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BUGGED: Mythic Master Account Password Reset?

Buns Of Glory [ATL]

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I've been trying the past three weeks to get back into my master mythic account in order to update my information to get my accounts back online and every time I request a password change and save it it gives me a error, return to home page. I had a friend try this also and it is doing it for him as well, can anyone else test this to see if it is bugged and needs to be fixed? You can see the steps I've taken below, I've contacted Origin and Broadsword still waiting for assistance.

upload_2015-2-9_7-44-4.png upload_2015-2-9_7-45-20.png upload_2015-2-9_7-47-49.png



Stratics Veteran
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It has been like this for awhile and has been brought to their attention but I don't think they can figure out how to fix it.

Buns Of Glory [ATL]

Stratics Veteran
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How would one go about requesting a new password? I've asked Origin and they send me to Bioware, Bioware sends me to Origin. Have also emailed Broadsword with no success.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
What about if you try and change it on Origin.com?

Buns Of Glory [ATL]

Stratics Veteran
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I've changed my Origin password successfully but that password isn't related to my master mythic account unfortunately. Can't change it through Origin to my knowledge.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I've changed my Origin password successfully but that password isn't related to my master mythic account unfortunately. Can't change it through Origin to my knowledge.
I get so confused with all the different accounts, UO account, mystic account, etc etc. The email I enter to login to the UO account page (https://accounts.eamythic.com/) is the same one I use to login to Origin.com to buy codes etc. If I change my Origin password it changes my UO account(?) at the same time. I hope you get it sorted out whatever mate. They really need to sort out the account management pages/system.


UO Forum Moderator
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I have ben having this problem for several days! Bonnie is aware of it and I also have a ticket in and am waiting on a reply

Buns Of Glory [ATL]

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm hoping this gets resolved sooner than later, my three accounts are currently down with houses of things I'd rather not lose.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I'm hoping this gets resolved sooner than later, my three accounts are currently down with houses of things I'd rather not lose.
20 second Google search.

Broadsword Online Games
790 Station St, Herndon,VA 20170
(703) 481-0484 <<<<<------------------------------


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hadda send a rather mean SECOND request after the first nice one was ignored, and I got a link to reset it, which worked. I had been having the EXACT same issue. I sent it to the support@ultimaonline link, and the link they sent back went thru. Trying to do it myself just got that same error message !


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Your Master account is your origin account name and password, therefore if you cannot change it go to origin.com and change it. If it is not allowing you to log into your master account (on the mythic website which is our account mangement) then i suggest you check your history on origin.com for some false purchases. Most likely your master account ie origin account (they ARE the same thing) has been banned. This has happened to me. If that is the case you need to get a hold of the account disputes section of ea to get it resolved. Mine took about 3 weeks but since there have been a lot more issues it may take longer. I would start there.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
bump for some Atl folks asking questions
Yea I saw him asking about that (Ivan right?)

I saw he put the number is now disconnected!!! Sounds about right for UO support.

I hope you get it fixed Ivan.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
bump for some Atl folks asking questions
Yea I saw him asking about that (Ivan right?)

I saw he put the number is now disconnected!!! Sounds about right for UO support.

I hope you get it fixed Ivan.

Diomedes Artega

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Old thread but on point for my problem. Haven't played in a bit. Is my EA account my main login account or is it Mythic? This is all so confusing how they intermingle all these different accounts, to include Broadsword.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I have ben having this problem for several days! Bonnie is aware of it and I also have a ticket in and am waiting on a reply
Days? It's been this way since day one of introduction of the Mythic Master Mismanagment Account page... Honestly. It has... and Considering that it has been YEARS since they introduced it... I highly doubt they will fix it. Trust me it's been reported by almost everyone that uses the site. They don't care.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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To change your password you need to go here
Download & Play Full PC Games | Origin Games
on top where it says login click on that it will take you to a ea login page put your email and password in that you use to login to the mythic account.
once your in go to security you will see where you can edit your password. you will see alot of stuff you can do even change your email


Stratics Veteran
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Is the mythic master account even a thing, other than an element of confusion?


Stratics Legend
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I brought up the issue of the account management at the recent Europa meet and greet. Here is what they said:

[Me] In the video "What's New for UO in 2015" you said the new account management was coming in mid May 2015, can we expect it soon?

[Mesanna]: So we do have an engineer still working on the changes. As you know its a PITA for the players. And its also a PITA to change it safely, but I can tell you that we are going to try to roll out a few changes at a time. One of the first will be linking and unlinking your own accounts

[Mesanna]: I can't deny any thing said about the account management page, its horrible


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I do not understand why this is so difficult to fix in this day and age. Look to Steam and GOG for examples.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To change your password you need to go here
Download & Play Full PC Games | Origin Games
on top where it says login click on that it will take you to a ea login page put your email and password in that you use to login to the mythic account.
once your in go to security you will see where you can edit your password. you will see alot of stuff you can do even change your email
Thank you Lady Michelle and others for your assistance!

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is the mythic master account even a thing, other than an element of confusion?
I think it just adds an element of confusion, as I followed what Lady Michelle and someone else posted above and used my main EA info for everything. It worked out fine to get my account renewed.


ICQ 647752375
Stratics Veteran
Anyone having issues or questions about that, just PM me!!
I deal with accounts every single day and I can say I have a lot of experience with this matter.... It is not that hard, I agree is very confuse, because you have 3 or 4 steps to deal with
origin.com / eamythic and so on..... PM me @Diomedes Artega