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Shadowguard roof needs a higher drop rate...


Stratics Veteran
@Kyronix This encounter seriously needs a higher drop rate... I am all up for making it difficult to get the drops so they keep their value and all that. But the % of a drop is just so low for the amount of time invested. I have beat the roof 12 times now and not a single drop. People will get fed up with this place very quickly if the drop rate continues to be this low...


UO Designer
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What kind of luck are you running? Are you solo? With a group? What role in the battle are you taking? Tank? DPS? Healer? What shard?


Stratics Legend
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I done it 4 times and had 2 arty drops. I swap to my luck suit right at the end when the final boss is redlined. I think from memory it only has about 1700 luck or so (without statue).

First time = drop
Second time = nothing
Third time = drop
Forth time = nothing

I see a pattern here! Roll on tomorrow's attempt.


Stratics Legend
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From my own personal experience at Shadowguard I would say its fine as it is. Maybe I just got lucky? (pun intended).

The times I didn't get a drop (artifact) the loot made up for it. I would say its on par with Exodus. On my 2nd run I managed to pull up 8 legendaries, of course nothing with a nice mix of mods that I could use but it keeps me coming back for more because one day that uber piece will drop!

The one thing I would like to see is longer inside before getting kicked out. Once the corpse goes public it seems like no time to have a look at the sloppy seconds before getting kicked out.


Crazed Zealot
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I think the drop rate would be fine if there was a chance to get drops from the five preliminary rooms. Not a high chance, and you could make it a zero chance if the room is currently green for a character.


Stratics Veteran
I am the tank. Not running any luck except the bonus from Honor and Conjurers Robe (140 luck). Does having a luck suit play that significant a role in getting a drop here then? Might be a bit tricky fighting these bosses in a luck suit ;P Could equip one at the end of the fight I guess but using CC so I don't have an auto equip function :/ Typically have been doing the roof in a group of 2-5 people.

I guess I will have to dig out my luck suit to have any kind of chance of getting a drop here then :/


UO Designer
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I am the tank. Not running any luck except the bonus from Honor and Conjurers Robe (140 luck). Does having a luck suit play that significant a role in getting a drop here then? Might be a bit tricky fighting these bosses in a luck suit ;P Could equip one at the end of the fight I guess but using CC so I don't have an auto equip function :/ Typically have been doing the roof in a group of 2-5 people.

I guess I will have to dig out my luck suit to have any kind of chance of getting a drop here then :/
Luck isn't required, it just gives you a little bit of an extra boost. It appears like you are just having particularly bad luck :( (the real kind, not the stat)

That being said we've been monitoring the drops out of Shadowguard and will make changes if necessary. Thanks for the feedback.


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I like the idea of the initial rooms dropping something, but I don't think it should be the same thing the final bosses drop. So how about Minax artifacts? Each room could drop a couple Minax artifacts, but not when the room is already highlighted green for a particular character to discourage farming the easier rooms and encourage running the full encounter.


Stratics Legend
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The rooms could have a chance to drop the things like the new recipes, parts of that armour set etc. that would fit in better than minax items I think.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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The rooms could have a chance to drop the things like the new recipes, parts of that armour set etc. that would fit in better than minax items I think.
Why would that fit better or worse this is Shadowguard afterall.... where she is.

Spock's Beard

Stratics Veteran
Luck isn't required, it just gives you a little bit of an extra boost. It appears like you are just having particularly bad luck :( (the real kind, not the stat)

That being said we've been monitoring the drops out of Shadowguard and will make changes if necessary. Thanks for the feedback.
You know what needs to stop? This whole thing with every loot system in the game where it turns into "You might get a drop ten times in a row, or you might play for six months and never get a drop, plus luck has some vaguely defined effect that is either really good or totally unimportant depending on what type of complaint we're addressing!"


Stratics Legend
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Why would that fit better or worse this is Shadowguard afterall.... where she is.
What I mean is put the new Eodon stuff (new tiger recipes, new armor parts etc) into Shadowguard as it is all from the new lands.


