Avalon: Clinic Notes

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Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
The clinic is not yet open, yet the first patient has been seen and treated. I will not turn away any who seek me, regardless of space. Whatever the events of last eve may have entailed, the result to the young girl was extensive.

When I came to her, the wound was oozing. Izznet had tried to stop the bleeding, but was ill equipped to do so. Fetching me to the Knight’s Rest was a good decision.

The healer’s stone I carry was inserted into the wound as carefully as possible, but the pain was more than the young body could endure. The fact she lay unconscious was, perhaps, a good thing. It meant less moving allowing the stone to work.

The stone seems rather ordinary to look at it, but its healing properties are mighty. Thick and red as a ruby and heavy to the feel, its soul purpose is to aid in blood clotting and weaving together flesh and bone. It has a pointed end, useful to reopen wounds that close poorly, and tapers out to a soft round edge.

I have used these stones many times and find their work beyond compare where open and festering wounds are concerned. It cleans and cauterizes as it moves along living flesh. With this injury it worked quickly being mercifully gentle to the young body. As the stone helped the body mend it was pushed out. I watched carefully to ensure there would be no complications or other treatment necessary. If there is a scar, it will be minimal.

I held out my hand to catch the stone as it was expelled from the girl’s body. Almost immediately the stone crumbled into a thick dust. The job was complete and it had been utterly used up. I threw the dust into the fire causing a green tinge to burst into the flames.

Turning back to the girl I sighed a long cleansing breath to ensure no other ill effects would threaten her healing. The winds are transferred from my body to hers then returned to me. I take her pain and any other issues present on myself allowing the patient to heal in peace. I can later go purge my body into healing walls of my mountain.

I was intrigued at the soft silky blue scales that formed around the stone. It seemed almost reptilian in nature. I have not known many dragon kin, but what I knew was she would need to be taken outside before she broke things inside.

I carried the girl outside to the pond of Aegis. I hoped the healing benefits offered by the waters as well as the BaleFire would aid her. The closer I came to the pond the heavier she became. I was thankful to be close to the pond, by the time we arrived she was beyond my strength.

Bursting into her natural form the beautiful scales of the blue dragon lay on the ground next to the pool’s edge. I tried to keep the dragon’s head above the water, but it was as if she insisted on being In the water completely submerged. My only guess is that she was a dragon of the deep oceans and she would do best in the water.

The bubbles that broke the surface of the pond and the rumbling snoring that made the ground buzz made me laugh despite myself. James had noticed the commotion and came to investigate. Together we determined the dragon kin would be fine as she was and if she were not seen or heard from in a few days then there would be cause for concern.

My other concern was for Aedon. He returned from the outing disturbed and shaken. There were no outward signs of injury, but it was clear his mind and heart were deeply troubled. Were it so easy to mend a troubled heart as it is to mend a wound, I would have offered more solace. I can only offer my peace to his mind and hope it will be enough.

I am looking forward to more time in the clinic. I am also dreading the idea that such violence in the land requires my services. Perhaps this is the reason I am in these lands, at this time.

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
Life in Yew has taken a lovely calm. It has been perfect for allowing time to prepare the clinic for use. Where quiet has been the norm for a short while, there will be time that it will be called upon. It must be ready and all diligence shown to offer aid when required.

With the peace has offered an opportunity to assist a dear friend with a very personal matter. The Baron Arkon has requested to have the use of his eye restored. His wish to “see his bride on his wedding day” has compelled me to pour my full attention into honoring his request.

The surgery is delicate in the simplicity. On close examination the socket seems to be viable. There are still active nerves open to be fused. The pain he endures constantly must be excruciating, yet he lives with it without complaint.

If the procedure is successful, the pain of an open wound should disappear. Providing his true nature accepts what will be offered he should also regain full sight and use of the eye.

I am collecting the necessary herbs and other items to aid in keeping him quiet and without pain through the process. He will bring the few other items required. When all is together we will proceed.

His betrothed is understandably concerned, with good reason. I will not make it worse, no sight is as far as it would go and that he already has. The biggest cause of concern is the amount of pain that would be inflicted in opening up the wound further.

