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Spirituality shield ruining pvp balance!


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not to belittle prodo pvp, well, not entirely, and i'll preface by saying the worst prodo pvpr can probably wipe the floor with me. But seeing that video of billion dollar suits (im assuming) and insurance, and the moongate always in view, gives me a whole new respect for Siege pvprs.
Yes! Absolutely.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No I dont want you to do anything....but choose, You Choose how best to invest your resources to make your templates the most effective for YOU to play!

That is what balance is really about....choice.

What you are telling each and everyone of us is this....you are way to important ( read lazy) to train this virtue. So you want every one else to get penalized!

Translation is.....I am all kinda butthurt because player X killed me while they had Spirituality invoked. So I am gonna scream about how this needs to be nerfed and hope no one figures out what this is really about!

It does NOT unbalance game play...
It is NOT overpowering
It can be used by everyone equally..
It is just something else you can choose to make part of your builds if you choose to invest your resources in this way!

I Actually PVP

Can we combine the two current threads related to this?

As far as I can tell from reading both threads, people like @TimberWolf defending the shield are arguing "why should this be removed" and people against it are arguing "why should this be implemented" .

Personally, I don't think this should've ever been introduced to pvp:

1) it covers too much HP and is a massive advantage in pvp

2) spirituality is really easy to gain and this shield can be applied on anyone (aka. really easy to script and abuse)

3) survivability in UO is already at an all time high, We already have suits with max hpi, hpr, eaters,50ep and 45+ defense chances, this is just an added level of complexity that alters the playing field too much between those who bother with this extra detail and those who don't.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna your input is appreciated. Was this intended to apply to pvp? If so, did you consult with any pvper before implementing this? I get that it goes on Test Center, but we should all know by now that Test doesn't get much attention, and I think it's BS if we're going to put this at the foot of the customer rather than the developers...

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we combine the two current threads related to this?

As far as I can tell from reading both threads, people like @TimberWolf defending the shield are arguing "why should this be removed" and people against it are arguing "why should this be implemented" .

Personally, I don't think this should've ever been introduced to pvp:

1) it covers too much HP and is a massive advantage in pvp

2) spirituality is really easy to gain and this shield can be applied on anyone (aka. really easy to script and abuse)

3) survivability in UO is already at an all time high, We already have suits with max hpi, hpr, eaters,50ep and 45+ defense chances, this is just an added level of complexity that alters the playing field too much between those who bother with this extra detail and those who don't.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna your input is appreciated. Was this intended to apply to pvp? If so, did you consult with any pvper before implementing this? I get that it goes on Test Center, but we should all know by now that Test doesn't get much attention, and I think it's BS if we're going to put this at the foot of the customer rather than the developers...
I think you actually do pvp ;)


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can we combine the two current threads related to this?

As far as I can tell from reading both threads, people like @TimberWolf defending the shield are arguing "why should this be removed" and people against it are arguing "why should this be implemented" .

Personally, I don't think this should've ever been introduced to pvp:

1) it covers too much HP and is a massive advantage in pvp

2) spirituality is really easy to gain and this shield can be applied on anyone (aka. really easy to script and abuse)

3) survivability in UO is already at an all time high, We already have suits with max hpi, hpr, eaters,50ep and 45+ defense chances, this is just an added level of complexity that alters the playing field too much between those who bother with this extra detail and those who don't.

@Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna your input is appreciated. Was this intended to apply to pvp? If so, did you consult with any pvper before implementing this? I get that it goes on Test Center, but we should all know by now that Test doesn't get much attention, and I think it's BS if we're going to put this at the foot of the customer rather than the developers...
Part of the preliminary release of any feature is the feedback period when those features are on TC1, Origin & Izumo. In this particular case we even went beyond that in opening up a focus group for the Time of Legends that was open to all those interested in providing such feedback. Contrary to what you may think, we get a tremendous amount of feedback from TC1, Origin & Izumo and we are ever grateful to those who take the first steps into polishing a final product. The feedback process doesn't end with TC1, Origin & Izumo and we continually evaluate feedback once features are released world wide. The only way, however, that we can evaluate feedback is if we're given that feedback. If anything it's at both our feet. Thank you for your feedback, we look forward to continued discussion on any balancing concerns you may have with the Spirituality virtue.

