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[Imbuing] Best Way to Select Armor Pieces to Imbue?

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 2


I'm having to redo the luck suit I'd started on due to a boneheaded mistake. I'm going to blame it on the pain meds.rolleyes:

What I'd like to know is what is the best way to select which armor pieces you keep to try and imbue with 100 luck, then enhance with spined leather to get the extra 40 luck? I'd like this second attempt to work out better than the first one and recall a difference of opinion of which resist set up on each piece should be.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What i usually do is craft LOADS of normal leather armor parts.
What im looking for after that is parts with as low phys as possible and as high in 3 of the other 4 propertys as possible.

What i do is imbue 100 luck and max physical resist and then enhance them to 140 LUCK and 22 physical.

That means that when i cast reactivate armor or what the **** its called i get 70/36/35/35/41. Not that i havnt counted the ranom resist on the normal leather pieces in those numbers, i just counted the reactivate armor, AoF, Jester Hat and Mempo of fortune.

Each of the normal leather parts will have a total of 35 resist and hopefully abou 2-3 in phys, will take ALOT of leather though to get the righ parts.
35-3=32, 32/4=8 so that gives about ~8 in all resist on each part.

What does this translet into in theory?
After that you have 2-3 mods left depending on how high you would like to take them(remember that the phys and Luck will take up a total of 270 Weight). One mod would probably be 20 LRC wich leaves room for one more mod, personaly i prefer LMC.
You could get 7 MR without any MR on your suit: Garb, Bleue, Tangle, Mempo.

Im to lazy to launch the calculator but you might have room for 1-3 resist in resist on each part as well.

Jope it helped in some way.


Zid, if you weren't crafting for luck and instead were going for best resists could you explain how you would do it if you were going to enhance with Barbed or Horned?

IE for Spined you'd look for the least physical resist, and then imbue 100 luck and high phys, and then enhance.

What would you do for barbed/horned?



What i usually do is craft LOADS of normal leather armor parts.
What im looking for after that is parts with as low phys as possible and as high in 3 of the other 4 propertys as possible.

What i do is imbue 100 luck and max physical resist and then enhance them to 140 LUCK and 22 physical.

That means that when i cast reactivate armor or what the **** its called i get 70/36/35/35/41. Not that i havnt counted the ranom resist on the normal leather pieces in those numbers, i just counted the reactivate armor, AoF, Jester Hat and Mempo of fortune.

Each of the normal leather parts will have a total of 35 resist and hopefully abou 2-3 in phys, will take ALOT of leather though to get the righ parts.
35-3=32, 32/4=8 so that gives about ~8 in all resist on each part.

What does this translet into in theory?
After that you have 2-3 mods left depending on how high you would like to take them(remember that the phys and Luck will take up a total of 270 Weight). One mod would probably be 20 LRC wich leaves room for one more mod, personaly i prefer LMC.
You could get 7 MR without any MR on your suit: Garb, Bleue, Tangle, Mempo.

Im to lazy to launch the calculator but you might have room for 1-3 resist in resist on each part as well.

Jope it helped in some way.
Would they have to have a base of 2-3 phys, or would something like a 5/10/7/3/10 work? And what about something like 3/4/7/7/14 or 4/9/9/4/9?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I have been making a few of these now and I do two sorts. The first sort is by pieces with mostly two low resists. The second sort is to group the low resists by resist type. The pieces with only 1 low resist or an average spread across each resist have been recycled.

I always do two resist imbues per piece and try to get as close to a +30 per piece as possible.

That is for the luck suits.

For dexers and paladins I have been making combinations of horned/barbed or for elves heartwood and frostwood. Making all 70's for the elves is easier because the woodland resists are higher and the woods give some nice values in specific resists. The material combination is important.

It is important for all the suits to get no more than 2 imbues on the resists to maximize the suit potential. I was able to make a dexer suit with 150 dex/stam and 70 DCI/45HCI/ 38 LMC with only 3 imbued pieces and practically all 70's resists. On this suit I had to enhance after imbuing the resists and so the woodland armour resists are high.

As you recall it was my perspective that the actual location of the low resists was not as important as the combination of the lows. For instance, you could have a +30 in physical with other resists being high or all the physical around 8&9 and a low in another area like cold.

I wish I could give you my spreadsheet it would make it easier for you.



I'm just about ready to say screw it and let someone else make the suit. This is too much damn work. A calculator shouldn't be a required piece of equipment to play a game...


Yeah, you should see the chicken scratch I had going trying to put my pvp mage suit together. Let's just say making a 50 ep 70 dci 2/6 40 lmc 10 mr all 70's was my personal nightmare. You have to start with pieces that are high in 2 elemental resists and have a decent phys resist. I took the total resist that I needed and divided by how many pieces I had. If any of the totals after division were near 12 or 13 I can craft that piece and get those resist prior to imbueing. Then it's a matter of putting enough resists onto the piece to get to 70. It should only require 2 elemental resists on each piece to get to 70. Then luck then stam 8 and lmc for a warrior. Also when putting the luck on, you just put 100 luck through imbueing, then enhance, then imbue the rest of your mods. You lose a bunch of pieces, it's a nightmare.

