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So Ahh How did ya make out with PVP club ?



I would like to thank the W-R & CFC ppl for giving me such a laugh on friday night.
Justwondering if you honestly thought that having a public event in fel and keeping the house public would work out ?
at least you had 1 full fight b4 the mess.
Think anyone eles wondered why there were no BC in signing up or in the building watching?


Again...you're a joke without your numbers to back you up. If it wasnt for good hearted people like them, you would have no one to grief, so yes, you should be thanking them. AND....IF....you were that LeeT you would run with a smaller guild and attempt to oppose the masses. Instead, just a coward that hides behind a big name. Happy griefing.

P.S. - it was pretty funny though...lol, ALOT of corpses!


First, W-R has nothing to do with PVPc, it is not affiliated with a guild. We have guilds sponsor the events, and other chars of ours are in several other guilds, the only people we're affiliated with is CFC. Second, yes, we will have another public fel event, I just gotta have all of BC on my ban list. Third, coming in, and spamming wither is really something to brag about. Christ, I can do that, and I suck. whoopdeedoo. BC does NOT own GL, nobody does. We WILL do it again, regardless of what you do. It was actually kinda fun, and after the guilds got ressed and organized, from what I saw, ya'll got plenty of practice casting An Corp alot.
Roll in, field, die, run east, get ressed, rinse and repeat.



Again...you're a joke without your numbers to back you up. If it wasnt for good hearted people like them, you would have no one to grief, so yes, you should be thanking them. AND....IF....you were that LeeT you would run with a smaller guild and attempt to oppose the masses. Instead, just a coward that hides behind a big name. Happy griefing.

P.S. - it was pretty funny though...lol, ALOT of corpses!

[/ QUOTE ]

well put! Everybody figured it was gonna happen, nobody knew when. It was pretty chicken$#!t the way you rolled in tho and casted EQ and spammed wither. Jeesh you guys are so leet and really have that skill down! Only took 30 BC spamming wither and EQ to kill those off who couldnt move to get away to cast on your sorry asses. Once outside and everybody got resd you guys all ran off to regroup. Even numbers and BC runs off to hide..Way to greif a decent event that a few were enjoying. To answer your question about why nobody from BC joined..well bottom line is your kinda like that smelly fish at the bottom of the lake that eats other fishes crap! You cant beat anybody else to be at the top of the food chain by proving that you are a decent 1 vs 1 player. without the numbers BC isnt any better than a group of the finest banksitters with sewing kits to pvp with! Good day sir!


Sorry peoples i cant really say im shocked BC has always tride to grief fel events.. the only event they couldnt grief was Repomans dueling contest thats because PR and FS! {IN THERE PRIME} woulda smahed there whole guild with 10 people lol :p


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We all knew BC was gonna roll in with numbers, it was a given. They do what they are good at, disrupting and grieving others in fel. It has been a long time since I had seen that many bc come in. Heard Sir Bart was there as well.

I was more disappointed by the reaction of the large guild that sponsored the event ( not WR), area effect spells hit any red if cast by a blue and you all should know that! Then coming into the house and killing people, puts you in the same class as BC.

As far as the house design goes and the tourney, I am sure there will be improvements made and an attempt to make a go of it. I for one will be back to watch even with the risk of death. Good Job, PVPc!

Hopefully, the more leet pvpers will come and make a stand against BC if they disrupt it next time. How about it boys??? You all trash each other, but do you think you all could work together once and while to defend something good in our fair land of fel?


Well put, Arabella. As far as the other large guild, they were all cool, until someone got a little hot headed. I can't blame an entire guild for doin that, just a few folks. All in all every guild that was there was great and well behaved until BC rolled in. They started it, but in the end, after they turned tail and ran when we worked together and ran them off, we ended it ourselves. It happens, it's fel, what do you expect?

Oh, and dude, that can be arranged. I own an arena, remember? I can access the both of you, and take pics of the entire thing. I'll just have to have a couple peeps on hand to readily dispel any gates you try to throw up. How bout it, Deke vs Adonis? bets anyone? BOTH of you pm me and we can do it anytime. No time limit, no interferance from me or my staff. Just the two of you and me and a couple staff members.

BTW, this is open to ANYONE wanting a duel with another person, feel free to PM me with a challenge. If both parties are interested, then I can stage the event, but it will not be a spectator event, only for posting here.