Stratics Legend
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Just finished another run at SG. Got another drop!! The earrings this time. Now my tally is looking like this:

First time = drop (totem of the tribe)
Second time = nothing
Third time = drop (minax sandals)
Forth time = nothing
Fifth time = drop (earrings)
Sixth time = nothing
Seventh time = nothing
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
Even though I've gotten 8 runs in a row of no drop on multiple occasions with over 2200+ luck on during the kill. This doesn't bother me as much as the fact that on Atlantic shard the enchanting crystal ball that teleports you to the roof encounter has been bugging out. When you select roof, it doesn't teleport you and you don't get any prompt stating you're in some kind of queue. This has occured two nights in a row now and it apparently fixes itself only after the 5 am server reboot/maintenance but could we please get this addressed @Bleak @Kyronix?


UO Designer
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Even though I've gotten 8 runs in a row of no drop on multiple occasions with over 2200+ luck on during the kill. This doesn't bother me as much as the fact that on Atlantic shard the enchanting crystal ball that teleports you to the roof encounter has been bugging out. When you select roof, it doesn't teleport you and you don't get any prompt stating you're in some kind of queue. This has occured two nights in a row now and it apparently fixes itself only after the 5 am server reboot/maintenance but could we please get this addressed @Bleak @Kyronix?
We are aware and investigating.

Alex"Drake Iron Heart"CS

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
My experience is, Ive only gotten drops when Ive used Melee chars for DPS and out of 5 or 6 runs, Managed to get 4 drops with melee, No honor also as no Bush on them chars.... I know odd but I like how they run.....
Then Ive used my tamer, Twice with just Luck ring/brace and luck tali and not got no drop, lots of Legendaries tho, Then last time I went on tamer had full Luck suit 2200+ and no drop either, and a few less legendaries than with no luck..... A bit odd, I guess its RNG related....

I do find the more I am doing them, the quicker and better its going, I am noticing and also probably somewhere on another post, Only way to get a drop is to hit the end boss..........But!!! On one run with the Guildies, one member did zero damage and didnt really heal anyone as he was AFK for RL and he got a drop....... Please someone explain this.... ehheheehe;)

To the person taht didnt get a drop yet, Just keep trying. maybe change char or build spec, look at suit, SDI/DI, slayers... the whole lot. Its rather odd you havnt had a drop yet.....


Stratics Legend
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No honor also as no Bush on them chars.... I know odd but I like how they run.....
I find it hard to get honor as when the bosses drop of the ledge thing to start fighting its hit points drop down so they are not 100%. I've tried to wait for them to regen but sometimes I just doesn't happen. Anyone else finding this also?


Stratics Veteran
Yes Honor is extremely difficult to get on these bosses. They seem to loose 1hp when they target you. They also target you very quickly, much like paragons. A way around this (bug?) is to invis near the platform and wait until they walk down by themselves. You kinda have to wait invised and hope they walk close enough to you so you can honor the boss from hidden, before it has a chance to target you.

Also I am pretty sure luck is a 100% must if you want to get a drop here. I finally got a drop on the 15th attempt and had a bit of luck on me. Whereas the previous 14 tries I was not using any luck. Players that I am grouped with tend to get drops only when using luck suits. One of my guildies has had 2 drops from 2 runs. He uses 3k luck. Other guildies with no luck suits are having nearly as much trouble getting a drop as me. I suppose its use a luck suit, or get no drop in this place :p

Alex"Drake Iron Heart"CS

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Yes Honor is extremely difficult to get on these bosses. They seem to loose 1hp when they target you. They also target you very quickly, much like paragons. A way around this (bug?) is to invis near the platform and wait until they walk down by themselves. You kinda have to wait invised and hope they walk close enough to you so you can honor the boss from hidden, before it has a chance to target you.

Also I am pretty sure luck is a 100% must if you want to get a drop here. I finally got a drop on the 15th attempt and had a bit of luck on me. Whereas the previous 14 tries I was not using any luck. Players that I am grouped with tend to get drops only when using luck suits. One of my guildies has had 2 drops from 2 runs. He uses 3k luck. Other guildies with no luck suits are having nearly as much trouble getting a drop as me. I suppose its use a luck suit, or get no drop in this place :p
Archer, No luck, 6 out of 8 got a drop
Tamer, 2200+ Luck, 1 out of 5

Luck is not a key factor here, You need to be in the top 3 damagers on the last boss, also my party and I figured, that if you break just as the last boss is redlined, theres more chance for various drops in the group, If you break around 50% on the last boss, reduces the party drop rate

Alex"Drake Iron Heart"CS

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I would be interested in having a go with a melee luck suit but dont have one to try with, so if anyone wants to lend me a suit to fight with, I will post my findings.


