UO - Call to Arms [Found on MMORPG.com - Cal's big annoucment- Magincia]

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  • Hail Guest!
    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!


What I found amusing, was that the link from that forum just took you to the UOherald website, where there was no actual mention of Call to Arms.

WTG with the fluid PR campaign!



Don't get me started ... I will post what should be there on the Herald.
Also, there is an actual newsletter that's coming out that has a lot more detail with images.

My announcement is a bit separate from this one ...

Throw pies here.




Don't get me started ... I will post what should be there on the Herald.
Also, there is an actual newsletter that's coming out that has a lot more detail with images.

My announcement is a bit separate from this one ...

Throw pies here.

I get tired of having to do everything for everyone at work too. I give you a pass!


Thanks Beef ... I have flames to put out ... Pardon me a few ...


They should be updating the link soon.

*long deep sigh* ... Who's meeting me at the bar???


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Oct 27, 2003
always Legends
was about to run off and find Queen Mum cause I thought maybe you needed a cookie

beer may help, too :)


Players creating new (non-trial) accounts will receive a “New Player Token” giving them access to 20,000 gold, a premium armor set, weapons, and increased skill gain for all venturing party members
So when does/did this start and does this include current accounts, I wonder?

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Jul 15, 2005
Usually they not fix stuff reported by me
uogamecodes right now

Ultima Online™ Stygian Abyss Upgrade Account Code
Platform: PC Release: New Release
Genre: Online Price: $29.99


Ultima Online™ Stygian Abyss New Account Code*
Platform: PC Release: New Release
Genre: Online Price: $39.99

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 27, 2007
Nameless Rune, Yew, Great Lakes
Live Events are back: One of the long lost gameplay elements of Ultima Online is returning with the help of Event Moderators to lead in game events and drive the live story arc. Ultima Online will be re-introducing several characters from both Ultima’s and Ultima Online’s past and pressing toward re-creating the former majesty of the town Magincia during Call to Arms
Uhm, Cal, you need a proofreader.. EM live events came back over a year and a half ago.

And please, New Magincia should not be 'majestic.' It’s the city of Humility remember? Was razed by daemons due to the Pride of its citizens… Making it into a showpiece city only shows that you don’t get the spirit of Ultima or understand its history. It doesn’t need to be a tiny farming village, but it shouldn’t return to the sandstone mansions either. Please, rethink this.


Hey Martyna,

this was actually an excerpt taken from a newsletter that will be going out to ummm ... let's just say a LOOooot of people. So not everyone knows about Event Moderators.

But yeah, I'm eating a lot of "Humility" myself on this one.

If you could put some mustard with it, I'd find it a bit more digestible.

I'm hoping the newsletter will offer a bit more clarity. Stay tuned.

We have one more tidbit for tomorrow as well.

Told you guys we were busy ...

P.S ... And don't worry about Magincia ... we are staying true to the intent and nature of the city.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 27, 2007
Nameless Rune, Yew, Great Lakes
Thank you for the response, we'd like to hear from you and the Dev Team more when you aren't running around putting out fires.

Though, one fire you may want to swiftly address is the fact that the publish notes are.. uhm.. well, screwy. Unannounced changes to the Bard Mastery abilities and the less-than-ideal random T-map locations (under houses and static objects, on the ocean, etc).

P.S ... And don't worry about Magincia ... we are staying true to the intent and nature of the city.
Very good to hear this. There are many people on Great Lakes who will hold you to this statement... :spider:

P.S. Please, for the love of the Virtues, give us a new male paper doll in the EC...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
But yeah, I'm eating a lot of "Humility" myself on this one.

P.S ... And don't worry about Magincia ... we are staying true to the intent and nature of the city.

Don't worry, I trust you won't betray it's....

*Puts on Sunglasses*

HUMBLE roots.....


First round's on me, Cal. Looking forward to your newsletter :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Los Angeles, California

Don't get me started ... I will post what should be there on the Herald.
Also, there is an actual newsletter that's coming out that has a lot more detail with images.

My announcement is a bit separate from this one ...

Throw pies here.

No worries Cal. Just a heads up though, UOGameCodes.com doesn't reflect the new pricing yet... although the EA Store does have the new pricing already. Not to grief you, but to let you know just in case.

Whole team needs a ice cold keg this weekend. :)

Trebr Drab

No worries Cal. Just a heads up though, UOGameCodes.com doesn't reflect the new pricing yet... although the EA Store does have the new pricing already. Not to grief you, but to let you know just in case.

Whole team needs a ice cold keg this weekend. :)
I suspect they don't have enough people to kill the keg. We may need to pitch in.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Feb 27, 2004
P.S ... And don't worry about Magincia ... we are staying true to the intent and nature of the city.

That is good news then.

A thing I always liked and enjoyed in UO is the different peculiarity and focus of each town in the realm.

Hey, I still have that odd dream that one day we'll have town markets with player vendors that can only sell items pertaining to the nature of that town (Magincia for Magery items, Trinsic for armor and warrior items and so forth....). You know, something to help re-populate towns, all of them not just Luna....

Oh well....... dreaming is nice at times....


... not surprised by this.

- Quite happy to see arenas entering. Can't wait until it expands to allow variations (2x2, 5x5, 1x3, etc..). And betting. And extending to add regulation terms for battles (~ only weapons, only mages, no potions, only underpants, hehe). And.. there are lots of possibilities to build upon here, I believe.

