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A note on UOHomeDecor lack of posts


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I haven't made this public yet on my website or on the Facebook page, but will be posting here first.

I made mention in the contest thread that things were running behind with what was going on with my husband.

Before the contest launched we knew my husband was going to have surgery to remove an aggressive cancerous tumor from his right ureter. It resulted in the loss of his right kidney as well. This all happened May 26 and in theory, removal of the offending bits would have solved the problem and everything would be hunky dory just minus a kidney and a tumor.

Life had other plans.

Two weeks after the surgery my husband was back in the hospital with a variety of issues which turned out to be "multiple lesions throughout the brain, too many to count." It was also in his lungs and potentially more elsewhere. They biopsied what was in the lungs and it turned out to be melanoma. Further tests later revealed the original tumor that was removed was also melanoma. Tests eventually showed it was a rare mutation not normally found in healthy individuals.

August 8 will mark two months post diagnosis. My husband is 42. I'm turning 36 in a few days. During the last two months they have completed 14 treatments of whole brain radiation, started immunotherapy drugs and are trying to control the cancer as best as possible. Without treatment he had less than two weeks to live. With treatment, less than six months. With the immunotherapy treatments he may have longer, but how much longer is an uncertainty.

To say the last two month have been chaotic would be an understatement. We have all the legal stuff done (will, living will, advanced medical directives, etc.). We are applying for disability, etc. for him while I continue to work full time and freelance.

Needless to say, my websites, including UOHomeDecor, UOForums and others, have understandably been pushed to the side while we deal with the more immediate issues and try to spend more quality time with him in what time he has left.

I just wanted to give an explanation of what's going on since it looks like I'm flaky right now (and I am.)


Lord Frodo

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OMG Throw away the damn computer and go be with your loved ones. If people cant understand that then they aren't worthy of even being considered to be part of the human race. Prayers.


Lore Master
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Your husband's circumstances have too familiar a ring. Kayhynn, I am so sorry to learn of such a devastating diagnosis. Life can be so challenging and precious. Spend quality time with him.

My heart still aches for my husband who passed away last year from cancer. He was classified as stage IV when first diagnosed, but survived over two and a half years. Doctor's can make educated guesses, and patients can surprise them with a different life expectancy. I hope you have loving family and friends to help through this journey. I know my UO friends made a big difference, and still do!


Long Live The Players
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Appreciate you sharing with us, if there is anything we can do as a community to help you just say the word. You have been an inspiration to all of us, I hope all the best for you and your family.


Stratics Veteran
Good grief! Like the others have said ... spend the time on RL issues and let things here go as they may. Your spouse and other family are a heck of a lot more important right now. If there are family members in close proximity to you, perhaps lean on them for support ... the extra voice when needed, etc. If not, pick up the phone and call them.

We'll be here ... lending all that we can. Just do what needs doing there. My wishes and prayers are with you both.


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Thanks everyone....

And per advice of several people who've been through things like I'm dealing with - I've been advised to play games when I can to have a sense of normalcy and as a stress reliever - so I plan to. Just freelancing is going to take a priority now because we went from two incomes to one until certain benefits kick in in November.

We've been spending time together with things he wants to do before he passes. We saw Cirque du Soleil (sp?) this weekend but that exhausted him. We're taking it one day at a time and I am grateful for the support from his family and mine as well as outside. It's been a god send.


It's My Birthday
Stratics Veteran
So sorry to hear you and your family are going through so much. Love your posts, but your hubby is more important. Prayers for you all.

Sinder Shayde

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What to say!!....
As I read your post, tears came to my eyes, as I just can't imagine what you and your family must be going through.
My thoughts and Prayers are with you...

UNKNOWN of Atlantic

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I always seem to Find my way to sad posts. I Don't know You, But My heart hurts for you. I Felt I should at Least write Something in acknowledgement & not just exit out.
I hope You have time to do all you want to do. I pray for Strength for You, Your Family and Your friends who all are in this B.S. Situation that Cancer seems to put so many people in.
Cancer Sucks !!!!!!


