, an item that was 1 million would = 1000 gold I think.. This would make it a lot less tedious for new players and myself to work for gold.. If you also want to stop the duping of gold, get rid of it physically, no more dropping it on the ground, there could just be a bar or something down in our backpack or health bar of our screen that tells us how much gold, silver and copper we have... There could also be a max on how much gold we can have... ;)
You still end up in the millions, you just "hide" that fact with separate currencies. If you take the costs of high end items in WoW and convert them down to the BASE unit of currency (copper), you come out VERY CLOSE to the same numbers you see for (legitimate) high end items in UO. All having a tiered monetary system does is hide the numbers.

As it is, UO doesn't really need a tiered monetary system though I could see some interesting (at least to me) game mechanics involved in different areas being under different control and having exchange rates and so forth (it was actually a part of Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle), but I believe that it would probably be cumbersome to the playerbase as a whole to do this.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Bro, it sounds like you want World Of Warcraft. They can swim and dance there. They have copper and Silver, they have alignments, they have more races and so on. Maybe you should check that game out.

Im not being critical. I just dont think throwing stuff from WoW and other MMOs are whats going to "improve" uo. Devs and that really care and soem fragging advertising along with a small monthly fee reduction would benifit this game A WHOLE LOT.

I have WoW, I have a WoW account, but that is not what I base these ideas off of, I base them off of experience, as I am not a big fan of WoW cause they don't offer any player freedom.. World of Warcraft is a theme park game.. The overwhelming majority of MMORPG’s today belong to the Theme Park category. A Theme Park is often carefully planned and can deliver some very unique attractions. On the other hand, the attractions usually require you to be of a certain age or length to ride them, you have to stand in line, and none or minimal interaction is needed from your part. Like a real theme park it always looks the same and chances are you grow tired of the rides after 20 times or so, unless the theme park creates new exiting rides to keep the park entertaining.

In a Sandbox game you are able to create your own rides, and you interact with other players most of the time instead of NPCs. Every time you play will be a unique experience as the player interactions determine the outcome, and the world changes and reacts dynamically to their actions. This type of game typically lasts longer, but requires more involvement by the players. This is the very reason why I like UO and not WoW... World of Warcraft had some good ideas to make the game more "easy" to manage and keep yourself organized.. UO however is not a theme park game or a sandbox game, it is very diverse, it is a circus, the very reason why we aren't seeing new blood..


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Difficult to impossible as long as the 2d client remains in existence. Once/If 2d is removed they can more easily revamp the sailing system.
If they were to compeltley just drop 2d, they could focus way more on the game with 1 client instead of 2, would be much faster to get things done and stop our scripting and duping problems, they would be able to do a lot of things with the game or even bring it back to its roots... And everyone would still play KR, I don't buy that whole stuff where everyone will quit..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they were to compeltley just drop 2d, they could focus way more on the game with 1 client instead of 2, would be much faster to get things done and stop our scripting and duping problems, they would be able to do a lot of things with the game or even bring it back to its roots... And everyone would still play KR, I don't buy that whole stuff where everyone will quit..

Just remember, the exact same result would occur if they dropped the half-completed KR Client and went strictly with the 2D client.


Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Only to a degree. There are aspects of the game that KR can update and improve (like sea travel) that the 2d system cannot. So while they could focus on one client with only the 2d client, actual improvements would be few.

As for completeness, I'd put KR at around 85% complete. There are no more outright crash bugs, on most reasonably modern systems (i.e. anything with a real video card and not an integrated non-3d card) it runs just fine, and almost all of the actual UI functionality is in. It DOES need to be completed though, that is for certain.

I believe dropping KR would basically cement the notion that UO is basically "gliding into oblivion" whereas completing it would at least be a an effort to stave off the losses (successful or not).

The only "exact same result" that would occur dropping KR vs dropping 2d would be that they could work on one client. Beyond that, the differences begin.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Only to a degree. There are aspects of the game that KR can update and improve (like sea travel) that the 2d system cannot. So while they could focus on one client with only the 2d client, actual improvements would be few.

As for completeness, I'd put KR at around 85% complete. There are no more outright crash bugs, on most reasonably modern systems (i.e. anything with a real video card and not an integrated non-3d card) it runs just fine, and almost all of the actual UI functionality is in. It DOES need to be completed though, that is for certain.

