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Something I wouldn't mind seeing with house ownership.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This really isn't that big of a deal but it's kinda annoying at times. I've got a house on Napa and atl. My house on atl is held with an account that has no characters built up. Now that I'm playing more on atl I'm doing a lot of deco, moving things around, moving things again if I don't like it. My problem is that I've got things locked down wit diff characters on the co-owned account. When I want to move stuff I have to switch back and forth to unlock stuff then back to my crafter and so on.

I think that if both accounts are tied together on uo.com with the same card number there should be an option that's higher than co owner. Call it 2nd owner or something like that. This account should be able to do anything in the house except sell it. This would make things so much easier.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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This really isn't that big of a deal but it's kinda annoying at times. I've got a house on Napa and atl. My house on atl is held with an account that has no characters built up. Now that I'm playing more on atl I'm doing a lot of deco, moving things around, moving things again if I don't like it. My problem is that I've got things locked down wit diff characters on the co-owned account. When I want to move stuff I have to switch back and forth to unlock stuff then back to my crafter and so on.

I think that if both accounts are tied together on uo.com with the same card number there should be an option that's higher than co owner. Call it 2nd owner or something like that. This account should be able to do anything in the house except sell it. This would make things so much easier.
Actually, I've found the same thing to be annoying as well - I would think when I set an item to "co-owner," a co-owner should be able to release it. It shouldn't matter if the character is on another account if the character is a co-owner, should it?


Legendary Mall Santa
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Yea! Thats annoying. I have 4 accounts, all under my Mythic-Master-Account. 2 are my main accounts, the other 2 are open occasionally for certain Events or else. Now, all chars are co-owners of all houses, which can be annoying if you have to find out which item was placed by another co-owner... sucks!

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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There is a big reason it is not that way guys....
If mind you someone got into one of your co owner accounts(hacked) and this was possible your home and all things in it would be subject to theft.
I have heard people who were co owned back in the day strip a friends home they got mad at.
Nah I would rather switch back and forth.....then loose everything I got to ether senerio.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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There is a big reason it is not that way guys....
If mind you someone got into one of your co owner accounts(hacked) and this was possible your home and all things in it would be subject to theft.
I have heard people who were co owned back in the day strip a friends home they got mad at.
Nah I would rather switch back and forth.....then loose everything I got to ether senerio.
After learning my lesson early on (co-owned a good friend who later quit, never telling me, and sold his account) much of which was stolen was replaceable but the play that was stolen written by a friend I'll never see again... and since he don't play anymore I'll not ever be able to replace... After that lesson I only Co-own my OWN accounts .... but I have too many to co-own all of them to every house.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not talking about friends and guildies getting this option . I'm talking about your own accounts. Mabe not even make it an option in game but only through your accounts page.

If someone hacks your account their gonna get your stuff anyway. Most people have their alt accounts co owned already. I don't see how having this option would be bad in any way.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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I agree that more should be let co own... come on I have 54 accounts... but only room for 10 on the list.... I understand the bit but part of the reason that was given hinged on outside my/your own accounts being co owned


Always Present
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I agree that more should be let co own... come on I have 54 accounts... but only room for 10 on the list.... I understand the bit but part of the reason that was given hinged on outside my/your own accounts being co owned
That's excessive.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
While I understand my lot is rather large. 54 is rather a big number.
Why should it bug you ?
I am the one paying for them.
I earned every penny of it.
I might point out I am by no means the largest account holder active....
I have had billing tell me I am not even in the top 10.
And from the last time I added a few more to the pile...


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
While I understand my lot is rather large. 54 is rather a big number.
Why should it bug you ?
I am the one paying for them.
I earned every penny of it.
I might point out I am by no means the largest account holder active....
I have had billing tell me I am not even in the top 10.
And from the last time I added a few more to the pile...

I will PM you, I beat you by far!!!! :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
People with many accounts running greatly help to keep this game economically viable I imagine, so thanks to all those people : )


Crazed Zealot
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I bet a lot of those with excessive accounts are made primarily up if trial or new accounts are made for housing.

Over the years this would probably put me up around a dozen but actively I use three accounts, which is excessive in my mind.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Puts my Bakers Dozen to shame, don't it?
I'm glad that i'm not the only one with this many accounts!

I was up to 28 for a while but I wasn't using them so I gave away a ton of houses and closed some accounts.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I'm glad that i'm not the only one with this many accounts!

I was up to 28 for a while but I wasn't using them so I gave away a ton of houses and closed some accounts.
I had only 9 for a very long time..... then I guess I thought it over and said to myself why not have a full 12? So I added a few then well..... I somehow got 1 too many... but then the house spot of a lifetime opened and well..... I had to have it and I have a very hard time giving some up.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I just got an email from EAMythic that my three accounts' subscriptions just ran out, and I had them set to not renew.

Now I'm considering whether or not I want to reopen them, given how little I play UO versus how long I play ArcheAge every day.

Lady Storm

Grand Inquisitor
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Well I can honestly say most have built up characters. Very few of mine were house holders only.
When I cut back all houses went on long standing accounts that were rich in talent.
*I know you do Atlantic.... *