I did see that he will not need a new eyelid added. Whoever it was that removed the eye left enough of his original flesh to use. That will be just as delicate and far more obvious in the restoration process.

I also think they are both concerned at the size of my hands. Such delicate work in a small place with gargoyle hands would be a bit disconcerting. There are no assurances I can make other than to prove my abilities. I will encourage them both in their use of positive energies and leave the rest in the knowledge that I am well versed in what I do. Should his body respond well, she will take him home the same day.

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
The gaping hole where an eye should be could have been simple enough to fill, yet the request was to make it functional. That would be a bit more of a trick. A great deal of preparation and some degree of divine favor would be required.

The surgery would be simple enough in that the socket had been prepared for long ages. Where complications would be possible was in the process of fusing a working eye to one that had been suspended in animation. It was an old concept, but a new application.

After casting a heavy sleep over the patient, the socket was packed with a bundle of herbs. The herbs consisted of clove, honey, ginger, some willow and mint. This would have made a lovely tea, but the use was far more in depth. It would act as an agent to numb the nerves while the new eye was fusing new paths. The honey was a binding as well as an antiseptic to keep things clean and free of infection.

Allowing the herbs to rest and do their job gave time to prepare the new eye. Whispering the incantations that were required to bring the delicate nerves in place was more efficient than trying to use talons. A small pool of dragon’s blood was used to regenerate the donor eye and fuse it with the original.

My eyes remained closed as to concentrate fully on the task in my hand. I could feel the soft vibrations of the magic and the medicine working together. I have no idea what it looked like, but the feel of it was both unsettling and intriguing. When the movement stopped it was ready to take its rightful home.

Removing the herb bundle the socket was prepared with savage paint that acted as a bonding agent for the new nerves. It also aided in drawing the healing energies from his body to the place that required the most attention. Carefully inserting the eye, nerve first, I could not help but smile as I watched his body eagerly accept its long lost piece.

The eye sucked into place as it should. The final step was to fix the eye lid to work properly. There remains a scar, but unless one is studying closely, it is not easily recognized.

I left detailed instructions and will check progress in a few days. The golden eye of the dragon seems to be happy and at home. I see no complications with the procedure and expect a full recovery. How well he sees, is yet to be known.

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
A new home for the clinic has been laid and the location has proven effective and convenient. I am not, by any means, one who specializes in animal medicine, but how can one who claims to be a ‘healer’ refuse a call for healing?

The young child who came to the steps of the new clinic was inconsolable. Their precious lamb had been attacked by a mongbat. How could I refuse such desperate pleas from such a face? To an adult, such an attack would be laughable, but to the very young it can be devastating.

In the lamb, the wounds were extensive. Without immediate attention the small beast would have died. The lamb was more than just some animal, it was the child’s friend and companion. My heart moved with compassion for the small body that lay still in my lap.

I examined the damage and had the young child fetch clean water and some cloth to cleanse the gaping wounds. Once the gashes were clean I applied a stone that had proven useful in cauterizing bleeding. The lamb remained very still in my lap, but a few softly spoken words of healing helped to revive it.

I did not leave the child or his prize pet until I was certain they would both recover. The lamb opened its eyes and began to take mother’s milk from a makeshift bottle. It was obvious the bundle of wool was in pain, but it made every effort to stand. Nuzzling it’s boy’s hand the lamb was able to be taken home. I expect it won’t be long til they will again be frolicking in the meadows.
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Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
I am intensely aware of the dangers my Charge will soon face. It is not the voyage alone that gives me cause to concern, but the reason for it. She has never been pleased at the life she was bestowed, yet the difficulty in calling it anything less than a gift has weighed on her mind for generations.

It was a gift, once. Now it is a burden that, she feels, keeps her from a true life. Good Aedon spoke rightly when he told her she lives life to its fullest. Regardless of her conviction to that truth, it is in essence truth. She pursues those things that bring beauty and light with a ferocity I have seen in few others.

I have prepared for her some herbs and a few items to assist in her transition. I am without doubt, knowing it will be painful. The darkness within will fight her, it has to. For centuries she has lived with it in some degree of harmony. She now seeks to disrupt the union.

