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[Buying] Runic Hammers, +5 mining gloves, ore, and Plants


Stratics Veteran
I'm looking to buy the following plants and items. Please let me know if you have any of these for sale

1. White Snake Plant (3)
2. Pampas Grass: bright red (1) and white (1)
3. Bulrushes: white (1)
4. Poppies: white (1)
5. Rushes: white (1)
6. Tribarrel Cactus: white (1)
7. Century plant: white (1)

One of each runic hammer (preferably with only one charge left). I would ask for them with no charges but I tested one on prod and it poofed when it went to 0 charges.

Eight pairs of +5 mining gloves


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Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I do have the bright red and bright blue seed but not the white ones. However I will see if I should get the white ones but it will take a lot of crosspollen before I success it. and I believe lots of months. Hopeful someone have some they did not use for plant dyes.
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Baby Doll

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have 2 bright blue snake plant 2 ponytails bright blue, 2 palms in bright blue and 2 palms in bright red.

Also have you checked CharGar New Maginca public coffee house she has a seed box for the public.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a public seed box on the 2nd floor of my new mag house. Its right at the focus circle. Help yourself...there are thousands of seeds last time I'm checked.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
I have moved my seed box to Umbra Hub. Anyone is free to help themselves to what they find there. Watch out for the soulless minion I just saw near there...


Stratics Veteran
Ok, I grabbed a few seeds from Freja, Chargar, and Tyrath's seed boxes. Thanks to you guys and thanks to Baby Doll for the ones she gave me.

I haven't found Milky in game yet, so I am still looking for all of the plants in white.



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, I grabbed a few seeds from Freja, Chargar, and Tyrath's seed boxes. Thanks to you guys and thanks to Baby Doll for the ones she gave me.

I haven't found Milky in game yet, so I am still looking for all of the plants in white.

LOL feel free to take as many of those thousands of Bright Green Snake Plant and Bright Orange Rushes you want! LOL lesson learned on putting thousands of one kind of seed in the box, if you can't hold them all in your pack you have to take them out 1 at a times :(


Stratics Veteran
I've updated the list of items I'm looking for. Would have updated it sooner, but my 8+ yr old computer decided it was tired and needed to rest, so I've been working on getting a new computer set up to play. Should be good to go now.




Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just planted the two bright red and the bright blue plants. I'll see about the mining gloves when I play later and see what it takes to get them. Got to get my rump in game more! :p

EDIT: No joy on the mining gloves, all I do are weapon BoDs and their worth half the price of the gloves. You'll need a serious BoD doer to get them. I'll have the three plants ready to harvest in a week and a half and will try for some white plant seeds on days I wander our land. Those I know I can get eventually. :)
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Stratics Veteran
Victim, I dropped a rune to my house in your Zento house mailbox. You can drop them in my mailbox. Thanks very much for the gloves and let me know if I can give you anything in return!!!!

Tanivar, that sounds good. Let me know when the plants are ready and what you want for them.



Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Victim, I dropped a rune to my house in your Zento house mailbox. You can drop them in my mailbox. Thanks very much for the gloves and let me know if I can give you anything in return!!!!

Tanivar, that sounds good. Let me know when the plants are ready and what you want for them.


the home is owned by Nightfall I hope? Gloves delivered


Stratics Veteran
Yeah, I wish there was a strikethrough option.

The list is up to date. I deleted the ore off the list just for clarity, everything else is still needed.




Stratics Veteran
You're welcome. All these components seem like they might be for an interesting deco project. I hope you'll give us a peak at it when it's done.


Stratics Veteran
mark whatever you wish to strike through and then select the 5th symbol from the left on top of the text window (right next to the camera icon) and select "Strike-through"
I'm glad you pointed that out because I never would have guesses that symbol was the one I need to click to get to strikethrough. When I hover over that symbol it says "insert..." but sure enough if I click it, one of the options is strikethrough. I learn something new every day!!!

Thanks Max!!!!


Stratics Veteran
You're welcome. All these components seem like they might be for an interesting deco project. I hope you'll give us a peak at it when it's done.
Your welcome to check it out anytime. I've only just begun decorations but I think you will see where I'm going with the ore, hammers, and gloves.

The house is maybe one or two screens south of the hedge maze. House is owned by Two Edge