Stratics Veteran
Yer maybe luck isn't a factor... I am starting to think my character is simply cursed... 20 runs and one drop... Either way I am getting extremely bored with this place and will likely never try it again. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to do those gawd awful rooms every time :/
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Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Luck isn't required, it just gives you a little bit of an extra boost. It appears like you are just having particularly bad luck :( (the real kind, not the stat)

That being said we've been monitoring the drops out of Shadowguard and will make changes if necessary. Thanks for the feedback.
using luck as a general mechanic for end-game content puts CC users at a huge disadvantage. theres no basic way to auto-equip a suit in CC, something EC users can do with hitting 1 button. just one more reason why the differences in the clients leads people to getting frustrated about competing with players with such a high advantage.


Stratics Legend
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as for the drop rate, i think its fine. you can do 100 lady mels, dreadhorns, or medusas and not see a single crimosn or slither.


The Enchanter
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I've managed to get a few drops with my mystic mage weaver, without the use of luck (well 140 luck on the conjurer's garb, but that's it). There have been times I went in there with a group of 5 or 6 and up to three people have gotten drops. Some one else in my guild has also claimed to have gotten multiple drops from one encounter. I think the drop rate is very fair so far.

Regarding time it takes to complete the rooms, with the exception of the boss, the others can be done in an hour, give or take a few minutes. And if you don't have the full hour to invest, you can obviously come back and knock off rooms one at a time. I have had no issues with this system.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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as for the drop rate, i think its fine. you can do 100 lady mels, dreadhorns, or medusas and not see a single crimosn or slither.
Yes but Lady M, Dreadhorn and Medusa don't take you 4 hours to complete.


Stratics Legend
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i think people are just looking at it wrong. UO isnt (or shouldnt be at least) seen as a "time investment" Its doing content, and if you happen to get a "drop" thats just a bonus. thats how UOs always been. Its not like wow where theres drops every boss and you should expect to get something, more so the opposite, you should expect NOT to get something, and if you do its just a plus.

Theres plenty of "standard" content for reliable loot. think 500k-5mil range. These are very desireable items and will keep people doing it. Would i be doing this content if the drop rate was higher? Probably not. id just buy it off a vendor. i think thats a good thing that these drops are actually getting me to do regular, in game content again.

Ideally, i think we'll know the drop is about where it should be if theres usually 0 but sometimes 1 or possibly 2 of these items for sale on atlantic. more than that, and the the content just wont be done. itll be like everything else, very few people will actually do it. most will just buy for very cheap. look at despicable quivers. only a few people left farming that, because its so easy after the first few weeks it was easier just to buy.

Personally, i think the drop rate is too high. i think max should be 1 drop per roof encounter. I dont care if it takes 10 hours, id still be doing it and thats the point of new content. not to get the rewards then never see that content again.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'm absolutely loving this new encounter. So far I have had an arty drop every other time I have been. The loot is pretty amazing also. My personal best is 12 legendaries in one sitting. Not always great mods but I figure something will be in the corpse soon enough!

I think the fact I don't have to grind away getting keys is what I like about it. Just bash out the rooms and then jump straight into the roof and jobs a goodun'.


The Enchanter
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Considering the current value of the artifacts and the amount of legendaries (and gold) that drops when the final boss of the The Roof encounter falls, it should be well worth it to do, even if it does take you 2+ hours.

This is one of the most challenging aspects of the game right now. Many of us want a good challenge. If the developer's nerfed all the rooms so that it could be completed in a short amount of time, it would diminish the value of the new publish.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Considering the current value of the artifacts and the amount of legendaries (and gold) that drops when the final boss of the The Roof encounter falls, it should be well worth it to do, even if it does take you 2+ hours.

This is one of the most challenging aspects of the game right now. Many of us want a good challenge. If the developer's nerfed all the rooms so that it could be completed in a short amount of time, it would diminish the value of the new publish.
I've been wanting stuff that needs to be done with a group and can't just be solo'd... because UO is supposed to be an MMORPG.... not a solo game. And it's supposed to be about community.. but it's hard to keep folk going and investing hours and hours of time if they don't get a drop... not everyone is like me and will go do 200+ travisty's without ever getting anything. Or 200 Lady M's without getting anything. They will do it 2 maybe 3 times and then say F it...


