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Uninteruptable mage?



I was told a Mage who has:
120 magery
120 eval
120 med
and 100 inscription
is an uniteruptable mage? I found it hard to beleive but is this at all true?
i would think they would need the 120 wrestle or anatomy too or it just doesnt compute.


they probably had protection on. but i believe you can still fizzle through protection if you hit hard enough.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no... your spells cannot be interrupted with protection on.


I was told a Mage who has:
120 magery
120 eval
120 med
and 100 inscription
is an uniteruptable mage? I found it hard to beleive but is this at all true?
i would think they would need the 120 wrestle or anatomy too or it just doesnt compute.
Uninteruptability (?) is down to protection. It has nothing to do with individual skill levels - on my mage anyway. There are some drawbacks I believe - longer casting times is one - but I still use protection on all my mages and am NEVER interrupted unless paralysed while casting.


yes, the only way to fizzle while protection is cast is when you're para'd while casting.


It does however drop you to 0/(insert number up to 6 here) casting.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes, the only way to fizzle while protection is cast is when you're para'd while casting.
It will fizzle them if they cast the spell and are holding a target cursor, but get parad before they target.

If they are casting a spell NOTHING can paralyze them.

I fight mages in protection on a dexer with nerve strike. I nerve strike them mid-spell, i get the damage bonus but no para.


UO Forum Moderator
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You forgot that getting mana drained/vamped below the mana cost of the spell will fizzle you too - but that is typically only an occurance with higher-end spells, when near the end of a total mana dump, and a rare one at that (most likely, a PvM issue, where something keeps dispelling your summons).


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please note that,

you CANNOT para a target or nerve strike or stun punch a target when they are "CASTING" a spell

means when they do NOT have the target cursor up

Once they got the target cursor up, you are able to para them by normal means.

So again, protection mage have flaw is that other people could stun punch, nerve strike, or para them with spell while they have cursor up while wanted to release the spell at the same time and end up "frizzle" which wasted the "LONGER and INEFFICIENT" time of casting.

Again, protection mage is very inefficient and should not be considered unless in critical situation where enough support and correct location applies.


Please note that,

you CANNOT para a target or nerve strike or stun punch a target when they are "CASTING" a spell

means when they do NOT have the target cursor up

Once they got the target cursor up, you are able to para them by normal means.

So again, protection mage have flaw is that other people could stun punch, nerve strike, or para them with spell while they have cursor up while wanted to release the spell at the same time and end up "frizzle" which wasted the "LONGER and INEFFICIENT" time of casting.

Again, protection mage is very inefficient and should not be considered unless in critical situation where enough support and correct location applies.
I have to disagree.

If you paralyze a mage while he is casting and he releases the spell (instead of holding it) then it will be interrupted. However he can hold a precast spell until paralyze wears off then release the spell without fizzling.


I have to disagree.

If you paralyze a mage while he is casting and he releases the spell (instead of holding it) then it will be interrupted. However he can hold a precast spell until paralyze wears off then release the spell without fizzling.
I have to disagree. I was surrounded by a bunch of faction enemies the other day at my house and like a noob to taunt them I ran out with Recall precast. I got paralyze and it dropped my recall and I dropped and no it wasn't that the spell timed out.


I've played a mage for a long time and I stand by what I said.

The spell won't work while your paralyzed, did you click your rune while paralyzed?

Were you insta killed by the group before your spell went off?