We left so not everyone would get banned. I know we think before we slaughter. We came in twice and did the exact same thing. Then outside it was a lot more of the same. I think we went back a total of 5 times. In all that time your telling me the 40+ people there couldnt mount an attack against 22 BC?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok....22 people instead of 30...forgive us please for not being able to count all 22 people right away and having to make a rough estimate instead. Secondly...."we went back a total of 5 times." Go back where? Back in the house to wither spam the 5 people that were left standing there? That is an incredible amount of skill...almost as much as the evil omen para ganks you are so famous for...thats not PvP...thats just plain silly. Sometime, when you grow a pair, come out from behind that big BC tag and stop offering up duels for everyone else in your guild besides yourself. You want a duel with FireCrazy? Why don't you duel him yourself? Of course, I suppose there would be no other BC there to grief that event as well right? Or some other reason why you cant make it...lmao.....go back to griefing, its the only thing you and your zerglings are remotely good at.


well ill say i got killed in the first bc attack something about tryng to move when 22 people hop throu a gate at once doesnt apeal to my computer. After Running to chaos reequiping and happen to show up at the second gating was a diffrent story you should see the path of bodies i left on the way to the entrance of ice it was a poor showing once the wither was out of the picture VERY POOR.
ILL solo any of your ultra uber l77t pvpers im sure your top few mages can kill me, but beyond that you and the rest of bc are just a bunch of meat shields

I do thank pvpc for the thought of haveing this in fel i had fun in my 10 second complete fight.



All in all every guild that was there was great and well behaved until BC rolled in. They started it, but in the end, after they turned tail and ran when we worked together and ran them off, we ended it ourselves. It happens, it's fel, what do you expect?

[/ QUOTE ]

How does BC turn tail and run when all the non BC ppl are dead? Thats just plain idiotic. BC flattened all those that didnt head for the hills, then BC left. Then BC came back and did it all over again. This happened three times atleast. So where you get the idea that BC ran off as if they were defeated is beyond me. You didnt end anything. If you think you did... you are wrong. It was ended for you.
All that aside it was a cool set up and seemed to be a nicely organized little opperation (the fight club thing). Good job.


It's a pity I was too busy banning to take screenshots of my front lawn littered with the corpses of BC. Yeah, ya'll came back, and listening into my guild vent was alot of laughter and BC resing to the east. Ya'll came back, only after resing up, and yeah, ya'll did it again. The only thing ya'll ever did, after the first two inside raids, was cast fields and die. Whoopie. Next time will be different. Lesson learned. But, once again, it was fun! We all had fun, even with a monochrome screen. Next time we'll be waving hankerchiefs out the windows as ya'll cast field after field after field.


I have no problem fighting anyone. Oh no im gonna lose a duel. Necro mages dont duel btw....As for your comment about setting up duels with everyone else... Apparently you didnt read his post where he said BC. Which means everyone in the guild. Most BC dont read these boards so i was being the inbetween guy. I dunno what kind of character Deke is but whatever ill outfit my scribe. Ive got cpl mill to toss around.

I want to see the pictures of you guys pushing BC back....I died once the entire night and it was to rikky in destard that we raided inbetween feasts at your event. As for the fields umm thats group pvp.. and we pushed into XVs fields who were weakly trying to defend your house. We pushed everytime to the door slaughtering all that stayed then left. Let you guys regroup get outfitted and we came back again and again. I mean hell even JD took out a loan dexer using his signature move. EB EB EB EB EB....

If last night was you guys winning I'd hate to see you guys losing. As for your offer to host the match if its anything like last night I doubt it. These fights are unorganized and prove nothing. Look at my picturesi started with 20 heals and ended with 107 just looting a cpl ppl. Not to mention the petals. Thats not fighting thats who can run who out of pots and petals first.

If you want to make fights make the armor provide the blank 1/3 ring brace and fight that way. It would be alot more telling as to who is better then who and it might actually be worth fighting. Instead of the dexer fights which im sure went with disarm concussion. Maybe some dp thrown in or some mortals. Every dexer im sure put parry on. Took resist off threw on bushido or hell alchemy so they could get the extra pot bonus. All you did was confine yew gate to an arena wtg.