The Enchanter
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I've been wanting stuff that needs to be done with a group and can't just be solo'd... because UO is supposed to be an MMORPG.... not a solo game. And it's supposed to be about community.. but it's hard to keep folk going and investing hours and hours of time if they don't get a drop... not everyone is like me and will go do 200+ travisty's without ever getting anything. Or 200 Lady M's without getting anything. They will do it 2 maybe 3 times and then say F it...
People are getting drops... but it shouldn't be every time either. Then the drops become meaningless. The balance here seems pretty good overall. Atleast on Atlantic.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
using luck as a general mechanic for end-game content puts CC users at a huge disadvantage. theres no basic way to auto-equip a suit in CC, something EC users can do with hitting 1 button. just one more reason why the differences in the clients leads people to getting frustrated about competing with players with such a high advantage.
Doesn't UOAssist have that option? I can hit one button (although I use something other than UOA), and boom, I'm at 2200 luck.

I've done 5 runs of The Roof without Luck, and in two of them, the guys I was with got the drops (Jumu's Sacred Hide & -Fire Minax Sandals, both human versions), wearing 740 Luck in each run. I think the guy where Jumu's dropped might have been wearing a luck suit, but I didn't pay attention. I had 2600ish Luck yesterday (2200-something from full suit + Statue) and no drop. The latter is definitely too small a sample size to determine anything, but after 5 runs I should have gotten something, depending on the % chance to drop. Only two of my runs were done with more than 2 players.


Stratics Legend
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Doesn't UOAssist have that option? I can hit one button (although I use something other than UOA), and boom, I'm at 2200 luck.

I've done 5 runs of The Roof without Luck, and in two of them, the guys I was with got the drops (Jumu's Sacred Hide & -Fire Minax Sandals, both human versions), wearing 740 Luck in each run. I think the guy where Jumu's dropped might have been wearing a luck suit, but I didn't pay attention. I had 2600ish Luck yesterday (2200-something from full suit + Statue) and no drop. The latter is definitely too small a sample size to determine anything, but after 5 runs I should have gotten something, depending on the % chance to drop. Only two of my runs were done with more than 2 players.
no you cant do it with 1 macro. you must undress first (leading to instant death if your hit). and you just admitted to cheating dude sorry. its ok tho, your cheating only as much as everyone using the EC standard feature. this kinda just proves my point.


Crazed Zealot
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no you cant do it with 1 macro. you must undress first (leading to instant death if your hit). and you just admitted to cheating dude sorry. its ok tho, your cheating only as much as everyone using the EC standard feature. this kinda just proves my point.
It does take off one piece at a time. However, it also replaces what's removed with the pieces of my luck suit, so I can still take some hits while changing suits.


Grand Poobah
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I haven't even gotten so much as a new recipe yet. You can have all of Eodon as far as I'm concerned.

Xanthril of LA

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Has anyone done the roof with a group and no one receives a drop? We just had a run where that happened. Very disappointing to do all the prep, i.e., rooms, and then not one person gets a drop.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone done the roof with a group and no one receives a drop? We just had a run where that happened. Very disappointing to do all the prep, i.e., rooms, and then not one person gets a drop.
Most of my runs have been that way, and they've all been done by 2-3 toons. I would guess that going with more people would make it more likely that someone gets a drop (obviously), but with a larger group, the chance that you manage to get the drop is lower - I did two runs with a group, and I don't believe anyone got a drop in either.

Maybe a bump in the drop rate? I did 3 runs yesterday and I think only two of them gave drops, although I may be getting the sequence wrong. Regardless, I got Lerei's Hunting Spear in one (well, I had anticipated getting one of the crappier artifacts as my first drop. In that regard I was not disappointed), with the Obsidian Sword and Anon's Boots in the other runs. In our first run today, Grugor's Shield was the drop. The run we just finished, nothing.


Stratics Veteran
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Has anyone done the roof with a group and no one receives a drop? We just had a run where that happened. Very disappointing to do all the prep, i.e., rooms, and then not one person gets a drop.

3 times now, as a matter of fact. Me and my cousin. With and without luck.

