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I have 2 character transfer tokens for sale. I would trade one of them for an advance character token.

I also have a bottle of Lady M's hair dye I would sell. It is the color of the "pinkish" violet courage.

icq at 230734009 or pm me here if interested.

I am also looking to buy a faerie fire bow. I have a Night Reaper I would trade for it.



Blade of the Righteous 15mil.
Titan's Hamer 13mil.
Zyronic Claw 10mil.
Assasin's Armor, tunic/sleeves 4mil per obo.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Selling a nice true rare! Old Inscription wedding ring! Quote
"Our Love For Each Other Will Last For All Eternity - Enigma X and Tiberius"
It is blessed, a nice pwnaging ring. I'm accepting real offers, hit me up at Luna or ICQ me at 161928321, you know me. I am THE LOOTER!

Theres a picture.


One transfer token for sale 1.5 mil....would trade for resources (i.e. lumber, ingots etc) or just anything cool
PM here with offers


I am looking to trade the Hunters Garb legs and Elven Leafweave gloves for any 2 Hunters Garb pieces (other than legs). PM me or ICQ if you have any of the pieces to trade. Thanks


Selling a Transfer token, 2 8th age gift tokens, and a soul shard token....

ICQ me at 289-717-313


[BUYING Tokens, Barbed Kit Lbods, Smith Deeds and Leather]

Buying these Tokens
Character Transfers.............500k
Soulstones......................1.5 mil
Soulstone Fragments.............75k
Evil Decoration....................250k
Advanced Character Tokens..500k

Buy these Tailoring LBods for 1 Millon each
Spined Leather 120 ex Lbod
Horned Leather 60 ex Lbod
Horned Leather 90 ex Lbod
Horned Leather 120 ex Lbod
Barbed Leather 60 ex Lbod
Barbed Leather 90 ex Lbod
Barbed Leather 120 ex Lbod
Barbed Studded 100 ex Lbod
Barbed Bone 100 ex Lbod
Barbed Leather 120 N Lbod

Here are the Smithing Bods I NEED!!!
Gold 20 Ex Any........................200k
Agapite 10 Ex Any........................200k
Agapite 15 Ex Any........................200k
Verite 10 Ex Any........................150k
Verite 15 Ex Any........................150k
Verite 20 Ex Any.......................1 Mil
Valorite 10 Ex Any.......................1 Mil
Valorite 15 Ex Any.......................1 Mil
Valorite 20 Ex Any.......................3 Mil

I am also BUYING Special Leather at the
prices below.

Spined Leather 25 per
Horned Leather 30 per
Barbed Leather 35 per

My icq is 11900089


I am trying to sell off what I have left on this shard. Will have a full list a bit later but I as soon as I can get the house pretty emptied I will have a 18x17 in Tram for sale.
A few of the things I do have that I can think of right off:
Some of the old dye bottles
A Singing Ball (damn hard to part with but oh well)
Monsters statues and the globes(full set)
Some ingots
Fire tunic
Bucket of water ( think I have 2 of these)
Leggings of Ember
Full Set of Tmap locations both Tram and Fel

That is just some of it.
my icq is 32598736...please be sure to let me know why you want authorizied..I have had some strange icqs lately.