Dude im sure your proving your point 100% being as your only effective pvp char is an archer and hell your not that good without 2 more people with you. You can talk all day and all night about how l77tsauce you and bc are but you sound a hell of alot like charlie browns teacher....... WAWAWAHAWAWHW

Sometimes its better to be silent and let people think your a moron as to start talking and prove them right:-(




We left so not everyone would get banned. I know we think before we slaughter. We came in twice and did the exact same thing. Then outside it was a lot more of the same. I think we went back a total of 5 times. In all that time your telling me the 40+ people there couldnt mount an attack against 22 BC?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok....22 people instead of 30...forgive us please for not being able to count all 22 people right away and having to make a rough estimate instead. Secondly...."we went back a total of 5 times." Go back where? Back in the house to wither spam the 5 people that were left standing there? That is an incredible amount of skill...almost as much as the evil omen para ganks you are so famous for...thats not PvP...thats just plain silly. Sometime, when you grow a pair, come out from behind that big BC tag and stop offering up duels for everyone else in your guild besides yourself. You want a duel with FireCrazy? Why don't you duel him yourself? Of course, I suppose there would be no other BC there to grief that event as well right? Or some other reason why you cant make it...lmao.....go back to griefing, its the only thing you and your zerglings are remotely good at.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not a rough estimate it is a huge exageration. as far as the rest goes you need to take a chill pill and find a game to play that makes you less bitter. Honestly if I were that bitter from playing a game I would certainly consider finding a different hobby.

imported_lady michelle


We all knew BC was gonna roll in with numbers, it was a given. They do what they are good at, disrupting and grieving others in fel. It has been a long time since I had seen that many bc come in. Heard Sir Bart was there as well.

I was more disappointed by the reaction of the large guild that sponsored the event ( not WR), area effect spells hit any red if cast by a blue and you all should know that! Then coming into the house and killing people, puts you in the same class as BC.

As far as the house design goes and the tourney, I am sure there will be improvements made and an attempt to make a go of it. I for one will be back to watch even with the risk of death. Good Job, PVPc!

Hopefully, the more leet pvpers will come and make a stand against BC if they disrupt it next time. How about it boys??? You all trash each other, but do you think you all could work together once and while to defend something good in our fair land of fel?

[/ QUOTE ] I put my differances aside lastnght. Casull attacked me, but I know it wasn't on purpose, because he is blue, also he apologies to me. and let me know he was looking for aids. Also I rezzed a red PWNT, and a few others Reds in other guilds at the next one I will it again.


Let me explain it a bit better, seeing as how you can't grasp basic reading comprehension. I said just you, him, and my staff. All you really need to do is provide me with a date and time. Say, Wed, 8 central, and it's done. Then, you show up alone, I access you. Deke shows up alone, I access him. You both get in ring, I say fight. One of you dies. I post winner on stratics. Does that sound organized enough for you? Or do you need a event program with little pictures?

And, unfortunately, I don't have pics of dead BC, I was busy banning folks and helping the spectators. So, due to your short term memory loss, you don't remember resing your buddies, and if you didn't die, it just means that you are a better runner than your guildmates, which is all it really takes.


I wasnt replying to you moron. I was replying to the guy who said why u gotta set up duels with other people. Apparently your reading comprehension sux. So pls stfu.

Ahh poor sunchicken again with the archer statement. As i recall i wasnt on my archer at any fight last night...Maybe I was mistaken. Am i a expert duelist? No never claimed to be and never been something ive really cared about doing. I handle my own in big field fights which leads to victories. So i could care less about dueling. If you read roadkills response to one of my threads the only decent duelers are pyro and dimebag..wheres your name? As dueling is something you practice and bash on others for not being able to do.

I dont care to sit down and learn which is the correct way to spam lvl 3 spells and under the best. It doesnt help me in big fights be like man i need to poison weaken harm spam that dude. Ive watched my share of mage duels and i just dont care. Every mage duel is who lands the most poisons and disrupts them with the uber harm ma fireball. If you can do it good for you. You sat down and became good at something to make yourself have some kind of worth in a game. OMG I SO TOTALLY OUT DUELED THAT FOOL DID U SEE THAT!!



I wasnt replying to you moron. I was replying to the guy who said why u gotta set up duels with other people. Apparently your reading comprehension sux. So pls stfu.

Ahh poor sunchicken again with the archer statement. As i recall i wasnt on my archer at any fight last night...Maybe I was mistaken. Am i a expert duelist? No never claimed to be and never been something ive really cared about doing. I handle my own in big field fights which leads to victories. So i could care less about dueling. If you read roadkills response to one of my threads the only decent duelers are pyro and dimebag..wheres your name? As dueling is something you practice and bash on others for not being able to do.

