What UO item were you most excited to own?

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For those of us who have been a part of UO for a long time, 'collecting' seems to be a fairly common activity.

I can remember traveling to what seemed at the time to be thousands of homes, filled with a seemingly desperate need to use someones public black dye tub. The worst was when the tub was visible, but in a locked part of their home.

Furniture dye tubs were the same for me. I can remember carrying furniture in my pack, desperately trying to find a public dye tub anywhere.

I remember receiving my first black dye tub, and just being *so* darn excited about it.

Who from back in the day can remember their first 'neon hair' purchase. Killing a billion and one blood elementals trying to save the money necessary to buy that hair...

good times.


Supremely accurate valorite longspear of vanquishing. :heart:

Black Sun

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Mar 19, 2003
Bent lockpicks, full jars and a pair of blessed black sandals.

Years ago a friend gave me a set of jars for xmas, I got lockpicks as a gift from another friend when I opened my rune library years ago, and when I came back to UO after a few years off I bought myself a pair of sandals.


I still don't have a set of full jars. Are those even still around anymore?

Black Sun

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Mar 19, 2003
I'm not even sure. I haven't noticed any in a while.
I wonder if I still have mine?


Old and in the way
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May 12, 2008
My Trammel moonstone. *nods*

Lord Gareth

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Dec 17, 2006
This is the item I am most excited to own (Even though I am a traitor to the crown) I would say this item trumps almost everything I own because its being apart of something that is larger then just a guild, town or alliance.


Helter Skelter

Wow, Ransom, you sure do post a lot. =P

The most exciting thing I ever owned in UO was my 1986 Pontiac Sunbird GT that was black, silver, and had those cool rims that looked like a grill? You know, the ones with a bunch of holes that when it spun around like wheels do it was kinda hypnotic?

I locked it down in my Trammel castle years ago before publish 16. When that publish hit, some sort of bug took it away from me. When I paged a GM, all he said was "Dude, Pontiac sucks and we can't have that in the game. Sorry. Here's a dye tub instead".

I said "Wait, that's not right... the Pontiac Sunbird was made by a GM...." Get it? GM? GrandMaster? General Motors? Bah. I went a long way for that joke but heck it was a fun ride.



This is the item I am most excited to own (Even though I am a traitor to the crown) I would say this item trumps almost everything I own because its being apart of something that is larger then just a guild, town or alliance.

What is that? Something to do with your town?


Wow, Ransom, you sure do post a lot. =P

The most exciting thing I ever owned in UO was my 1986 Pontiac Sunbird GT that was black, silver, and had those cool rims that looked like a grill? You know, the ones with a bunch of holes that when it spun around like wheels do it was kinda hypnotic?

I locked it down in my Trammel castle years ago before publish 16. When that publish hit, some sort of bug took it away from me. When I paged a GM, all he said was "Dude, Pontiac sucks and we can't have that in the game. Sorry. Here's a dye tub instead".

I said "Wait, that's not right... the Pontiac Sunbird was made by a GM...." Get it? GM? GrandMaster? General Motors? Bah. I went a long way for that joke but heck it was a fun ride.

Worst. Pun. Ever.


Stratics Veteran
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Mar 4, 2010
Full jars are still around and just as hard to get.

I've always wanted a spitoon.

Lexx Merlin

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Oct 2, 2006
South Central PA
I miss all my stuff I had on my account before I sold it and rebought it back.... Like all my rare rubble I got myself... My old Zento house, My mini house deed collection... and I miss all the good ole stuff before pub 16


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Feb 29, 2004
My first house! It was one of those tiny small marble towers. I'd been camping with a friend of mine and trying to stash all my stuff in the one little chest she gave me. That little marble seemed like a castle to me!


My first house! It was one of those tiny small marble towers. I'd been camping with a friend of mine and trying to stash all my stuff in the one little chest she gave me. That little marble seemed like a castle to me!

I went through a ton of houses, and then went back and forth between having one and not having one over and over, but my first was a tiny tower. You are right, it seemed much like a castle.

DreadLord Lestat

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Feb 26, 2004
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My first dragon, took forever to gain enough taming to be able to control it. Lestat had originally been a tank mage so when I added taming I had to start out from 30.


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Dec 18, 2003
pitmuck ice creams cabe
I was mucking around one morning and an eavesdropping crystal ball came off the table and i put it in my pack.Everyone had fun playing with it. I gave it to a friend on Cats when I left game. Was fun to see wot people said when i wasn't home.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Feb 13, 2006
I still don't have a set of full jars. Are those even still around anymore?
full jars spawn every single morning in Occlo behind a stove, u gotta use cntrl+shift to grab them


Well, I've never had neon hair in my 11+ years in UO.

I think my most memorable item that I had (past tense) in UO is the Whispering Rose from Juo'nar, the green lich version from the Trinsic invasion.

I doubt it would have been worth much, but it was always a cool reminder of that time. UO, and MMO's in general, were still relatively new, to me at least, along with the good friends in that era in time.

For those that don't remember, the blessed Whispering Roses were given out on Valentines of 99, I believe, in a bag along with a pink champagne flute and a bottle of pink champagne.

