Just about lol. It will be only slightly used in pvp. People tend to want their balanced suit, good against both casters and dexers. Using a refinement one way or the other will make you better against one and in trouble against the other.
they lowered it to 70dci that way after hld, you were back to square one. anything less than 70dci and u are going below 45dci anyways after hld, so you are gunna hit them... a lot more than the standard guy without refinements.
UO pvp typically isn't how you fair against one specific template, but how you fare against a whole, or in groups, or in ganks, etc etc. I've made many mentions of my parry mage. He can dominate a dexer, but fighting a mage, hes still a boosted up pure mage but he lacks that extra offensive capability. Similiar tradeoff, only in refinements case, the tradeoff hurts you more.
And sorry, back when i saw you on great lakes frequently (i barely play there myself anymore) you were always on Berethran the archer, in.. TB? Right?