I dont care to sit down and learn which is the correct way to spam lvl 3 spells and under the best. It doesnt help me in big fights be like man i need to poison weaken harm spam that dude. Ive watched my share of mage duels and i just dont care. Every mage duel is who lands the most poisons and disrupts them with the uber harm ma fireball. If you can do it good for you. You sat down and became good at something to make yourself have some kind of worth in a game. OMG I SO TOTALLY OUT DUELED THAT FOOL DID U SEE THAT!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds to me like you need a tissue like always ... but then again your very bad at the mage class so.....i do understand your sarcasim towards dueling not everyone has the skill to duel just stick with your archer less macros :}



I have no problem fighting anyone. Oh no im gonna lose a duel. Necro mages dont duel btw.... As for your comment about setting up duels with everyone else... Apparently you didnt read his post where he said BC. Which means everyone in the guild. Most BC dont read these boards so i was being the inbetween guy. I dunno what kind of character Deke is but whatever ill outfit my scribe. Ive got cpl mill to toss around.

I want to see the pictures of you guys pushing BC back....I died once the entire night and it was to rikky in destard that we raided inbetween feasts at your event. As for the fields umm thats group pvp.. and we pushed into XVs fields who were weakly trying to defend your house. We pushed everytime to the door slaughtering all that stayed then left. Let you guys regroup get outfitted and we came back again and again. I mean hell even JD took out a loan dexer using his signature move. EB EB EB EB EB....

If last night was you guys winning I'd hate to see you guys losing. As for your offer to host the match if its anything like last night I doubt it. These fights are unorganized and prove nothing. Look at my picturesi started with 20 heals and ended with 107 just looting a cpl ppl. Not to mention the petals. Thats not fighting thats who can run who out of pots and petals first.

If you want to make fights make the armor provide the blank 1/3 ring brace and fight that way. It would be alot more telling as to who is better then who and it might actually be worth fighting. Instead of the dexer fights which im sure went with disarm concussion. Maybe some dp thrown in or some mortals. Every dexer im sure put parry on. Took resist off threw on bushido or hell alchemy so they could get the extra pot bonus. All you did was confine yew gate to an arena wtg.

[/ QUOTE ]

For your own sake, I've high lighted the parts where you were addressing me. There's that short term memory loss again, you need to lay off the smoke before you post again. You might have Atilla26's reply post, but you were addressing me. In any event, what you did you can't even take credit for, like you're doing, because it wasn't you, it was you and 21 (just so I get your math right...) BC hitting ONE BUTTON on your keyboard. In a duel, you have to do a little more than that, which is obviously too much for your corroded mind to do, so you hide behind the red curtain and loot petals. You're putting down on duels you say are without skill, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Get over yourself and drink some more kool-aid.



Again...you're a joke without your numbers to back you up. If it wasnt for good hearted people like them, you would have no one to grief, so yes, you should be thanking them. AND....IF....you were that LeeT you would run with a smaller guild and attempt to oppose the masses. Instead, just a coward that hides behind a big name. Happy griefing.

P.S. - it was pretty funny though...lol, ALOT of corpses!

[/ QUOTE ]

K know it all do you even know who I am?... NO... do you know who i roll with ? ...NO... Dont Assume stuff you dont know. I was just there watching. And for as hiding behind a big name so you say , how many guilds are you alligned with and hide behind ??? if you were that LeeT you would run w-r by itself. so think about what you say Before you say it .There has been alot of posts you and deke complain about which you and w-r are guilty of doing yourself.



Not sure who your characters are fire crazy but I'm more then willing to bet there is people in BC who would take your cant fight anyone 1v1. Im sure we can find a broker to hold the gold. Just post here or pm me when you want to as you say 1v1 members of BC.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can always find his char Pipes in the guards zone at the yew gate when he's there. you know, the dude all decked out in purple


Anyway Sum . i didn't really mean to sound harsh about your event, it was a good attempted and i myself would of liked to of seen a few more fight go on due to the fact i am learning the pvp aspect to this game as was hoping to get some pointers.
I'm sure with this experiance you can learn from and try to prevent that from happening again. for example making the house private. All it took was a gate or 2 from inside the house. If the house was private All BC would of been outside and you could of kicked the people that opened the gates.
Good luck to you.