I will not be able to help her while she is away. I must trust that Good Aedon and his Guardian will keep her in good hands until they return. Only when I lay eyes on her standing under her own power will I be satisfied all is well.

The clinic will be made ready for them. I know not what state she will be delivered to me. I am hopeful, and that will need be sufficient. To the divine, I hope she will be made whole.

Some will judge her harshly for it. Others will simply turn away from ever knowing her. In the end, it is her desire to see the light of day on her terms. It is my hope she will not be turned away by all who know her, but will be embraced as the new creature that will step onto sunny slopes of her Home.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Apr 19, 2010
the Trinsic Wood
Thoughts of Bitter Sweet Memories
Whisper on the Winds…
Having Premonition of Izznet and a Venture To Ascend From the Kindred ,
To the Realm of Mortals…
I couldn’t Help but feel a Sadness.. In a Strange way.. A Loss.
No Mortal Understands the Passion between A Sire and Talya… ,
The Devotion to one another that is Fashioned through the Unique
Bond Of Feeding.. That never can be Undone..
But I know of her Ancestry , Her First Sire ,
And all she has been through since The Drow sent her to me so Long ago.
so I truly Understand , And Hope she can endure What Being Mortal will require.
For myself.. I will Not begrudge nor allow any Kindred ,
To Interfere With what Izznet may feel , will bring her Happiness.
Be Safe My Sweet Talya… *As I Close My Eyes to Rest*
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Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
Sitting at her desk to pen thoughts to paper, Avalon’s expression is of deep sorrow.

I know not of how the journey progresses. They have been gone far too long to my liking, and I worry for her wellness. My trust in Aedon is founded, yet my confidence in her resolve has not been proved. I can hope alone that she will face what is to be with the grace in which she walks the lands.

I have removed her “room” from the surface and replaced its spot with a grave and a marker. At present it is an empty and hollow space to serve as a memory to what had been. It is my sincere hope I do not need find a true grave for her body. I wish for her to walk long in this realm in the joy of sunlight.

I check daily for the return of their ship. Please return safely to me, my dear Izznet.

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
Approaching the clinic Izznet kept her hat pulled low over her eyes. She knew the Watcher would notice, but the idea that it could be kept a secret stayed the resolve. It was a pointless exercise, but worth the effort.

Avalon knew immediately there was something a bit out of place. The scolding smile that stretched across her face spoke of the knowledge this would not be the last time to see her Charge injured in some way. Putting her hands on her hips the massive gargoyle waited for an explanation.

“Good morrow, Avalon. I trust all is well with you,” Izznet said in a pathetic attempt at distraction.

“Mhmm tis well with me, aye. Tis not so well with thee, I think.”

“I have no idea…”

Avalon had waited long enough. She reached down and plucked the wizard’s hat from Izznet’s head to reveal a magnificent black eye. The eye was blood shot and swollen, obviously painful to the touch, but Izznet came in with a broad grin at the battle she had won.

“You insist on making me beg for a story?”

“Oh, fine. I went to study the Solen Hive, while down there I was greeted by an ant lion who insisted on saying hello. He was rather rude about it all and struck me. I was compelled to answer his challenge. It seems he was rather prejudice against mages, I found the remains of another who had challenged him, and lost. I was merely defending myself,” she said with a broad grin plastered across her face.

“Well so long as you taught this ant lion a good lesson in manners, all is forgiven.”

Avalon had already required an inspection of her well being, the added bonus of something to examine was more of an excuse to keep a closer eye on Izznet. The Watcher was aware that trying to keep Izznet from doing ‘stressful activities’ was futile, but she was hopeful there would be some degree of caution involved.

The black eye was minor to what could have been seen, but the fragility of Izznet was brought to a new light. Avalon smiled at her long time companion and quietly offered a prayer to her deity for the protection of those she cared for deeply. It seemed that both of her Charges were quite stubborn!

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
Avalon’s Notes: Patient file Izznet H’unar

I am a mystic of the Queen’s order, trained in the use of rocks and crystals and keen to hear them speak. My body is one with earth and stone, my blood beats with the hooves of the lava that flows far beneath. I am of body, mind and spirit one who walks the thin veil. With this in mind, I am compelled to say Izznet’s condition is of her own making.

