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I read in a recent thread, and saw on the chart that Jeremy linked to, that gain times are directly related to the total skill points on the character.

So, just to confirm, if I was to soulstone the other 6 skills on my character so I only had the 108+ Tailoring skill, my skill gains would come a hell of a lot faster right?

Gotta love dem soulstones....

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
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Jul 29, 2003
Spokane, WA
I haven't seen that post but it sounds like she was possibly referring to GGS.

Under GGS you are guaranteed a gain but at intervals that are directly based upon how many total skills points your character has.

Here's the link

It's broken down by both overall total skill points 350, 500 or 700 and then by the skill level of the skill being trained. You can effectively decrease the amount of time between GGS gains by dropping a couple hundred skill points onto a few Soulstones.


Yeah, she was referring to the GGS. I'm just trying to speed the process up any way I can.


Ok, it'll help a little at least. I've got enough full soulstones so it's no big deal to dump all the rest of his skills.

I'd asked this in another thread, but I'm making studded do's right now because it's the only thing that gives me a decent success/fail rate, but I see from reading some of the sticky's that items that I'd have a 100% chance to make are being suggested. Why is that? Don't you need that fail % in order to gain faster?

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
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Jul 29, 2003
Spokane, WA
Tailoring has always seemed to go by it's own system IMO.

You'll still get decent gains even crafting items with 100% success chance.

Most people brute-force train crafting skills. At least I always have anyways. You are correct though that gains are more frequent when there is a success rate below 100%. I've always believed that perfect range was 70-90%.

However since resource management can be a key factor in training crafting skills, it sometimes outweighs the benefits of slightly more frequent gains.


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Jul 16, 2003
Southeastern Kentucky
You can gain on any item whose chance to make is less than your Skill Cap that you're scrolled to. This works for both tailor and smith.

For example, if your tailor has a Tailor skill cap of 100 (no scroll used), you stop gaining from that item at 100% success.

If your are scrolled to 105, then you would gain from that item until your chance of success would be 105% (would still be displayed as 100%)

IF scrolled to 120, then you could gain on the item until you had a 120% chance to make (still displayed at 100%).

This is why you should never train crafting while wearing a talisman for that skill, unless you're crafting one of the rare items that starts at 0% instead of 40% for chance to make.

How to tell what your non-displayed chance to make is...

It differs below GM and above GM slightly, as there is a +15% chance to craft exceptional at GM+

Exceptional crafting of an item begins when you reach 60% chance to make normally (without a talisman). Both crafting and exceptional crafting advance at a 2/1 rate; so every 0.1 skill increases your chance to craft by 0.2%. As a result, every 2.5 skill = 5% of crafting skill for items you make, for measuring amount over 100.

So, at skills under GM, not scrolled, you stop gaining at 100% Normal, 40% exceptional. At GM, this would display as 100% normal, 55% exceptional.

If you have used a 105 crafter skill scroll for the skill you're training, you will stop gaining on at item at displayed (without a talisman):
45% Exceptional (if under GM), or 60% Exceptional (GM or higher skill).
This is 2.5 skill points higher than the point you became 100% to craft the item, and the equivalent of being 105% chance of success.

If scrolled to 110, this improves to
50% Exceptional (under GM skill) / 65% Exceptional (GM+ skill) / 5 skill points higher than the point you became 100% chance of success to craft it.

If scrolled to 115, this improves to
55% Exceptional (under GM skill) / 70% Exceptional (GM+ skill) / 7.5 skill points higher than the point you became 100% chance of success to craft it.

If scrolled to 120, this improves to
60% Exceptional (under GM skill) / 75% Exceptional (GM+ skill) / 10 skill points higher than the point you became 100% chance of success to craft it.

These numbers are the basis for all the "What you can craft for gains" charts for the various versions of Tailor & Smith FAQs (and the line for non-scrolled gains applies to all the scroll-less crafting skills as well).

Here's a quick chart I whipped up illustrating the above numbers... Mods, feel free to copy the chart and add it to any FAQs on Stratics.


Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
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Jul 29, 2003
Spokane, WA
Damn dude!

I thought I was bad, but yeah that explains well how 100% chance to craft things still gives gains in tailoring and smithing.


Grand Poobah
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Sep 2, 2003
Yeah, nice work Basara.

Screw mods putting it on stratics - how about sending it to our new crafting dev's so they can better understand the system. LOL


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Jul 16, 2003
Southeastern Kentucky
I'm not sure if what I'm doing for crafter training would be consider brute force.

I'm trying to train all of my BOD runners up to 120 smithing, with the new changes.

I'm crafting for gains, BUT I'm doing it this way.

1. I am scrolling my smiths as I get scrolls (1 has eaten a 110, 2 115s and 1 a 120, besides the two I'm already done training - my Legendary primary, and a mule that has 80 for carpentry)
2. I have junk BOD books divided into "can gain with into the 90s" and "post-GM gains" (mostly plate small BODs), with a 3rd book for the crap and the stuff between the other two books' gain ranges (my smith currently at 93 is currently being tasked with filling that junk)
3. I use these training sessions to train 2-3 of my smiths, while filling bods to turn in with my primary smith (120 skill).

