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Guilds of Siege Perilous


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Social Media Liaison
Campaign Supporter
Please use this thread to list your guild. This will be useful for any new or returning players who are looking to join the community.

The following format is just a recommendation;
Guild Name:
Guild Abbreviation:
Guild Leader:
Guild Playstyle: (RP, Pvp, Pvm, or all)
Recruitment Policy:
Contact Information:
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Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Guild Name: The DarkOutlaws
Guild Abbreviation: TDO*
Guild Leader: Freja
Guild Playstyle; (PvP, PvM, or both)
  • All playstyles are welcome in TDO*, we do both PvM and PvP/VvV
  • We are a neutral guild, a little to the evil side
Recruitment Policy:
  • We do take in young and returning Siege players to help them get started (if they fit our guild charter and can respect our rules)
  • If still in the guild after a month and still active, Their "NEW" or "Returning" title will be changed to a standard title for TDO or one of their choice
Contact Information:
  • Gen Chat
  • ICQ: Freja 7869331
  • Find us in game


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guild Name: Zoogie Hunters of Sosaria and Church of the Pervert
Guild Abbreviation: ZOOG and PERV
Guild Leader: Grand Zoogie and Old Uncle Perv
Guild Play style: (RP, Pvp, Pvm, or all) RP/PvM
Recruitment Policy/basic rules: ZOOG is a good guild for people newer to Siege and offers many resources to train up skills and build up gold and resources. ZOOG has been around quite a while but is a relatively unknown guild. PERV is more a RP Thief, mugger, brigand more advanced PvM guild Both ZOOG and PERV operate out of the same house network with the primary houses being on Ocrina Island AKA Port Tyr. Cheaters/Scripters/And over all bad conduct are not welcome period. Dry Looting is not acceptable in PERV take some gold or a item or two and have fun with the RP no need to ruin someones entire day of gaming. DO NOT KILL someones pack animals or beetles! Yeah PERVs are bad guys but only in a RP Sense. On PvM hunts we divide the loots equally and amicably everything goes into the PERV Guild house and is divided first by need and then by equal division, if there is a dispute over a piece of loot it stays in the house until another is aquired and each party can have one. I would like to get 6-7 members again and do bigger hunts as soloing is very time consuming and frankly gets boring after the 200th lady M :)
Contact Information: Send me a PM here or Give a shout out in game. I have let both guilds decline to where they are both just me and one very semi active member.

Critical Gaming

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guild Abbreviation: HI-5
Guild Leader: Crunch / Zora
Guild Playstyle: (PvP, PvM)
  • We're here to make the shard a more dangerous place. We murder, loot, and taunt. Siege is no longer safe.
Recruitment Policy:
  • Recruiting is on a case-by-case basis. We are not actively recruiting members however that does not mean we won't take you into consideration if you have the right attitude.
Contact Information:
  • General Chat / Stratics PM(Critical Gaming, obviously)
  • ICQ: 225199894 - Crunch


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
The People Army of Siege [PAS]
Siege Chapter

The purpose of this Guild is to be the thorn for the Bandit Five [Hi5] and the Bandits Luna Boys [-LB-]. Members will seek any attempt to waylay a bandit and loot his or her corps. We will not aid the Bandits at any time and will seek to stop them at all cost. Our Mission is to put an end to the Bandits.

The PAS will strive to avoid battles with NONBandits, defending only when attacked. Members will display the PAS tag. All [GIL] tags and their Alliance members are to be given aid from any attacks from the Bandit Five and the LB. Any other Guilds, that are being attacked by the Bandit Five and the LB will also be given aid in the battle against the Bandit Five and the LB.

If you seek membership in the PAS be advise that we are not a charity outfit, and will not supply weapons, armor, mounts, fight wearing only what you can lose and replace, loot the dead Bandits for better armor.

Other Guilds that seek to join an alliance with the PAS contact Drakelord.