No worries, bro. Thanks for the input, I had thought about making it private and accessing one person at a time, and that sounds nice, if I can get the staff to do it. That would be the best way, but then if BC wants to grief it, they'd just get there early and do it, and just keep it from happening. Now, I don't think that's really their style, but it's still a possibility. They're more about raiding when the event is in full swing. If I did it that way, they'd only get a handful of folks, and not maximizing their gains.


Big guilds and all of that arent any fun! That's why we at FHP run with low numbers and high results!
Sorry we missed the event!



Necro mages dont duel btw....

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you really that ****en ********!!! Oh wait a minute thats right. NOBODY in BC duels thats what you mean to say not necro mages, right! or if they do they die and ALWAYS call in the gank. Point and case, wrong roof last week when the king and I think it was pratorean got rolled OVER and OVER in duels so they called in the gank and then you ALL got rolled over and over again! Say it isnt true, when I get back home next week ill be all to happy to post the screen shots. Oh yeah and then what happened a few nites ago in skara? Oh yeah thats right, a duel between a BC and a UOD and BC TRIED to gank again! Keyword here chump is TRIED! You ALL got rolled over and over again! Dont open that big ass pie hole in yer face becouse yer sorry ass came in on a blue because you knew you would need the guards to help you since all of BC was dieing. The ONLY way that guild of trash zerglings can do anything is with numbers! BC is dead and ownes nothing! Get back to yer ego now son before it gets brused again!


You need to just sit down and stfu! Everytime I see you yer running away! Yer always at the back of the pack, always behinde somebody running in at the last moment!


I couldnt have said it better! When has BC EVER dueled 1 on1? I been playing for almost 10 years and never seen a solo BC, unless they were running from the gate to the house in YEW. The only time I use my char pipes is when Im at work. If I'm in the GZ then Im prolly away from desk or on the phone. My mage, which is Wendy of W-R guild is the char I use when I PVP. Occasionally I use Pipes since he is my dexxer . When Hook of BC guild had a char in W-R and 1 in BC at same time, someone in BC told him to tell Hazela who was in W-R to tell Pipes that I was using a 3rd party program because I killed them.. Immediatley accused of hacking because you were killed by a trammy! Ever wonder if its not the fact you suck 1 on1 if a trammy kills you? HAHA even if I wear purple!
Now..I never said that BC sucked as a guild, I said that it was chicken**** that someone on GL tried to put on an event and you guys had to come in and grief it...why? because you know damn well that if BC rolled in and fought 1 on 1 in a decent cage match with more than half of GL's pvpers..you'd get a rep that BC cant pvp without numbers..I didnt say that I could personally kick every members ass in BC 1 on 1..But I could give you a run for your money. Now I can Imagine that Wendy is on the top of the top ten list of BC's most wanted, I'm gonna have to watch my back lol!


ROFL this is the funniest [censored]. Your pipes? You called my archer out about month maybe 2 months ago. Parry dp dexer against a archer no pots. You LOST. It was 1-1 me vs you. Im Madonna. So I guess you entire post is invalid. Thanks for posting who u are though. Ive fought you countless times 1-1 when your on pipes you lose everytime. Then get resd come back and START SCREAMING HACKER YOU [censored] SUCK U HACK.

As for the idiot who copied my necros dont duel. If you think they do i guess you spend all of your time dueling on wrong roof with your necro. No respectable person brings a necro to a duel, its just as bad as a dp mage.

For the UOD guy preston. Which UOD was dueling pyro and heaven? Please for the love of god say ROADKILL. We've already heard about his 33,000$ computer. Also isnt he sporting another tag now?