Pretty much done with this nonsense. It's too much effort to get nothing over and over and over again.

PS, the 5 minutes to look through the body and pick up gold is an absolute joke. The same amount of time given for killing Peerless should apply here.

Xanthril of LA

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3 times now, as a matter of fact. Me and my cousin. With and without luck.

Pretty much done with this nonsense. It's too much effort to get nothing over and over and over again.

PS, the 5 minutes to look through the body and pick up gold is an absolute joke. The same amount of time given for killing Peerless should apply here.
I agree that the 5 minutes to loot is a joke, what is the purpose behind that? And I had a buddy tell me that he and another guy did the roof 5 times in a row without a drop.


The Enchanter
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Whether or not you get a specific Shadowguard artifact, the other Legendary and Major artifacts that can be found on the final bosses corpse make it well worth the while of doing it. Nothing else, even Exodus or Scalis, compare to the loot my group has been getting on the final corpse. So I think the whole complaint about not getting any specific Roof drop from time to time is a bit unfounded.


Stratics Legend
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I'm am still absolutely loving Shadowguard. Last night I got a Hawkwind robe. Today I got another Hawkwind robe and this evening I got the 10 HCI boots! 3 drops in 3 runs. I use a 2k + luck suit and swap to this right as the end.

As Merlin says above, no drop, no worries. The loot more than makes up for the lack of an arty drop imo.

The thing I like most with the whole encounter is there is no farming annoying keys as such. You do the rooms and in you go.

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm am still absolutely loving Shadowguard. Last night I got a Hawkwind robe. Today I got another Hawkwind robe and this evening I got the 10 HCI boots! 3 drops in 3 runs. I use a 2k + luck suit and swap to this right as the end.

As Merlin says above, no drop, no worries. The loot more than makes up for the lack of an arty drop imo.

The thing I like most with the whole encounter is there is no farming annoying keys as such. You do the rooms and in you go.
I have only had limited experience with the roof so far, so unable to voice an opinion about the quality of the loot. But I've found DJAd right on point on other topics, so I'm good with what he says about the loot. I'm not sure I can agree with the last statement, however, because the rooms seem at least as much of a pain as acquiring keys. And there is no way to save them up to make multiple roof runs. And each character that goes needs to complete each room. At this point, I'd take gathering keys over this system. Perhaps I'm missing something with respect to rooms, that is always a possiblity.


The Enchanter
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I have only had limited experience with the roof so far, so unable to voice an opinion about the quality of the loot. But I've found DJAd right on point on other topics, so I'm good with what he says about the loot. I'm not sure I can agree with the last statement, however, because the rooms seem at least as much of a pain as acquiring keys. And there is no way to save them up to make multiple roof runs. And each character that goes needs to complete each room. At this point, I'd take gathering keys over this system. Perhaps I'm missing something with respect to rooms, that is always a possiblity.
There are pluses and minuses. Yes, you can't stack up multiple runs, but this doesn't expire. I always have between 2 and 4 toons capable of running the Roof at any time so that I can be ready whenever a guild member asks.

Also, even with a good group, this encounter still takes 45-60 minutes sometimes. With some of the peerless bosses, we can run them half a dozen times in an hour and more often then not finish it so quick that the only thing preventing us fro going right back in are the timers on the entry keys. Shadowguard isn't really meant to be chained back to back to back like Medusa or Lady Mel.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I don't know just wish I had someone to do some of it with.


Stratics Veteran
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I'm am still absolutely loving Shadowguard. Last night I got a Hawkwind robe. Today I got another Hawkwind robe and this evening I got the 10 HCI boots! 3 drops in 3 runs. I use a 2k + luck suit and swap to this right as the end.

As Merlin says above, no drop, no worries. The loot more than makes up for the lack of an arty drop imo.

The thing I like most with the whole encounter is there is no farming annoying keys as such. You do the rooms and in you go.

Well I'd certainly be loving it too if I had over a half a billion in drops. But so far I'm 0-5, so I can be a little disgusted with the time I've invested wasted.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Well I'd certainly be loving it too if I had over a half a billion in drops. But so far I'm 0-5, so I can be a little disgusted with the time I've invested wasted.
We did the roof ONE time... and now I can't get anyone to come do it with me. There is no way I can do the thing alone... so at least you get to try.