1. What is your favorite aspect of Stygian Abyss?
I like many aspects of it. If I had to pick a favorite it'd probably be the way the new content is designed to incorporate many play styles.
There's crafting type things; there are monsters clearly designed for solo players to be able to make livings off of; there's monsters designed for small groups; there's monsters designed for big groups.
The expansion was clearly well-conceived. Now, granted, I may disagree with some of what was done, but I overall can definitely respect and appreciate the thought that went into it, and I like a lot more than I dislike.
2. What is your least favorite aspect?
I have experienced few bugs, but others seem to be experiencing game-stopping bugs of one kind or another. That's a damn shame. Also that initial quest to get into the Abyss from the Britannian side should have been done much better, and seems to be such a simple fix to boot. And, finally, the entrances to the Felucca rules champs need that warning up ASAP.
3. What are your overall feelings of the gargoyle race as a player character?
I have no intent to ever play a gargoyle character. I do, however, respect the restrained way that they implemented the new feature. It's better to have a new race that's under-powered than one that's over-powered, and I'm not convinced that some of the complaints about it being under-powered aren't really just complaints that it isn't over-powered.
4. Do you think SA breathes new life into the game, or its just simply a new set of innovations that will wear thin soon?
In between. I was having fun as it was. New stuff is always nice, and is the lifeblood of MMOs. No game can survive very long by sitting on the same content.
5. What are your thoughts about the mandatory PvP areas?
I disagree with their inclusion, but I understand why it was done. There have been no new Felucca rules maps since the Fel/Tram split, save for the Dungeon Khaldun. There has been no new major Felucca content since Publish 16.
Think about that....That is 44 publishes ago. Quite remarkable.
Further, new Felucca
content since then has been comparatively minor, consisting of Faction Artifacts, double fame/double resources, and EM Event items from the furst run of EM events. Comparatively minor.
I am, however, coming to feel that the rewards offered for the new Felucca rules spawns are too substantial. So far the new non-Replica artifacts seem to simply dwarf anything offered in Trammel, which is where the bulk of the player base is. I also fear that the reason for the inclusion of the new Felucca-rules content aren't the good, understandable reasons I have outlined, but rather has more to do with the UO Producer's pompous attitude towards Trammel and its player base....Most of his customers!
Finally, they need to put that warning in. Not every Trammel player is OK with the thought of random run-ins with PKs.
6. Which of the newest monsters looks the coolest?
I have not seen them all.
7. Which of the newest monsters is the most annoying?
I have not-yet engaged them all.
8. What are some fast changes (ie no overhauls) and tweaks you'd like to see first?
The inclusion of a warning to enter the Felucca areas, and beefing up that "shadow" critter that drops the Abyss key, and the artifact robe thingie.
9. Did you explore the Abyss solo or with friends?
So far mostly solo, but not exclusively solo.
10. Overall, give Ultima Online Stygian Abyss a grade (+/-'s OK)
I shift between B+ and A-.
Either way, it is a "good grade" by anyone's definition.
-Galen's player