Though the items themselves were newbied or blessed, the bag was not. The only character that I had in the locked down city was my rogue. The only way for him to help was to steal the scrolls that Juo'nar was using to wreck havoc. I hadn't even realized what I had stolen at the time, as I was doing blind steals (I'm not sure if Juo'nar had a pack to snoop). Anyway, at the end of the night, I noticed that I had 2 of the mentioned Valentine gift bags. My friends and I had a good laugh about that!

The rose, however, was lost to a Credit Card lapse during a time when I wasn't actively playing that often. It sucks that I lost it, but oh well, stuff happens.

I was also pretty excited to own my first house. It was a small 7x7 Stone and Plaster house along the western Trinsic was between the two rivers on the way to the moongate from the main Trinsic enterance.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Feb 13, 2006
Full jars are still around and just as hard to get.

I've always wanted a spitoon.
Full jars are very common and worth very little, a spitoon however is a true rare and worth a lot, wait until the rares festival hits chesapeake and you see people dumping hundreds of mils on so many different items, by the way my most prized posession i would say is my old school vanquishing double axe, now it just says 35% damage increase, but it is also item blessed


Well, I've never had neon hair in my 11+ years in UO.

I think my most memorable item that I had (past tense) in UO is the Whispering Rose from Juo'nar, the green lich version from the Trinsic invasion.

I doubt it would have been worth much, but it was always a cool reminder of that time. UO, and MMO's in general, were still relatively new, to me at least, along with the good friends in that era in time.

For those that don't remember, the blessed Whispering Roses were given out on Valentines of 99, I believe, in a bag along with a pink champagne flute and a bottle of pink champagne.

Though the items themselves were newbied or blessed, the bag was not. The only character that I had in the locked down city was my rogue. The only way for him to help was to steal the scrolls that Juo'nar was using to wreck havoc. I hadn't even realized what I had stolen at the time, as I was doing blind steals (I'm not sure if Juo'nar had a pack to snoop). Anyway, at the end of the night, I noticed that I had 2 of the mentioned Valentine gift bags. My friends and I had a good laugh about that!

The rose, however, was lost to a Credit Card lapse during a time when I wasn't actively playing that often. It sucks that I lost it, but oh well, stuff happens.

I was also pretty excited to own my first house. It was a small 7x7 Stone and Plaster house along the western Trinsic was between the two rivers on the way to the moongate from the main Trinsic enterance.

Posts that encourage the 'lurkers' to come out and participate are full of win. :D

Also, that sucks about your CC lapse. I'm sure the excitement you had the first time you realized what you had in your pack was hella exciting!


Always Present
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Jul 28, 2000
1998 a shard full of homes all over the land mass, and even though I finally had gp to place a small classic home, no land left to find to place. A peculiar sorta friend I had then, had 8 small homes. He offered to sell me one of his 8 smalls at cost. I was thrilled when he transferred that small classic home over to my Queen Zen....my first ever UO home ever.
There some neighbors guildies enemies friends of his that wanted him to sell that tiny small to them, thus angry that he had sold it at cost instead to me.

I was pkd mercilessly for aquiring that lil home which made me more determined to stay there and I never lost my house key to any of em out there either.

To this day for better and worse, I remain thankful one Homie the Pimp of KoC stopped to inventory his own many homes, and others many homes and opted to sell to a 1998 homeless one as myself. :) Nice that some folks red or blue think outside of the box back then for homeless folks to sell one of theirs to another at cost.

Helter Skelter

1998 a shard full of homes all over the land mass, and even though I finally had gp to place a small classic home, no land left to find to place.
Wow, that brought back the memory of me paying $1.1M for a small tower west of Trinny. It was near the hidden valley, tucked right up side of the mountain so it was great for mining. Back in the day when regs were not as easy to get you could buy out the hidden valley vendors pretty quickly and get their for sale counts up.

House prices were nuts back then because there were such limited areas, even in Fel the maps were full. Good times!


My most prized possession......I had this ceramic mug i looted but demon killed me at the IDOC and stole it off my corpse.

So, I'll have to go with this tiny 7x7 IDOC I did back in 1999. It was located on Fire Island N end by a mining cave. On the steps was a singing ball and only one other guy was there. We chatted a bit and then he had to leave for work leaving it to me.

It fell about 20 minutes later and I got my first Singing ball. My most valuable possession at the time.

SINGING BALL because I looted it !!! I would run back and forth in front of it at least 20 minutes a day to hear all the sounds lol.

P.S. Demon, you owe me a ceramic mug you son of a .......

P.S. 2 - I"m still looking for my whispering rose a friend gave away, check your roses !!


Wow...this is a tough one.

I'd have to say my first horse, for one. What an exciting day that was for me.

My first house was a red letter day too. It was one of those dinky little towers, but it was located at the statue bridge south of Skara Brae. There was just enough room behind my guildmaster's house to squeeze it in. What else was cool about that spot - if you marked a rune it read "a rune for dragon isle", even though it wasn't anywhere near an island. I was told it had something to do with the old Ultima game landmass. Not sure if that is accurate or not.

I was also pretty excited about my second house, which was one of the new designs at the time. The log house cabin. I placed it down in the southern swamps and just loved the idea of sitting barefoot on the porch wearing a straw hat like some kind of UO hillbilly. Like the picture on the old Hillbilly Bread packages. Remember those?