In my examination of her person I discovered a few clues that guide me. I washed her body to see what could be discovered and to try to bring down some of the fever symptoms she expressed. She lay quiet and motionless until I touched her ankle, when she flinched in great pain.

The other ankle produced the same response as did her wrists. When I tried to remove the silk tie she woke and sat bolt upright. The expression on her face was raw and that befitting her former animal. I released her arm and the tie helping her to lie back to rest. It was obvious That was not to be removed.

Running the clean cloth over her abdomen she winced again with extreme agony. This was the one clue I had seen before from another of the Queen’s court. He was a warrior scout and had gone on a spirit walk to act as spy in the enemy camp. His consciousness had been discovered and had been held in a crystal chamber, impaled by some foreign object, cut from his physical form. The longer his body and consciousness was separated the worse his physical body fell. He was eventually fallen victim and died.

I am loath to allow that same fate to happen to my Charge. It will not be an easy thing to speak to Good Aedon, and I will require more proof to show him. For now, I will move quiet so as not to disturb his restless slumber.

My pouch of stones has the one I can use to “See” her thread. It will also allow me to see the injuries that bring her such pain. Aside of keeping her physically comfortable, I am helpless to assist her in any other manner.

*The Watcher peered through the Hag’s stone, her lavender eyes dropping focus to see within the veil. Through the film a soft mist allowed her to see the spider claw that impaled Izznet’s body. She could also see the raw and bloody effects of the shackles on her wrists and ankles.

Peering deeper through the stone Avalon searched for the one thing that made her worry the most, the silver thread. Finding the thread attached and holding strong she released a relieved sigh. She also noticed that the cord Aedon had tied around her wrist was the one thing that was keeping her grounded to her physical body.*

My findings are dire, yet they prove hopeful. I will speak to Aedon when he wakes. I know he is concerned for her as well. She is not contagious, but she is battling. Her struggle is as real as if she could see it in the waking world. I will summon the protections that I know to assist her battle.

I am curious if his voice will serve her, or distract her. I am inclined to have him sit with her and hold her hand. My hope is that his presence will further anchor her and grant her the strength to pursue with vigor the good fight.
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Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
Moving Izznet to the roof seemed to cause a great deal of pain in her unconscious body. When Avalon moved her arm a wincing grimace and short yelp made the Watcher more gentle. Folding Izznet’s arms across her chest allowed her to keep hold of the silk ties around her wrist. It seemed to be an item of great importance and security and Avalon wanted to ensure as much familiar and grounding items surrounded her as possible.

A circle had been drawn on the roof layered in colored sand and with singing stones placed in intervals. A large piece of silver obsidian was placed to help amplify the grounding anchor’s pull. Laying Izznet gently on the circle Avalon then placed a smooth round stone over the place on her abdomen that showed the largest wound. The healing stone would aid in easing the pain and hopefully loosen the hold of whatever impaled her.

Setting a low futon near the circle would give Good Aedon a place to rest, if he chose to remain. The Watcher would stand guard and act as the stone conduit for the grounding summons. Little else could be done to aid Izznet, it was her battle to fight. They would act as the road map home.

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
Avalon Patient Files: Izznet H’unar

Finally she begins to stir. The careful attention from Aedon, and some of my own, is paying off. She seems to be finding her way back to the waking.

He has been staying the evenings with her and sleeping on the futon I prepared for him. He does not seem uncomfortable, but I doubt greatly if he would bother to complain if he were.

I have enjoyed sitting with them and listening to the manner in which he speaks to her. It is dear and precious. I do not think others understand the depth they share, and to see his careful consideration of her brings joy to my heart.

I have decided it is time to return her to familiar quarters. She rolled over and wrapped herself into his lap, but I doubt greatly she even knew what she was doing. The groaning, however, has made me remember the roof is a rather un- bed like surface. She will do better in her own environment.

Good Aedon has assured me the bed will be prepared for her. I will bring her shortly.

Izznet H'unar

Dec 31, 2015
The air was thick with anticipation and stirring of the new seasons. Spring was in the air and with it came a restlessness that brought out the joy and irritation of Yew citizens. Silly accidents and few tricky births had kept Avalon busy.