I believe dropping KR would basically cement the notion that UO is basically "gliding into oblivion" whereas completing it would at least be a an effort to stave off the losses (successful or not).
As ya like, everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion *smiles* I'd disagree if of course it allowed them (and they actually did.. being the kicker) put effort into it. If it is to glide, it can do so just as easily with either client really without any effort put into it.

The only "exact same result" that would occur dropping KR vs dropping 2d would be that they could work on one client. Beyond that, the differences begin.
Alright so you've listed working on one client. Lets see....

- workin on new content
- working on new stories
- working on new events
- working on fixing client bugs & issues
- working on new adventures
- adding new items
- adding new skills
- adding new mounts
- adding new races
- adding new graphics
- adding new landmasses
- adding new spells/spellsets
- adding new features & functionality
- adding new scripting & cheating prevention
- get things done faster (hey it's not duplicated between 2 clients)
- get back to the roots of the game

Hrm, those are just off the top of my head, the things that would pretty much be EXACTLY the same that they could do with their time, and/or what they could spend their time on regardless of whether the single client was the KR one or the 2D one. Gosh, wonder what the heck I was thinkin!



Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
You still end up in the millions, you just "hide" that fact with separate currencies. If you take the costs of high end items in WoW and convert them down to the BASE unit of currency (copper), you come out VERY CLOSE to the same numbers you see for (legitimate) high end items in UO. All having a tiered monetary system does is hide the numbers.
I was waiting for someone to mention this. There was some guy in WoW whose fun in the game was buying, selling, and trading to accumulate monetary wealth. I believe he ended up quitting when he discovered that money in WoW is stored in a signed integer variable - meaning he hit 214,748 gold 36 silver and 47 copper and couldn't get any more. If you consider copper in WoW to be basically equivalent to gold pieces in UO, that means this guy was carrying around the equivalent of 2,147,483,647gp on him at all times.


I was waiting for someone to mention this. There was some guy in WoW whose fun in the game was buying, selling, and trading to accumulate monetary wealth. I believe he ended up quitting when he discovered that money in WoW is stored in a signed integer variable - meaning he hit 214,748 gold 36 silver and 47 copper and couldn't get any more. If you consider copper in WoW to be basically equivalent to gold pieces in UO, that means this guy was carrying around the equivalent of 2,147,483,647gp on him at all times.
Hm just registered because I thought this thread is interesting:
About the sandbox and themepark thing:
I would never play I themepark game - UO is (still) sandbox and if it wasnt I would have never played it.

About the guy who quit because he could not get more money:
I know a game where the same thing happened - This guy hired mercenarys and then sat back and watched the havock they caused - There are games where it can be interesting to just blow your money out that way ;)
In the same game a big allaince is also blowing there money out by finacing the biggest suicide-gank campeign in mmorpg-history...

Character emotes: You would thinking our character would be able to perform emotions by now with the KR client and all, you know, by jumping, climbing up some mountains and swimming in that water over, but no..

I believe these are in the works, however it will be some time yet and be a large download since instead of retaining the 3d client's version of modeling, they went back to the 2d version. In short, the delay is more due to the use of 2d-style stop-motion animation and a change in priorities. Perhaps the 3d client wasn't so bad afterall... was it?...
quto end

Yep - In 3D one could dance and do MANY things which you cant even dream of in 2D.

About closing half finished KR so that only one client could be maintained:
Great idea - There are hardly any old 3D players left anyway - Lets go a step backward.: I give UO hm 18-24 months max ?

Well time will tell what happens - My account goes inactive in about 60 days.
Lets see what the "great things which are being announced" are - but I have a slight feeling of deja-vu ;)

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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All of your ideas are great, and I hope any of them will be taken seriously despite how they are developed as long as they are eventually developed.

Kith Kanan

I would rather see a way for players to be able to design design houses for others.

The best way I can think of to do this is to have a new house access level that grants temporary access to customize a house, while not giving access to secures, etc. The house owner and architect would agree to a contract similar to vendor contracts and the architect gets paid after the owner sets the new design.
Make it so you can " make a copy of buildplans " in effect it would give you an option to copy the design of any house , IF the owner sold you a copy of the design plans


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Make it so you can " make a copy of buildplans " in effect it would give you an option to copy the design of any house , IF the owner sold you a copy of the design plans
Now that is a really great idea!
