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Most famous smith on Atlantic?

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The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

who is the most famous smith on Atlantic?

Any new active smith that are worth to mention?

Im currently on Atlantic and I would like some full plate sets from Atlantic smiths.

The Scandinavian


Goodman's Rune Library
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Without a doubt, the most famous smith on Atlantic is Zym Dragon. He is the keeper of Rivendel in Felucca which still exists and he still plays. He was one of the first GM Smiths on the shard. I can remember taking a weapon to him to be fixed probaby 9 or 10 years ago. This was pre-Trammel of course when there was a very large community and many player run cities on the shard. The weapon would be trash bin material now and he charged the princely sum of 500 gps which was alot in those days but we went in awe and respectfully waited while he repaired our treasured weapon.

I'm sure there's more. Lord Doragaar of Yew and Lord Forty-Niner come to mind. There's also Goodman's Plate Monger who produced one of the first sets of mining books for Goodman's Library many years ago. It was the most common set copied to many other libraries before the randomized ore spots. I'm not sure that would qualify Plate as a famous smith but if you would like a set of his armor please pm me.

I've saved many named pieces to display in the near future. I am searching for a Lord Child of Doom Bow for the same reason if anyone still has one of those.


While those are porbably the most legendary smiths...

The most famous as of right now...

SupSoc would be one of them...

Lord Child of Doom is easily the most famous of all time.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you,

for replys so far.

Are any of the smiths active on stratics boards?
I do know SupSoc is on stratics and I will meet him soon.

The Scandinavian

prison bound

definitely not 'famous' but i have a legendary smith named 'Vlad the Impaler' if you like the name. ill craft whatever you want for free (assuming you dont want val hammer pieces)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haha I'm sure I could get Doom to make u some bows for a price =) Pm me some time and I can arrange something =) I know hes got some old stock too =)


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haha I'm sure I could get Doom to make u some bows for a price =) Pm me some time and I can arrange something =) I know hes got some old stock too =)

I'd like one each of the old kind (bow, crossbow and heavy crossbow) please. Please pm me the price. I'm not interested in uber bows with mods so I won't be paying much. I just want the name for the museum I'm working on. If he'd like to write a player written book to go with it, that'd be fine. It will reside in a building next door to Goodman's Library if he's interested.

Thanks for replying.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Stratics Legend
sweet i have a [exe] bow made by child of doom if i remember right

runns of to check


I've actually bought quite a few weps and armor from a guy with the tag of Millysmith over the years. I usually can find his pieces floating around in Luna, but not at the crazy Luna prices. But I like to save money,hehe.


This is a no brianer....

SupSoc Inc. without a doubt.
lol...I knew he'd see it and say that.

Like I said....in todays smiths...he's the most known.

But I also forgot a very well known one.

Blue Fly.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't acually played on Atlantic in a long long time

But anyone recall Bayezid or Touch of Class or Blue Demon???

Those old shop's on Magincia beach were awesome back in the day : )


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whoever has the most duped valorite hammers? Seriously though i don't think any of them are famous all it takes is about 20 hrs of macroing and a nice talisman and your your own most famous smith IMO.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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If ya want some from before skill gain was as fast as now, and go back in time, look for
Donna Perry

All old timers from long long ago, and all working smiths around the local forges before the smithing skill was changed into bod running skill ;)

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't acually played on Atlantic in a long long time

But anyone recall Bayezid or Touch of Class or Blue Demon???

Those old shop's on Magincia beach were awesome back in the day : )
Yup sure do i was good friends with bay still have some of the weapons he made me.

Blue Deamon just stopped by in UO not to long ago to see what happened with the Memorial place for goodman.


Isnt Blue Demon the guy who had a small house next to Goodmans...

Sebastian (BMC)

Well I'll tell ya...

The most famous smith in UO needs to be broke down like this...

Since I've been around every smith imaginable since the assasination of Lord British himself I can tell every one of you a thing or two on this subject.

If the blacksmith that is nominated for this title doesnt know metal then he dont need to be calling himself a smith and I dont care if he's legendary or not.

Ever since the beginning of this game, there has always been a art to being a smith, and if you didn't have that art mastered, the title "Blacksmith", was never really attained.