Duties at the “Grim Reaper’s Health and Wellness Center” had been steady. The move was taken in stride with few complaints. Only one had gotten completely turned around and lost, Lydia. Her sense of direction was lacking, but she did eventually find the new address.

“I just couldn’t seem to find you anywhere! Then I saw Hairy and followed him, until he ran away screaming. Why would he run away screaming? I really wonder how he can run that fast, or what could possibly scare him that baaaa… oooh my!”

Makaidos joined Avalon in time to hear the tiny barrage of words from Lydia. The massive gargoyle had been given the nickname of “Grim Reaper”. He could never quite figure out why, but he always considered it a term of endearment.

Lydia’s gaze went from the tip of his taloned feet and followed up to the horns on his head. Her mouth hung aghast and she was genuinely at a loss for words. When she finally found her voice, it was more of a squeak. Her long rabbit ears trembled in terror and the sudden realization of why Hairy ran so fast made sense. Before she could think twice she too was off tearing through the forest zig zagging away from the giant clothed in darkness.

“Avalon, why do the Pooka keep fleeing?”

Mak’s innocent question brought a smile to Avalon’s face. Before she could answer the soft buzz in the magical portal that lead from The Knight’s Rest to the clinic sounded the arrival of a visitor. Irritated mutterings announced Mirian’s presence.

“Greetings, Mirian…”

“Oh Save it! That damned thing is acting like it is smarter than I am!”

Mirian was limping and muttering curses and profanities all the way up the steps. There was little for Avalon and Mak to do other than to stand and wait for her to settle into a chair.

“Tell me what you did please.” Avalon’s quiet calm defused the hostile client enough to allow an explanation.

“Short answer, I kicked a keg. It was full of spoiled wine. The damn thing is Taunting me! So I thought I would teach it a lesson. Maybe it was teaching me something instead.”

“What exactly is it teaching you?”

“That solid objects need to be kicked with better care if anything is meant to come of it! Just tell me how bad is this?”

Avalon knelt in front of Mirian and carefully drew the offending foot to her lap. The huge hand and talons made Mirian’s foot look more like that of a child than a full grown woman. Strangely smooth and cool to the touch, Avalon’s hand radiated a healing calm that instantly settled nerves and eased pain.

“Tis bruised and the muscles are strained beyond their desire. But you are not broken. You will heal efficiently assuming you do not try to educate any more kegs. Should you return with the same malady I may have to amputate.” Avalon said in a matter of fact tone that caused Mirian to wonder a moment.

“Tis a jest, ma’am. I would not steal a limb due to something so trivial. I would suggest you remain off your feet a day or two. Perhaps assist the Lady Izznet in the garden.”

“Fine, fine! I suppose sitting in a garden would do a little good. I was so looking forward to helping Aedon with the Winter Rose. It’s been a good long time since I cooked for others. Is that so much to ask? To be a little perfect?” she asked with a heavy sigh.

“Tis not so much to request, but it may be a sign to relax and enjoy the community a while. The cooks in town seem to be more of an irritation than an asset to you. Do forgive if my words are out of proper order. I think good Aedon will be pleased with any effort, and for Hairy, he is Pooka.”

Mirian blinked at the words from her caregiver taking in the statement and wondering why “he is pooka” mattered. Deciding it was best to leave that question unasked she decided to return home.

“Oh no! Do not move just yet. Allow me to wrap this with healing herbs.”

Avalon applied the fragrant herbs and the bandage with such gentle precision Mirian was surprised it was not done by human hands. Once all was complete the Doctor dismissed her patient. The mood had altered slightly as Mirian vanished in the sparkling puff of the magic teleport.

“That is an odd human. Why again do we remain here?” Makaidos was befuddled.

“She is a bit touchy, but generally agreeable. I remain for my Charge. You came to assist me. Is there any other cause so noble?”

“Aye, true. No the cause is good. I was in need of remembering.”

“Rest well, friend.”

Shifting into the rocks of the wall Makaidos closed his eyes to rest. His mind replayed the events of the encounters with the rabbit and Mirian. Such an odd lot he found himself a part. The soft release of air surrounded his form as the stone morphing finished.

Avalon smiled and turned to clean the items used before writing a report.