Man, I'm going through the ingots, but when I'm done, I'll have 4 or 5 smiths with 120 smith and GM Arms lore (other side benefit of this method of bod filling).

After that, I'm gonna do the tailoring the same way (putting this off to stockpile leather, thanks to the greater dragons)

Ezekiel Zane

Grand Poobah
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Jul 29, 2003
Spokane, WA
Yeah I just decided today that I would go ahead and train all my BOD runners up. I have fourteen total. One is already Legendary smith/tailor, six more are 105 smithing and 105 tailoring. The remaining seven are all GM smithing GM tailoring.

I feel like I'm already getting better BODs since the publish. I figured I'd go ahead and get the next bump at Elder for all of them. I'll probably eventually take them all up to Legendary smithing and tailoring.

I've stockpiled around 600k ingots and somewhere in the neighborhood of 180k leather.

My method is to just sit there and craft and recycle/smelt until I'm done. I can put in a few hours per day when I'm home.


So with this info, taking into consideration that I'm not concerned about how much leather I burn (I can always buy more), which would get me to 120 faster from 109.8 skill, the Studded Hiro Sode as suggested in the sticky or the Studded Do that I'm currently making? I just want to get the tailoring done so I can move on to the next skill in line.

I'm a man on a mission....


Unless you're stuck on leather you can make elven shirts to 115, then switch to studded gloves to 117, then go hiro sode. I've just been GGS'ing tailor since the only difference between 100 and 120 is success making armor no one wears



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Mar 18, 2004
McMinnville Oregon
If leather is no problem and you want to get there fast I would go with the studded do .
I tried to find a post I had read about this but couldnt find it so its a close call and Im way to lazy to try to do the math myself lol the only thought I keep going back to is that you get gains on success . so I say go for the do and and good luck to ya

Flint LS Shard



Unless you're stuck on leather you can make elven shirts to 115, then switch to studded gloves to 117, then go hiro sode. I've just been GGS'ing tailor since the only difference between 100 and 120 is success making armor no one wears


[/ QUOTE ]

You have a better chance at succeeding at enhancing at 120 than you do at 100.



If leather is no problem and you want to get there fast I would go with the studded do .
I tried to find a post I had read about this but couldnt find it so its a close call and Im way to lazy to try to do the math myself lol the only thought I keep going back to is that you get gains on success . so I say go for the do and and good luck to ya

Flint LS Shard

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, then it's back to more studded do's. I think I could have equipped every samurai that's ever lived by now, and had a spare set for each...


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Jul 16, 2003
Southeastern Kentucky
Of course, the benefit of crafting the studded armor in general is that you'll get arms lore gains if you need them, and probably more likely to get them than you would from from cloth ninja hoods (the lower your chance to make, the bigger chance of a gain for tailoring, and to a lesser extent arms lore, though you gain AL even when you can't gain tailoring from the item due to high skill).

MY best arms lore gains recently have been from the items I'm about 80-90% chance to craft normal, but all weapons, all armors, and cloth headgear have at least some chance of a gain.


I've already gotten GM in Arms Lore, but yeah, this would have been a good opportunity to get it if I hadn't. I got that as soon as I came back in October when I found out about the bonus it gives.


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Jul 16, 2003
Southeastern Kentucky
What really sucks is that I have no room on my main account to get Arms Lore for my Bowyer or main smith at the time (the only two crafters on my main account). I might soulstone off a skill from my bowyer, do a crapload of bow quests (I've not done the heartwood shuffle for almost 2 years, and have only ever owned 1, oak, runic), and raise it up as a skill to swap around as needed.

On the bright side, I just submitted a Blacksmithing guide which might replace the PRE-BOD-ERA one on the Stratics site.


And here's the very last skill that needed to be completed on this character, my second oldest one. This makes 3 out of 6 characters "complete" now, so I'm well on track for hitting my UO New Year's Resolution to have all of my characters completed by the end of the year.



Seasoned Veteran
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Aug 11, 2004
Congratulations. But, um...I think you need to up to seven in order to fully realize that resolution. :p


"I think you need to up to seven in order to fully realize that resolution"

What does Seven Up have to do with my screen resolution? Are you suggesting I spew something other than coffee on it?


I picked up the thread late but I remember reading somewhere that if your power levelling a tailor you should only use npc bought kits. Your GM made kit may have a bunch more uses but in testing the GM kits gave fewer gains then the npc bought kits. Kinda makes the extra uses usless for gaining purposes. *sigh* (i remember the good old days when newbie kits didn't have uses and didn't get used up!)


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Jul 16, 2003
Southeastern Kentucky
I've not seen any differences in gaining from kit types.

I think what you're remembering had to do with the system pre-AOS (if not much older), which (among other things) had stats influencing your displayed skill level, and so on.