(SPOILERS) Inu the Crone Thread #17! (Also Blackrock, Ricardo, and other ItC subplots)

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4 I have read of reference to (im not up on all UO history so may need pointers) a FELOWSHIP (identity unsure, FOA ?) creating a black gate to help a creature called the Guardian gain access to Sosaria.

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Somebody hasn't played Ultimas 7-9! The Guardian is the focus of these Ultimas.

In Ultima VII we come to Britannia to find that the virtues are quickly being abandoned in favour of The Fellowship and it's principles. After much investigation the Avatar soon finds out that the Fellowship is basically a front and a dangerous cult that is attempting (at it's higher levels) to help a malevolent world-enslaving entity from another dimension gain access to Britannia, of which it currently has none. The only way to do this is to build a BLACK Moongate which would theoretically allow entities from other universes to travel to Britannia, entities such as The Guardian.

I can't see The Fellowship being a part of UO at the moment, creepy ****s that they are. It IS possible however, and it IS also possible that The Guardian may come into play, considering that UO has typically focused on Ultimas 1-4 and largely ignored Ultimas 5-9. However with the entry of Gargoyles and the Stygian Abyss we might see some introduction of plot elements from Ultimas 6-7, but it seems unlikely to me.

imported_Trebr Drab

The Wisp in the hive said:
Shyttyryd: Yt wys yftyr thy tryvyyl spyll wys shyryd wyth Brytynnyy. (It was after the trivial spell was shared with Britannia.)
Spyll: Yys, yt nyw hys y fyllywyng. Hywyvyr thyry yry ythyr pywyrs yt hynd. (Yes, it now has a following. However there are other powers at hand.)

So, the FOA isn't behind this, rather some other force.

A few notes related to Mord's list about the black gate and all this talk of blackrock.
The FOA used blackrock and the relics of Mondain, we assume to cast armageddon. I'm not so sure. But at the time the FOA was defeated and most, if not all, of it's leaders captured. The trial of the top leader never happened, publically anyways.
Nystul collected the blackrock.
So they had gathered blackrock somehow, but lost it.
Now, once again, we see Blackrock cropping up (literally), what may have been the beginnings of a black gate, and we have collected quite a bit of the Blackrock. Inu warns us to be rid of it.



The Wisp in the hive said:
Shyttyryd: Yt wys yftyr thy tryvyyl spyll wys shyryd wyth Brytynnyy. (It was after the <font color=blue>trivial</font color=blue> spell was shared with Britannia.)

[/ QUOTE ]

trivial = travel?
It was after the travel spell was shared with Britannia.

There's some interesting reading in the book, "Dimensional Travel, A Monograph". Blue moongates allow passage from place to place, white moongates allow time travel, while black moongates allow passage from one dimension to another. It goes on to talk about black moongates, Blackthorn, and crystalline structures.

imported_mord mhor

Have the Shadowlords and FOA ever worked together or been linked in anyway?

Possesion and infiltration seem like bedfellows to me.

Ceridwen DF


I know it´s bad to quote your own stuff, but about the "trivial spell", it all fits together when you see this:


In ancient times, only one man was ever known to have actually held a comprehensible dialogue with the Wisps. The Wisps follishly trusted this mage with the Apocalypse (Doomsday) spell, which he then used to wipe out all life on Sosaria for a period of time. This evil mage is dead, and his name is now anathema, not to be spoken within the realm of Britannia.

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@Yazman´s post


The only way to do this is to build a BLACK Moongate which would theoretically allow entities from other universes to travel to Britannia, entities such as The Guardian.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like the rifts.

imported_Trebr Drab



The Wisp in the hive said:
Shyttyryd: Yt wys yftyr thy tryvyyl spyll wys shyryd wyth Brytynnyy. (It was after the <font color=blue>trivial</font color=blue> spell was shared with Britannia.)

[/ QUOTE ]

trivial = travel?
It was after the travel spell was shared with Britannia.

There's some interesting reading in the book, "Dimensional Travel, A Monograph". Blue moongates allow passage from place to place, white moongates allow time travel, while black moongates allow passage from one dimension to another. It goes on to talk about black moongates, Blackthorn, and crystalline structures.

[/ QUOTE ]

I said back then that I thought "travail" fit much better, but was shot down.

Main Entry: 1tra·vail
Pronunciation: tr&amp;-'vAl, 'tra-"vAl
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from travailler to torment, labor, journey, from Vulgar Latin *trepaliare to torture, from Late Latin trepalium instrument of torture, from Latin tripalis having three stakes, from tri- + palus stake -- more at POLE
1 a : work especially of a painful or laborious nature : TOIL b : a physical or mental exertion or piece of work : TASK, EFFORT c : AGONY, TORMENT

Then look up PARTURITION

Main Entry: par·tu·ri·tion
Pronunciation: "pär-ch&amp;-'ri-sh&amp;n, "pär-tyu-, "pär-t&amp;-
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Latin parturition-, parturitio, from Latin parturire
: the action or process of giving birth to offspring

Now does this sound like the Armageddon spell or what?


I think love is a code for the womb. The w.ord o.f m.outh b.and. No shade can stand up to the mighty womb! Tides do change and I think this one truly has; for they truly haven't given us much less than progress in this past year.
I think the love might suppress the shade some, indeed, and reflectively bring some welcome light to the positive womb; for afterall these are solid signs of a kingdom reborn.
At least by my reckonin'.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Sep 8, 2006

A friend of mine found Inu at the WBB here on Origin..and she seems to be saying two new phrases along with the ones she was spouting before the Candle of Love Event..

The Lord of Hatred shows his hand! Astaroth.
The demon knows darkness



A heads up to the woestruck blackrock-infected citizens of the land ... the end of your curse is neigh! (patch notes for the latest publish indicate that blackrock-infected monsters are going to stop spawning)

(not that I would condone running anyone around infecting things to complete a collection of blackrock-infection boxes)