Anybody can make a suit of armor. Anybody can make random pieces and place them individually on a vendor. Anybody can fill a BOD. Anybody can smash ingots till their skill gauge says 120. Anybody can arm a ancient hammer and swell with pride when that gauge jumps to 180, but brothers and sisters, if you cant take a tunic fresh off a baldron with fair resists and 4 MOD's on it, and "KNOW" which metal to pump into that thing to turn it into a better resistant piece with 6-7 MOD's, and then take other random pieces out of your inventory or off other kills and match those pieces with that tunic using the same method of enhancement with the metals you need to complete a full set, then you aint crap. Your a wannabe.

If you dont know the combinations of runic properites that best fit a scribe, or a pure mage, or a dexxer, or a tank mage, or a crafter, or even a begger, then dont go calling yourself a "Blacksmith" just yet. Your a NOOB.

I'm not trying to say I'm a famous smith in UO, but I know one when I see one, and I haven't seen one for almost a decade.

The last "great" smith that I personally met was named " The Hand of God", but if Zym knows his metals, I would have to say that a veteran player with an active account would be my choice before a BOD junky ever was.


Although I don't particularly like the idea of agreeing with limlight on anything I have to agree that one of the best known old school smiths that are still in game would have to be Blue Fly. Although he is now smithing on a new char I know him and would be happy to put you into contact with him ICQ me if your interested.

The Home Guild

I haven't acually played on Atlantic in a long long time

But anyone recall Bayezid or Touch of Class or Blue Demon???

Those old shop's on Magincia beach were awesome back in the day : )
yes aka blue fly and yes bayezid i still have a few kyrss's crafted by bayezid


Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
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one of the MOST famous smith among the shard, who is on atlantic now :


The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

seems its still some action on this thread.

I have no got my wanted warfrok from SupSoc butIm sad to say that I left Atlantic early this time.

I was simply to paranoid to stay and buy stuff as I intended to do.
Sorry all you brave Atlantic smiths.

I will be back later and buy one maybe to plate suits from a famous smith.

The Scandinavian


UO Homes & Castles News Reporter
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My smith isn't famous but if your a fan of The Misfits youd probaly like it. His name is Jerry Only.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yes aka blue fly and yes bayezid i still have a few kyrss's crafted by bayezid

I still have a val broadsword that Bayezid crafted for me from back when they were the best you could get

I miss those days when all you needed was a vanq wep and some invul armor and you was ready to roll


Grand Inquisitor
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I remember Bayezid had a house in Fogwood for a while back in the day when I also lived there. I volunteered to be a guinea pig once and let him test out various weapon combos on one of my naked characters. He gave me a few weapons, but I don't think I still have any of them.

Also: I remember "Touch of Class" actually being "Touch of Clas" with one S.

The Home Guild

I remember Bayezid had a house in Fogwood for a while back in the day when I also lived there. I volunteered to be a guinea pig once and let him test out various weapon combos on one of my naked characters. He gave me a few weapons, but I don't think I still have any of them.

Also: I remember "Touch of Class" actually being "Touch of Clas" with one S.
yes it's with one s.. he is french.. nice guy.


a few smiths off the top of my head that still play that were gm smiths in 99-00 robal the brown,tanis were known for honesty.sup soc is prob the most well known smith nowadays


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SupSoc is the most respected and trusted smith/person on Atlantic. He is always willing to go that extra mile to help someone out. Yes, even if it is VIP. He helps all, and does what he can.


Although I don't particularly like the idea of agreeing with limlight on anything I have to agree that one of the best known old school smiths that are still in game would have to be Blue Fly. Although he is now smithing on a new char I know him and would be happy to put you into contact with him ICQ me if your interested.

I know you left LNR on bad terms..but since when did I offend you or ever not get along with you?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I'll tell ya...

The most famous smith in UO needs to be broke down like this...

Since I've been around every smith imaginable since the assasination of Lord British himself I can tell every one of you a thing or two on this subject.

If the blacksmith that is nominated for this title doesnt know metal then he dont need to be calling himself a smith and I dont care if he's legendary or not.

Ever since the beginning of this game, there has always been a art to being a smith, and if you didn't have that art mastered, the title "Blacksmith", was never really attained.

