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Question on treasure maps


Stratics Veteran
Hey all, so I have a deconstructed t hunter that I've been thinking about putting back together. I need to raise remove trap as I don't have that yet. In fact I only have cart and lock picking. It's been awhile since I've done tmaps. Any other skill I need? I have all the kill monster skills that I'll need just the necessities for aquiring the chest I'm curious about. Also, is it worth it? Is the new systems loot drastically better? Thanks!


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Cartography, lock picking,and remove trap is all you need. Plenty of room for the other skills....

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Hey all, so I have a deconstructed t hunter that I've been thinking about putting back together. I need to raise remove trap as I don't have that yet. In fact I only have cart and lock picking. It's been awhile since I've done tmaps. Any other skill I need? I have all the kill monster skills that I'll need just the necessities for aquiring the chest I'm curious about. Also, is it worth it? Is the new systems loot drastically better? Thanks!
With remove traps you should be set. The fact you can (kind of) tailor your T-maps to what you are looking for, it's a little better, in that respect. But, in my opinion, over all I think the "ravamp" was more of a "nerf", than anything else. I used to do T-maps all the time. I did 3 LvL 5 Fel maps, got discouraged looking at all the junk, grabbed the scrolled, and then promptly put my T-hunter back into hibernation.


UO Forum Moderator
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Thanks for the replies. Keith, that's what I was afraid of. I guess I'll still work up remove traps.
Strangely, my experience is opposite of Keith's in that there was a lot more in them for me - then again, I'm not hunting for the best of the best gear, as I find PVP silly, and most of my suits still have half their items the same as they were in 2009. I also loot stuff for the Lake Austin Player's Center, where we often give away items that would sell for 100k-1 million on ATL.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
uo cah has a website, that has a feature of a search for treasure maps.
if there is a specific item you are looking for, it will tell you which map you need to use to get them.

I don't do tmaps for the gear, i do it for the resources, blues, pinks, forged pardons, legendary mapmakers glasses, and few other items
i do take out artifacts for unraveling, but I really don't know what i'm looking on gear.
I usually just keep it if its high in resists and has LRC.

I only do Stash, Supply, and Cache maps by myself.
I don't have lockpicking on the treasure hunters I am using now.
I can cast Unlock spell from Magery to open chests.

While training Remove Trap, I only did Stash and Supply maps.
you can get them in the Dark Guardians room in doom.
They are Malas tmaps, Stash and Supply.

Supply maps are where you get the legendary mapmakers glasses, which can have +1 to +5 cartography skill.
This is useful for getting a small bonus toward a higher quality chest when digging treasure.
you can use POF on them and imbue.


I ran with zero remove trap for a long time and while it worked it wasn’t as fast.

I have liked adding taming and lore to do maps. Bringing a trained up lesser hiryu makes the ancient wyrms way easier.

Some variation of this works:
Lock pick
Remove trap