Quite happy to see an advertising campaign, of sorts, happening.
Quite happy to read much of the teaser announcement.
Great to see UO continue to evolve.

Quite used to the standard flames (whether deserved or not).

And it is true...
... I am not surprised by this.


No worries Cal. Just a heads up though, UOGameCodes.com doesn't reflect the new pricing yet... although the EA Store does have the new pricing already. Not to grief you, but to let you know just in case.

Whole team needs a ice cold keg this weekend. :)
Hmmm should be up now.


If you didn't come after me it would show you didn't give a hoot.
I prefer to hear the hoot! :)

- c


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dec 1, 2009
Whoa! Wait a minute! Arenas?!? Consentual PvP in UO?

Please please please, dont!!! Felucca is empty enough as it is! With this, a part of the PvP crowd may leave Fel and only use the arenas, thus making fel even emptier. If I want to duel in peace I just recall to somewhere in the middle of nowhere in fel and be fine.

This may be an idea to get more people to PvP, but I doubt that it will get more people to fel, more likely the opposite. :(


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 12, 2001
Just wondering about this newsletter will it have my email and account name on it you know as usual


Whoa! Wait a minute! Arenas?!? Consentual PvP in UO?

Please please please, dont!!! Felucca is empty enough as it is! With this, a part of the PvP crowd may leave Fel and only use the arenas, thus making fel even emptier. If I want to duel in peace I just recall to somewhere in the middle of nowhere in fel and be fine.

This may be an idea to get more people to PvP, but I doubt that it will get more people to fel, more likely the opposite. :(
- Interesting indeed.
I feel that there will still be many places to battle if one wants to battle in Felucca. I also surmise that arenas could provide possibilities that Felucca has yet to do; perhaps it might even ease new people into the activities available in Felucca that you seem to be in want of protecting.


While its great that UO is getting press, I honestly don't see this 'deal' as meaty enough to entice people to return.

We still have an awkward, over a year and still in beta *coughs* 'enhanced' client... two clients that are horribly outdated graphically... and tons of bugs and other things (Virtues?) that have been mishandled and laid by the road to just gather dust.

Two piddly arenas and stating we have EMs (which we've had for almost two years now) is not exactly newsworthy. A 'Return to Britannia' week would have been much more beneficial. I can't see someone wanting invest money without knowing more about UO when D&D, Runes of Magic and (soon) LotR are all F2P and MUCH better looking, not to mention handle better, client wise.

In other words, if Joe Schmoe who has never played UO before sees that he is expected to pay 29.99 for a game that looks like UO does... is he REALLY going to be tempted when there are nicer, sleeker, newer games that provide a more positive aesthetic feel for much cheaper? Or even free? Heck, I can't even convince my FRIENDS or BOYFRIEND to play UO, it is often referred to as 'that ugly game I play'. Even though I play (solely for rp, mind you), I would not in good conscience give this game as it stands good word of mouth... I could not recommend it to others. And that's sad, as I could other games very easily.

'Yeah, their customer service sucks.'

'Yeah, the art on the game sucks.'

'Yeah, the team releases stuff buggy and half done constantly.'

'Yeah, they often ignore their playerbase.'

Seriously. There is little to sell about this game.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 27, 2007
Nameless Rune, Yew, Great Lakes
And we are not surprised by this.
Doubtlessly similar to the way we're not surprised at you leaping at another opportunity to heckle the devs.
It’s called negative reinforcement. We shouldn't be coddling the Dev Team and patting them on the head when they continually screw up. If we do, then we get the level of service that UO currently has - pathetic. They are professionals, not children.

Which begs the question... Where are the announcements that were supposed to be forthcoming today? They are now, what, six hours overdue?


It’s called negative reinforcement. We shouldn't be coddling the Dev Team and patting them on the head when they continually screw up. If we do, then we get the level of service that UO currently has - pathetic. They are professionals, not children.
Agreed. Congratulate them when they do well, but we should just as much call them to task when they drop the ball.

They just happen, it seems, to drop the ball a LOT.


There's a point where this "negative reinforcement" thing becomes unproductive.
Berating them at every misstep (which is hardly an exaggeration) goes above and beyond, and is about as bad as the constant praise you express distaste for.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Baja Shard
Bioware Mythic has issued a Call to Arms for all current, new and former Ultima Online players to return to the game. Starting today, August 5th, players are invited to join up against the minions of evil and to participate in new live events being organized by GMs across the UO servers. Players will have the chance to explore the latest UO expansion, The Stygian Abyss.
So is this starting today or what?


Given a couple of typos, and no official posting anywhere, maybe this is was a draft or an outline for what was going to be announced.. and it got posted as news prematurely by someone who got ahold of aforementioned draft/outline.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
Baja Shard
Given a couple of typos, and no official posting anywhere, maybe this is was a draft or an outline for what was going to be announced.. and it got posted as news prematurely by someone who got ahold of aforementioned draft/outline.
Maybe, but it says it starts today and we know nothing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jun 7, 2008
i really hope the arena isnt limited to 1v1 only :(


Maybe EA Japan told everyone months ago :D

Speaking of which, when do *we* get the $5 for 7 days subscription??


Damnit, now if I would have waited a week longer to come back I would have been able to upgrade my accounts cheaper.

I knew I should have wait for some reason!