Anybody can make a suit of armor. Anybody can make random pieces and place them individually on a vendor. Anybody can fill a BOD. Anybody can smash ingots till their skill gauge says 120. Anybody can arm a ancient hammer and swell with pride when that gauge jumps to 180, but brothers and sisters, if you cant take a tunic fresh off a baldron with fair resists and 4 MOD's on it, and "KNOW" which metal to pump into that thing to turn it into a better resistant piece with 6-7 MOD's, and then take other random pieces out of your inventory or off other kills and match those pieces with that tunic using the same method of enhancement with the metals you need to complete a full set, then you aint crap. Your a wannabe.

If you dont know the combinations of runic properites that best fit a scribe, or a pure mage, or a dexxer, or a tank mage, or a crafter, or even a begger, then dont go calling yourself a "Blacksmith" just yet. Your a NOOB.

I'm not trying to say I'm a famous smith in UO, but I know one when I see one, and I haven't seen one for almost a decade.

The last "great" smith that I personally met was named " The Hand of God", but if Zym knows his metals, I would have to say that a veteran player with an active account would be my choice before a BOD junky ever was.

I know my metal.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SupSoc is the most respected and trusted smith/person on Atlantic. He is always willing to go that extra mile to help someone out. Yes, even if it is VIP. He helps all, and does what he can.
Tomas>you, sorry soc.


No he isn't.
You haven't set eyes on the houses full of armor and weapons from Val hammers that we have. When it starts to flood the market (when the UO economy evens out), you will have to transfer to an Asian shard out of shame and humiliation.



Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Like V-C is going to have to do because they can't compete?



Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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I don't think buying duped hammers and pooping out armor/weapons with your mark is particularly fame worthy! Almost anyone with real life cash to throw can do that :/

That pretty much means a truely ingenious smith - worthy of this title - would have to be someone from the time when things like brit forge and being a GM still mattered. Nowadays, a smith is nothing but a mule.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't think buying duped hammers and pooping out armor/weapons with your mark is particularly fame worthy! Almost anyone with real life cash to throw can do that :/

That pretty much means a truely ingenious smith - worthy of this title - would have to be someone from the time when things like brit forge and being a GM still mattered. Nowadays, a smith is nothing but a mule.


Totally agree one of good friends that has left UO was like that too he spent hours at the forges repairing and crafting making armor for newbies. Der Hammerschlag...smithing was all he did , he loved it till a once proud smith was reduced to a mule :sad4:


I don't think buying duped hammers and pooping out armor/weapons with your mark is particularly fame worthy! Almost anyone with real life cash to throw can do that :/

That pretty much means a truely ingenious smith - worthy of this title - would have to be someone from the time when things like brit forge and being a GM still mattered. Nowadays, a smith is nothing but a mule.
Are you accusing Mark of buying duped hammers? I'd be careful there, Tom.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its pretty obvius that all but maybe 2 hammers have came from dupes and or exploits or scripters....

So its save to say that ANYONE that bought up more then 3 valorite or verite hammers in the past month bought at least 1 if not 2 hammers from an illigal source....

and most of those did so knowingly

...there is no way that brokers and dealers that are deeply involved into the Game dont know about these ongoings


Wow ! Andrasta ! It's been a while since I've been on UO. Years in fact since I gave away my account to my brother :) I sure hope whoever took over in the valley is doing good :)

Hello to every old friends of LLW :)


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How wonderful to hear from you, my friend! The valley has never been the same since you and your brother left but you are not forgotten. Those days had many challenges but they were the richest in many ways.

Rest assured I still have several marked armor & weapon pieces that will be displayed in Goodman's Library complex so your name will live here forever. The recent Spring Cleaning has helped me organize enough to slowly put out all the treasures I have been saving all these years. If you'd like to add a few words to go with them, I'd be happy to transcribe it into a player book.

I go to the valley and those old spots in Yew once in awhile to remember the people that lived there and sadly left long ago. I hope all is well with you both.

Best Regards,

Goodman's Rune Library


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tomas picked SupSoc as most famous and trustworthy smith/mule.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Are you accusing Mark of buying duped hammers? I'd be careful there, Tom.
No, I don't even know who or what Mark is. So it would be hard to make an accusation. It was a general remark towards the misguided notion that burning loads of hammers and kits is anything extraordinary.


You should Tomas. Cause Mark does.
Mods, please remove Soc's post and issue a warning. He's stating that he "KNOWS" for a fact that another player (Mark) is involved in a duping ring.

Such accusations aren't allowed here, I don't think...
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