Sounds to me like the Kool-aide is a bit spiked tonite eh? Pipes doesnt have DP &amp; pipes doesnt have parry! Since Madonna is blue and runs around the gate I doubt seriously that I attacked her! Pipes has chivalry and has a pvm template. Like i said occasionally I take him to fel and play around. Why is it that all of a sudden you wanna fight a trammy? Does your Ego need a bit of boosting? If so I can bring my tailor to yew or wrong roof or anywhere else..maybe BC island and Sammy could video you killing me REALLY REALLY FAST, and make it look like you are the best pvper on GL! Is that what you need?
W-R has 3 people in it that PVP..were not looking to take over fel..we just hang out and get a few fights...were their to have fun..YOu my friend cannot have fun..you are wrapped around the zergling attitude and have lost the fact that this is a game. I can play this game and occasionally get a flame in here or there on the forums..You CANNOT. You will probly lose sleep over this thread and W-R will be the topic of BC's next guild meeting or discussion as to who we can kill next! Me, I will play, have fun doing it, piss off a few more folks, enjoy my time with my guild and sleep comfortably at night!
Bottom line here is that you guys are a bunch of griefers that think that because you have decent numbers can ruin any event that takes place in fel. Tell ya what smart ass.. next pvp fight night in fel have all the BC show up and enter the event. make it a fair fight and show me that you can beat others in a 1 vs 1 fight..I guarantee it wont happen..BC talks a lot of crap but when it comes down to a fair fight and there arent 10 or more withering spammers killing a group of people you wont do it! Until then, Im gonna go enjoy my time with my guildmates and not worry about whom I have to impress in my guild by killing a trammy! Yes Ill be the first to say Im a trammy. You may be able to kick my ass in a fight, but that doesnt make you a better human being because you can kill a toon in a video game

Doesnt mean I hate ya or wish anything bad upon ya..hell maybe some time we can actually do something that means a damn in the real world and have a fishing contest? biggest fish gets a dollar and most fish doesnt have to clean the fish. You do fish dont ya? If not, well then, I dont like ya lol. Until then, well you have fun, and dont let the game get to ya buddy


LOL i stopped half way through your post my head started to hurt. Use paragraphs. Pipes uses poison either way makes no difference it still stops healing w/o pots. Dp or not its the same effect. I dont recall saying lets fight i said i have fought you and each time it ends with u screaming hacker.

As for theres 3 w-r that pvp then stop posting in threads you guys dont know about. The only 1-1s you guys know are at the tournaments which let you carry 100 heals 100 cures petals apples gst and ga pots. Thats not 1-1 duel. Also you called out the entire BC guild when u said neither of them can fight 1-1 not me. So maybe its you trying to get approval from the masses by joining in on the BC bashfest.

No matter what happens BC is here to fight. We show up we fight we have fun. Griefing events is fun. Brings enjoyment to all. It led to all out fights at the tourney. Also BC has held events of our own. Remember the trapped prisoner on BC isle. That all the trammies had to come reclaim. Which was interrupted by the other red guilds. No because we didnt come to the boards and start whining we fought the event was completed as planned and everyone had fun. If your gonna have events defend them...or get smarter...


Your delusional..I used paragraphs...I dont use poison...If Im joining the masses by bashin BC, well maybe theres a bit of honesty in what I am trying to tell you, as well as others when they say things..Its my word vs yours here, so Im done arguing over a game..Im gonna go hook up the boat and take my boys out on the lake..care to join?


I think for the majority on Great Lakes it doesnt matter what your template is, it's gimp! Since when is this "Mage UO"? It seems that if someone gets beat by a certain template then that person is hacking, gimp, super fast, or something like that.
I cant recall, and correct me if Im wrong, ever calling someone else's temp gimp. There was one person I heatedly accused of speedhacking...it was someone from BC but the claim was unfounded. It's just that I've found few people who can outrun me and I play legit. This guy was flying all over me and kept overrunning quite a bit. I hear that the kingdom reborn client runs faster so he was likely using that.
I really wish I could have made the PVP club event. That sounds like a lot of fun. You dont have to ban BC from the house really. Here is what you could do...I think it would work:

Keep it public. Build within your house a "safe area". Like a place within double walls where poison fields and stuff cant reach you on the first floor and keep a friended or co-owned character in there. Make a series of teleporters on the first floor that one has to follow before they can even reach the second floor or whichever one the tourney is being held on. (like surround each teleporter by walls or a bar tile and maybe make it three tiles long so you have to take a coupel tiles to step on the next teleporter in the sequence.) That way the person in the safe spot can keep banning the BC members as they try to navigate the teleporter maze.

Just an idea. Sorry for the super long post!!!

(im going to make another post just with that last paragraph so the PVP guys dont miss it)

As always, have fun and see you on the field.



You need to just sit down and stfu! Everytime I see you yer running away! Yer always at the back of the pack, always behinde somebody running in at the last moment!

[/ QUOTE ]

And you need to reference my only other post in this thread and pay it even more attention than the guy it was written to as you are taking yourself way to serious.