Crazed Zealot
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So sorry to hear this sad news Kayhynn, bad stuff always happens to the best people and their families :( And you are one of the best people I know! My thoughts are with you


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Kayhynn, sending prayers your way. Lean on your family and friends, they want and need to help.


Lore Keeper
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Hope this post finds you in good spirits and calm waters for now. Be strong when needed and weak when needed. Be happy when needed and be sad when needed. Prayers for him, you and your families. *hugs*


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Thanks everyone.

Brief update - tomorrow we go in to get the results of the most recent MRI and CT scan to see if the drugs are still controlling the cancer. We hope so, but there's always the worry that it isn't. I believe the next tests like these will be in December, just before our deductible resets for the new year.


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Good news! The meds are continuing to hold the cancer from progressing and in some cases is still shrinking it. At this point it's looking like he will be with us through at least the holidays. I hold hope that it would last through our son's graduation, but it's hard to say at this point.

I will probably have time to do updates and posts here soon, but I don't think I will have time to run contests.

If anyone would like to run contests on my behalf, I'd welcome a discussion on it.


Babbling Loonie
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Good news! The meds are continuing to hold the cancer from progressing and in some cases is still shrinking it. At this point it's looking like he will be with us through at least the holidays. I hold hope that it would last through our son's graduation, but it's hard to say at this point.

I will probably have time to do updates and posts here soon, but I don't think I will have time to run contests.

If anyone would like to run contests on my behalf, I'd welcome a discussion on it.


old gypsy

Grand Poobah
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I had no idea all this was happening until I checked this forum a few minutes ago!

I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.


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SO things were starting to go a bit better in December, despite a change in the cancer. They thought changing medication and starting new rounds of targeted radiation might fix things. He started feeling better and doing better.

Till last week.

He is currently in the hospital and we're being told if he doesn't respond to meds for the brain swelling to go down in the next 24-48 hours, we'll have to discuss the next steps, which includes hospice. I'm hoping and praying that won't be the case, but chances are it will be. To say this is making me a wreck is an understatement.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Best wishes Kayhynn.


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Good news, bad news.

Good news, he's been released to come home as he improved enough and they hope to continue treatments.

Bad news, another seizure or any worsening to where he can't continue treatments and we go to hospice. He's not allowed to be by himself any longer, which frustrates him. I'll be working from home 3 days a week and his mom will be here two days so neither of us burns out.

Thanks for the love and support. I appreciate it.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
I am happy to hear that it's working out if there is ever anything any of us can do just ask. You are a great person and a huge help so I can o lay speak for myself that I would love to help any way I can.


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As things often happen, he improved only to take turns to the worse. Tonight is his last night at our home and tomorrow morning we will be taking him into hospice care outside of the home.

As of today, we don't know how much the insurance is covering, but i have been warned they may not cover room and board. If that's the case, there may be a go fund me for medical expenses in the future.

Can't really type much else...toomany tears all day.


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A very quick update as i have a little time right now.

My husband was taken to hospice yesterday. We thought expenses were covered, now it's sounding like something may not be due to working with the VA. We're hoping it gets resolved, but we still have expenses coming in from the previous issues and deductible being reset this year.

Any help is greatly appreciated and as people have asked how they can help in the past, here's a link: Meal Train for The Snoke Family (Click Here)

If you would prefer paypal donations, they can be made via this link: Pay Grace Snoke using PayPal.Me

If you donate, thank you so very much. I don't know if I'll have time to make personal thank yous, but please leave a note as to your forum name so I can when I Have time.


Former Stratics Publisher
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My thoughts to you and yours hun. *huggles*


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My husband ended up passing Friday morning. Funeral is Wednesday. It has been a whirlwind dealing with the military and getting everything paid for and set up for the funeral.


Legendary Mall Santa
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My sympathy is with you, this is a terrible loss. I am trying to donate tomorrow.

Alira Drakrul

Seasoned Veteran
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I'm sorry for your loss hon. May you be surrounded with loved ones at this challenging time. I couldn't imagine losing my husband - he's my everything. ~ Assia Penryn. Much love m'dear.


Goodman's Rune Library
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So sorry to hear this :( My condolences...