I Actually PVP

Part of the preliminary release of any feature is the feedback period when those features are on TC1, Origin & Izumo. In this particular case we even went beyond that in opening up a focus group for the Time of Legends that was open to all those interested in providing such feedback. Contrary to what you may think, we get a tremendous amount of feedback from TC1, Origin & Izumo and we are ever grateful to those who take the first steps into polishing a final product. The feedback process doesn't end with TC1, Origin & Izumo and we continually evaluate feedback once features are released world wide. The only way, however, that we can evaluate feedback is if we're given that feedback. If anything it's at both our feet. Thank you for your feedback, we look forward to continued discussion on any balancing concerns you may have with the Spirituality virtue.
Thanks a lot for the reply!

So when this idea was conceived, was it intended to apply to pvp too? That's my main questions.

The amount of damage that it covers makes sense for MOB's that hit you for 50+ dmg but in pvp, the shield is far too much compared to what a single player can churn out.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
PvP fights should last longer and be slowed down some. I think I might like this shield thing for PvP. I am going to check it out.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did not say perma ban. Temporary ban/suspension have the same meaning, so whatever u wana call it; the VP was arrested by a GM - and got thrown away in jail.
This is utter ******** because a GM will NEVER tell you what has been done to a player. Just because the player is no longer visible to you doesn't mean ****. A GM could have just insta logged out the player and you would never know.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is utter ******** because a GM will NEVER tell you what has been done to a player. Just because the player is no longer visible to you doesn't mean ****. A GM could have just insta logged out the player and you would never know.
I have it all on video, the guy was at bucs den inside the gates area for ages perma casting the same spell not answering the GM, then he took him off... Where do u think he sent him?
Last edited:

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have it all on video, the guy was at bucs den inside the gates area for ages perma casting the same spell not answering the GM, then he took him off... Where do u think he sent him?
Instant log, which GMs can do will give you the same thing. Just because a GM shows up and a player disappears DOES NOT mean he banned him you just ASSumed it did.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Instant log, which GMs can do will give you the same thing. Just because a GM shows up and a player disappears DOES NOT mean he banned him you just ASSumed it did.
Any player macroing afk should be dropped in prison; They shall be punished and they shall not pass!

Rules of conduct n.6:
You may not leave an active character or pet in game while unattended. If your character is performing a skill, text or action, you must be able to respond to a Game Master when one attempts to speak to you.


Now your trying to say that the GM simply logged him off? Lol why? He defo got a warning there my friend :) and while saying that ur encouraging more players to macro afk pretending that nothing big is gona happen to then, and GMs are forgiving and nice? What daaa...

Now pls stick back to the subject of this post... Ty

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Any player macroing afk should be dropped in prison; They shall be punished and they shall not pass!

Rules of conduct n.6:
You may not leave an active character or pet in game while unattended. If your character is performing a skill, text or action, you must be able to respond to a Game Master when one attempts to speak to you.


Now your trying to say that the GM simply logged him off? Lol why? He defo got a warning there my friend :) and while saying that ur encouraging more players to macro afk pretending that nothing big is gona happen to then, and GMs are forgiving and nice? What daaa...

Now pls stick back to the subject of this post... Ty
LMMFAO You have ZERO knowledge of what a GM did or did not do so please step down from your soap box. How many threads have the players posted about the rules being broken and nothing being done and you think you know it all, LOL.

Lord Gandalf

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LMMFAO You have ZERO knowledge of what a GM did or did not do so please step down from your soap box. How many threads have the players posted about the rules being broken and nothing being done and you think you know it all, LOL.
Why flaming the GMs on my post? =D

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why flaming the GMs on my post? =D
OMG you are so funny. I am not flaming the GMs I am pointing out how misinformed you are in the OP with you stating facts that are way beyond your knowledge. YOU keep insisting that you know exactly what a GM did where in fact you are totally clueless and what that GM did or did not do. YOU are not privy to what a GM does or does not due so stop acting like you are. The only thing you know is that the player left your screen and after that you have ZERO clue what happened and that GM will NEVER tell you on threat from the Dark Lady herself that GMs may not discuss what they do to players end of subject.