I couldnt have said it better! When has BC EVER dueled 1 on1? I been playing for almost 10 years and never seen a solo BC, unless they were running from the gate to the house in YEW. The only time I use my char pipes is when Im at work. If I'm in the GZ then Im prolly away from desk or on the phone. My mage, which is Wendy of W-R guild is the char I use when I PVP. Occasionally I use Pipes since he is my dexxer . When Hook of BC guild had a char in W-R and 1 in BC at same time, someone in BC told him to tell Hazela who was in W-R to tell Pipes that I was using a 3rd party program because I killed them.. Immediatley accused of hacking because you were killed by a trammy! Ever wonder if its not the fact you suck 1 on1 if a trammy kills you? HAHA even if I wear purple!
Now..I never said that BC sucked as a guild, I said that it was chicken**** that someone on GL tried to put on an event and you guys had to come in and grief it...why? because you know damn well that if BC rolled in and fought 1 on 1 in a decent cage match with more than half of GL's pvpers..you'd get a rep that BC cant pvp without numbers..I didnt say that I could personally kick every members ass in BC 1 on 1..But I could give you a run for your money. Now I can Imagine that Wendy is on the top of the top ten list of BC's most wanted, I'm gonna have to watch my back lol!

[/ QUOTE ]

This post made my day.



Fair and balanced-he's alone 1v1. I wish I could get him 1v1!! All bow to the Felucca Highway Patrol!!!


Fair and balanced? Not a chance. Malador wasnt alone. Look at screenshot there..His map is showing BooKoo Bc up there. I was on the Island and ran thru a poison field. Several other people had casted on me. Maldaor just happened to get the kill shot..


I dont doubt your claim. None of those BC are on the island though. Maybe one guy, his name looks like "wf" is at the bottom of the bridge. You got lucky though that malador was the only one who chased you if you really did run through all those bc because they always chase me en masse.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're Wendy and Pipes??? Dude you're horrible and that's coming from me and I suck. I've killed you solo in fire whilst you were on Pipes more than once and you complained that I para'd you and then called me a hacker. Whenever you take any bit of damage on Wendy it's run like the wind to the nearest guardzone.

You should be embarassed when you're that bad and be forbidden to post in any PvP related thread.



You're Wendy and Pipes??? Dude you're horrible and that's coming from me and I suck. I've killed you solo in fire whilst you were on Pipes more than once and you complained that I para'd you and then called me a hacker. Whenever you take any bit of damage on Wendy it's run like the wind to the nearest guardzone.

You should be embarassed when you're that bad and be forbidden to post in any PvP related thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who are your chars? I will probly continue to suck as well, considering Im one of few players who dont use exploits, hacks, or 3rd party programs to get an upper edge on PVP. I also started Pvp less than a year ago, how bout you? So I dont have the experience or "skills" to do so. At least I'm out there. So as soon as you grow some and post who your chars are, then stfu! In the mean time regardless of how bad I suck at PVP I will continue to play in fel and get my kills. I will also post in any pvp thread I see fit to post in. Good Day



I will probly continue to suck as well, considering Im one of few players who dont use exploits, hacks, or 3rd party programs to get an upper edge on PVP.<blockquote><hr>

You dont have to cheat and be good i have never used a third party program. NO 8x8 or easy uo. I use my mouse to click doing my bods. With this being said i think its safe to say that i could kill 85+% of gl "pvpers". on my crappy dell half filled with porn.




I will probly continue to suck as well, considering Im one of few players who dont use exploits, hacks, or 3rd party programs to get an upper edge on PVP.<blockquote><hr>

You dont have to cheat and be good i have never used a third party program. NO 8x8 or easy uo. I use my mouse to click doing my bods. With this being said i think its safe to say that i could kill 85+% of gl "pvpers". on my crappy dell half filled with porn.

[/ QUOTE ]

i&lt;3 you flow no hacks ftw.


[/ QUOTE ]

Who are your chars? I will probly continue to suck as well, considering Im one of few players who dont use exploits, hacks, or 3rd party programs to get an upper edge on PVP.

[/ QUOTE ]

LMAO Just accept the fact man, you seem to use that excuse about everything.
Your top 3 excuses since i have been reading these boards would be .

1. Hacks &amp; 3rd party programs
2. it took 3xs the numbers to beat you.
3. Gimp templates.
Please i have to know what is proper play in your mind ?
Good day Sir.


Okay look here numnutz..Show me a screenshot of you killing me..
YOu still havent posted yer char names, and third look at that dumbass malador..he has a screenshot of me too..where is that moron today? Get my point? Get a life ! Then get a clue!