Good luck. You couldn't pay me to do it again. :p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just about ready to say screw it and let someone else make the suit. This is too much damn work. A calculator shouldn't be a required piece of equipment to play a game...
I could probably make the pieces for you but im on europa and i belive that your on a US shard if im not missinformed?

The two last of the armor parts you posted seems okeyish(3/4/7/7/14 or 4/9/9/4/9).
I would still continue to create armor until i find some with 2-4 Phys and nice spreads over the other. Normal leatehr is easy to farm or cheap to buy anyway.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, you should see the chicken scratch I had going trying to put my pvp mage suit together. Let's just say making a 50 ep 70 dci 2/6 40 lmc 10 mr all 70's was my personal nightmare.
I made a suit like that but with 25 HPI and lots of stats and MI to fit my parry mage templet and i belive that it was easy to make.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Zid, if you weren't crafting for luck and instead were going for best resists could you explain how you would do it if you were going to enhance with Barbed or Horned?

IE for Spined you'd look for the least physical resist, and then imbue 100 luck and high phys, and then enhance.

What would you do for barbed/horned?

I cant answer this question. It totaly depends on what Artifacts your going to use and what mods your looking for on the suit.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A calculator shouldn't be a required piece of equipment to play a game...
It Isnt. You were doing just fine before imbuing wasnt you? :)
You only need a calculator if you want the top end items, nothing wrong with that if you ask me.


I don't believe a calculator should have to be used with any part of the game, including top end items. There's too much "work" and not enough "play" in it. I've decided to just find someone else to make the suit for me anyway. I've spent more time trying to make 4 pieces of armor than at anything else I've ever done in game. It's more of a PITA than I'm prepared to deal with.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well it doesnt require a calculator.
Tell me what you want?
140 Luck and 20 LRC? Imbue/enhance it. If it breaks rince and repeat.
Do you want somethin more on the item? Imbue it.'

It doesnt require a calculator in anyway tbh even though it sometimes makes it easier :)


Yeah I wish I was running a parry mage sometimes. It's a onehanded Mage weap suit. The shield helps a lot. No faction arties either. Try it, post results, I would love to hear how you achieved it. I am really proud of my work, but it wasn't easy.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just about ready to say screw it and let someone else make the suit. This is too much damn work. A calculator shouldn't be a required piece of equipment to play a game...
I'll see if I can figure out how to make one as a user interface add-on to the EC, because I have a lot more time due to some RL changes that happened recently.

Maybe I can make it show you everything about crafting your suit. I'll check how flexible the UI scripting allows for that sort of thing. It would be cool to get my spreadsheet added as a EC add-on incorporated into a paperdoll type seamstress. Don't hold your breath, but I will check.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Connor, what I do some times, is just start with all my base pieces (arties and whatnot) and see where you sit in total resists.

Then I do ONE piece at a time, not craft one at a time, but I craft just Arms, until I get a suitable pair.

The way I choose what piece of crafted arms to keep and imbue? It depends on what resist I need the most. For the Sammy, it is almost always fire, so I will craft and imbue pieces that start with 4 fire or less (many pieces can go to 3 even with GM armslore). I max fire them imbue 4 other mods on it.

I will do this with the first piece or two, and again total the resists to see if the last piece or two will have to have 2 resists imbued.

I will do this sometimes, instead of figuring out the entire suit first with all the perfect resists and mods and then make armor for DAYS looking for the perfest starting combos of ressits ( because GM armlsore is random for resists)

Hope that helps.


I went from "about ready" to "dead set on" in regards to just hiring someone else to make the suit. I've got a lot of other things on my list of things to do that I'd much rather be doing, like getting teeth pulled with no novacaine, seeing if dropping a bowling ball on my foot really hurts, etc.......


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I went from "about ready" to "dead set on" in regards to just hiring someone else to make the suit. I've got a lot of other things on my list of things to do that I'd much rather be doing, like getting teeth pulled with no novacaine, seeing if dropping a bowling ball on my foot really hurts, etc.......
Why dont you just follow the advice i gave you in the first reply?


Because I got sick of the "craft x zillion, imbue, enhance, curse loudly, repeat".


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because I got sick of the "craft x zillion, imbue, enhance, curse loudly, repeat".
Haha okey. Will you take any of your chars to rares fest?

What template will you use this suit for?
What server do you play on?
How much would you be able to spend on the imbued armor parts, ie Legs, Sleeves & Gloves?

I might be able to put something together.
With the amount of players that Xfer we might be able to transfer the pieces without much of a cost.


No, I have no plans on going to the rares fest.

The suit is for my tamer on Pacific. The amount I can spend is pretty much limitless within the scope of what I'm wanting. I've already got someone working on it, and he's starting to realize why I decided to contract the suit out lol.