Old Vet Back Again

Stratics Veteran
Part of the preliminary release of any feature is the feedback period when those features are on TC1, Origin & Izumo. In this particular case we even went beyond that in opening up a focus group for the Time of Legends that was open to all those interested in providing such feedback. Contrary to what you may think, we get a tremendous amount of feedback from TC1, Origin & Izumo and we are ever grateful to those who take the first steps into polishing a final product. The feedback process doesn't end with TC1, Origin & Izumo and we continually evaluate feedback once features are released world wide. The only way, however, that we can evaluate feedback is if we're given that feedback. If anything it's at both our feet. Thank you for your feedback, we look forward to continued discussion on any balancing concerns you may have with the Spirituality virtue.
I'm no longer going to allow you to just cop out like your above post. I brought this up to your attention in the ToL focus group and it was IGNORED. If you want I'll gladly log into that forum and quote every instance that I brought up these very same issues and what your response was...Face it, you are overworked and are completely disconnected from the PvP playerbase. Your grasp on the current mechanics clearly shows that. I mean, just look at the masteries....

I Actually PVP

I'm no longer going to allow you to just cop out like your above post. I brought this up to your attention in the ToL focus group and it was IGNORED. If you want I'll gladly log into that forum and quote every instance that I brought up these very same issues and what your response was...Face it, you are overworked and are completely disconnected from the PvP playerbase. Your grasp on the current mechanics clearly shows that. I mean, just look at the masteries....
@Kyronix just following up from mine and others' past posts (like the one above). We're just asking for a little more clarification, namely: when this shield was introduced, was it intended to apply to PvP? If so, can we get it adjusted so as not to be spammable/exploitable/cover more than 5 Armor Ignore's worth of damage??


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Kyronix just following up from mine and others' past posts (like the one above). We're just asking for a little more clarification, namely: when this shield was introduced, was it intended to apply to PvP? If so, can we get it adjusted so as not to be spammable/exploitable/cover more than 5 Armor Ignore's worth of damage??
Thanks for the tag, feel free to email ( [email protected] ) questions and feedback directly!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Thanks for the tag, feel free to email ( [email protected] ) questions and feedback directly!
To be fair didn't Mesanna say they don't answer emails?

We know you're busy man, but if you could take a stab at one of the threads here, it'd be appreciated.

Either way, have a good one.

I Actually PVP

To be fair didn't Mesanna say they don't answer emails?

We know you're busy man, but if you could take a stab at one of the threads here, it'd be appreciated.

Either way, have a good one.
Agreed, I've sent emails in the past and have never received a response...

Second, aren't these boards supposed to foster discussion and gather opinions from the wider community? Emailing between two people just limits input and opinions.

In this case, I don't even know what I'm emailing about...is this a bug or is this an intended feature? If it's intended, I think it should be adjusted, and it seems like others think the same. Again, deciding how best to fix it isn't something that should be dictated by a two-person email thread, it should be discussed and weighed in public, where everyone can chime in. That's my opinion at least.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Agreed, I've sent emails in the past and have never received a response...

Second, aren't these boards supposed to foster discussion and gather opinions from the wider community? Emailing between two people just limits input and opinions.

In this case, I don't even know what I'm emailing about...is this a bug or is this an intended feature? If it's intended, I think it should be adjusted, and it seems like others think the same. Again, deciding how best to fix it isn't something that should be dictated by a two-person email thread, it should be discussed and weighed in public, where everyone can chime in. That's my opinion at least.
They've acknowledged they're reading the thread by responding herein. My guess is that it helps to submit these types of responses to their official email as well so they have some better documentation rather than just a thread on this forum. That's why it is important to try to keep the thread and conversations as productive and thoughtful as possible rather than having a conversation turn into personal gripes or an angry rant.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Thanks for the tag, feel free to email ( [email protected] ) questions and feedback directly!
To be honest emailing you at Broadsword even if you did actually answer would give ONE person the answer but posting the answer here would save it for everyone to reference for many years to come.

Though if you wait and wait and wait and put it out in one of those email newsletters then maybe a fraction the playerbase might get and read it... but questions would have to wait so long that most people would forget they asked them.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The general chat Killer.
I love thoose ignore Option in the client.
As do I.

As for the Spirituality shield, although I'm glad it's getting fixed: why would they EVER think this was a good idea? The introduction of town bonuses shifted most of the playerbase to pvp'ing on blues (where'd they previously play a red), and it was even moreso with vvv. Given how easy Spirit is to gain, did they not anticipate that it'd be heavily abused in pvp? It's not like there's no precedent for that happening, since it's gone on for years. I will, however, say that Spirituality shield & Holy Fist weren't around as long as some of the more broken things in the past - 4/6 (or 5/6) mages were around for nearly 18 months before it got fixed.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore you also must be ready, for Mervyn is coming at an hour you do not expect.