So let form a posse and go after the Bandits whenever you can.
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Stratics Veteran
image.png Guild name: The Other Guys
Guild Abbrev: O^G
Guild Leader: Kuzan
Play style : Pvm/Pvp

Laid back guild we don't care about the shard politics and drama were here to play and have fun

Accepting new members hope to provide a better new player experience for people trying to start on siege

Contact: Kuzan in game


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guild Name: i pk u

Guild Abbreviation: IPKU

Guild Leader: Sprago

Guild Playstyle: We do everything

Recruitment Policy: We only recruit like minded people. We play to have fun and expect or guildmates to do the same. We do have a chat program that will be needed and the use of UOCart.

Contact Information: I can be reached ingame, PM, or with ICQ


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Guild Name: United Workers Of Siege Perilous

Guild Abbreviation: UWSP

Guild Leader: Magichands

Guild Playstyle: Crafting and everything related to craft and PVM for hunt because crafter need always to be protected while gathering resource for their goods. We are a neutral guild that play with every people who respect us (be killed with respect is a part of the game)

Recruitment Policy: We recruit people who respect everyone. We ask respect but we also have to give it.

Contact Information: In game Magichands, or PM or ICQ.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guild Name: United Faction Overlords
Guild Abbreviation: UFO
Guild Leader: Blitzkrieg
Guild Playstyle: PvP, Spawns
Recruitment Policy: Open to new members
Contact Information: ICQ 649 700 647 or PM me here on Stratics

Brief guild backstory (LIGHT rp): With the fall of factions across the land, the remaining survivors not already swept into Blackthorn's court are left with little to do and no reasons to battle. True Britannians, Shadowlords, the Council of Mages, and the Followers of Minax have abandoned their strongholds and banded together to become soldiers of fortune, a mercenary force that will fight for anyone, provided they can afford the coin needed to do so.

We are here to fight. We don't require that members be in character, dress a certain way, or even have alot of pvp experience. If you would like to learn to fight, get scrolls and advance your toons, then this could be a good home for you. When we aren't fighting enemies we are fighting each other and running spawns. We are looking for a few individuals that can fight with a sense of honor, without all the smack talking in general chat. We are active with VvV, and our compound is located at the Yew gate. Come stop by and say hello!
Guild Name: i pk u

Guild Abbreviation: IPKU

Guild Leader: Sprago

Guild Playstyle: We do everything

Recruitment Policy: We only recruit like minded people. We play to have fun and expect or guildmates to do the same. We do have a chat program that will be needed and the use of UOCart.

Contact Information: I can be reached ingame, PM, or with ICQ
Heya Sprago, this is aka: Bennos Morales the treasure Hunter, Nocguille from T&T. Been a long time.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Sprago has left the building.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Maybe? I see a familiar name every now and then but most of the folks we played with are gone or log in wishing for the nostalgia of a past long gone.


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Social Media Liaison
Campaign Supporter
Guild Name: Blunt Logic
Guild Abbreviation: B^L
Guild Leader: Giggles & Arycke
Guild Playstyle: All, hell we even RP a little! (We are a multi-server guild/alliance with a part-time focus on Siege.)
Recruitment Policy: Not recruiting or allying anyone at this time, however, some of us are social butterflies that like to pick up a random stray or friend here and there ;) .
Contact Information: Discord, Giggles#9890

We aren't interested in shard politics anywhere we play. Just a bunch of adults hanging out, finding trouble, and enjoying the game in our own ways. Real-life has enough drama, we keep it simple and do what we want :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guild Name: Epic Lute
Guild Abbreviation: LUTE
Guild Leader: Skunko
Guild Playstyle: PVM...little PVP
Recruitment Policy: Be chill and you're good
Contact Information: Skunko or Flappy Patrick on SP or [EPIC] Guild on Sonoma


Stratics Veteran


Guild Name: Seafarers
Guild Abbreviation: AQUA
Guild Leader: Adrielle
Guild Play Style: PvM, Commerce, Support
  • All templates welcome and useful
  • Fishing/Treasure Hunting/Pirating encouraged and supported!
Recruitment Policy:
  • Happy to welcome and support new players, new to siege, and UO veterans
  • We hunt, we loot, we craft, we share
Contact Information:
  • Message me here
  • Call out for Adrielle or Xoos in Gen Chat