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Stratics Veteran
Is it possible to transfer gold to my char on siege...seems as if some chars there have millions...I've been on and only accumulated 130k. In about 20 hours or more...just curious.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some people swap gold on other shards for gold on Siege. I'm not sure on the rate at the moment though.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
What are you doing to make gold?
You may want to look, what the community vendors in New Mag do buy.
Also the new recipes from Eodon do sell, I sell them for 100k each, same with pieces of the armor sets. They may sell for more as mine sell really fast. The animals in Eodon, at least near the tigers do have 200-300 gp, easy money.
I'm sure there is better ways to make money, depending of your skills.

Also keep in mind, gold is worth more on Siege, you do not need billions here.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it possible to transfer gold to my char on siege...seems as if some chars there have millions...I've been on and only accumulated 130k. In about 20 hours or more...just curious.
It's really no harder to make money here than a normal shard. Same stuff gets you money.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's really no harder to make money here than a normal shard. Same stuff gets you money.
That's not entirely true.

I played on Atlantic for a couple of weeks to work up a recruiting character and see what the production shards are like these days. In those two weeks, I was able to make enough to purchase a 120 throwing and 120 pally scroll and still have 500K in the bank.

I trained up my thrower and got into the Abyss and started working skills and collecting imbuing ingredients. The player vendors in New Magencia will buy alot (compared to the Siege vendors).

Being able to sell items these player vendors and to town NPCs makes a huge difference in your earning power...la
Last edited:


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it possible to transfer gold to my char on siege...seems as if some chars there have millions...I've been on and only accumulated 130k. In about 20 hours or more...just curious.
Your money will go further here for sure but farming is a key for new players. The people you see here with millions have been on the shard for years. The billionaires have been on the shard for over a decade or have been able to get some good IDOCs...la

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I've been here for about a year and a half. In that time I estimate I have banked about 50 mil. Two times I have purchased 5 mil gold for specific items. The rest I got from selling items like silver serpent skins, farming peerless / champs and selling drops (like lvl 3 primers, 120 scrolls, or rares like medusa statue). All of my gold has gone towards improving characters, either from pinks / powerscrolls, ethy mounts, or weapons / armor / spellbooks. The first few months I had NO gold, zilch. But somewhere around month 3 i grabbed a box at an idoc and sold the sashes for two mil. After that I was off to the races. Right now I have the most gold I've ever had here, but only because I've sold off stuff in preparation for the upcoming auction. Next week I fully expect to be back to 100k. I would advise figuring out where the things you like to do intersects with the thinks people want to buy on Siege. When I was farming blue bone armor,I sold snake skin at 50k per 10, and always sold out. Now that I don't need more bone, I don't sell snake skin. Hope that helps or reassures you a little.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's not entirely true.

I played on Atlantic for a couple of weeks to work up a recruiting character and see what the production shards are like these days. In those two weeks, I was able to make enough to purchase a 120 throwing and 120 pally scroll and still have 500K in the bank.

I trained up my thrower and got into the Abyss and started working skills and collecting imbuing ingredients. The player vendors in New Magencia will buy alot (compared to the Siege vendors).

Being able to sell items these player vendors and to town NPCs makes a huge difference in your earning power...la
It's slower because of lack of people to sell stuff to, and the numbers are different (but relative value similar) but I don't think it would be that hard to accomplish on siege honestly. It's all the same activities is mainly what I mean. The lack of population does make it a pain to sell your valuable **** sometimes though, I will admit that.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you looked at the New Magencia vendors lately? Most of them are empty or aren't buying items anymore. Those that are buying are only looking for specific things...la


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have you looked at the New Magencia vendors lately? Most of them are empty or aren't buying items anymore. Those that are buying are only looking for specific things...la
So true, The bazaar vendors have mostly stopped buying stuff.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Mine do still buy some stuff, not that I need the stuff right now but I may be able to resell some on normal vendors.
Some vendors seem to be out of gold, maybe the owner did not see we got a few new players, who need gold


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've gone to sell some items to bazaar vendors before and had all their item amounts drop to near zero or zero after they buy the first item. This due to their lacking the gold?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've gone to sell some items to bazaar vendors before and had all their item amounts drop to near zero or zero after they buy the first item. This due to their lacking the gold?
yes, that is what it is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tamers can make boatloads of money farming things like Miasma, probably close to 100k an hour there, if not more. That does however, make that spot prone to being checked by anyone who wants an easy victim


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But don't you want to get attacked some times? You don't have to wear your best suit there....

Sent from my XT1028 using Tapatalk

Silent Singer

Stratics Veteran
I don't go there because minotaurs and reptalons piss me off. I don't tell others to go there bc it can be dangerous :) I do see people in the places I farm, but the majority of them are thieves. For a shard that is supposedly plagued by stealth, our thieves are fairly indiscreet (looking your way Malloc, York, and Rico....) I've also been pked while farming, but that hasn't happened in a while as a lot of my unexpected visitors are newer and seem intimidated by the really angry looking beetle / mare combo at my side. If they only knew! My bug just likes to cuddle.....

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tamers can make boatloads of money farming things like Miasma, probably close to 100k an hour there, if not more. That does however, make that spot prone to being checked by anyone who wants an easy victim
I'm never easy . . .


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had a char on Siege for over a decade and have ... 50k?


Stratics Veteran
Talk to me....transf gold from origin shard to my char on siege .....how to arrange it....your fee?
How to transf. When ,where ....5 million gold from origin to siege p...what's is your fee ....time line ..procedure???