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your favourite global events?

Lindae Lives

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i have two.

first was the moonglow rift, where players were teleported to an alternate moonglow that was infested with shadowlords and creatures of the void. there was an item called a glass dagger that did huge damage to the shadowlords, but it was a short-range weapon so you had to charge right up to them in order to use it. i always got one-hit murdered, which is my idea of a good time. the alternate moonglow was extremely creepy and cool, and because it was such a small arena of battle, all the players were crammed together into a tiny space and it was absolute chaos.

my second favourite event was the destruction of magincia. that was a deluxe event, it must have taken so much coding wizardry to pull off! the players being able to lure the monsters around in order to selectively demolish buildings was hilarious (i don't think anyone actually tried to save the city) and the rubble was a fantastic reward, with a great combination of common pieces and ultra-rares. just the fact that the rubble was so heavy was enough to foil the scripters and ensure that everybody got their fair share. after the destruction, there was a secondary event in the ruins where players used spirit speak to exorcise and free the restless spirits of the townspeople who'd been killed in the fighting. it was poignant and actually quite beautiful.

both these events made great use of uo's ancient hardware. it's been about twelve years, but i still remember the atmosphere and the excitement. players get genuinely attached to the cities in the game, everybody has their favourite town, and seeing the familiar places transformed in such a way made these two events really effective to me.

what are your favourites? i only started playing in 2004, so i missed a lot of stuff before that that somebody else may be able to fill in.


Lore Keeper
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Zalindera an em and Player driven Event on Drachenfels.

Trinsic under Siege, I dunno if this was a global one. I can provide some Screenshots. Exact Name unknown. Shard df.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
The "Warriors Of Destiny" would have to take the cake, it's the long global event that brought us the Magincia Invasion & Vanguard. Two of the best events in UO history :).

Before that I'd say Trinsic Invasion and the first Treasures Of Tokuno.


I Hate Skilling
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I like many of them but my favorite was the abyss shard. It was when skills only went to GM. You walked thru gates to get skills. It was a color vs color capture the flag type thing.
Where in the end you had to take the opposing sides castle.
Was the only time I liked PvP.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
grim reaper event, they would spawn at the graveyards, if it got on you, it would follow you until you were dead or it was. it was so much fun. anyone remember?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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My favourite was the Void Shadow event in Ilsh. Lots of deaths, lots of fun!

View attachment 119138
That was my singular most favorite event of all time... whenever a mob is spawned now I think back to that particular one and how it literally took a majority of the shard to come together and work as a group to destroy that one singular mob... Was the best battle ever... I still remember convincing many a player to come and join us... we attempted to kill that thing several times but it took a massive effort with us mass-producing golems for everyone on the shard to finally take it down. I recall working with numerous guilds to farm resources for the golems... gathering all the supplies and power cores... and everything took a massive effort. And the battle lasted a good 2 hours... with so many death robes... was one of my favorite moments in UO. You really felt you did something.

Far as I'm aware there was no "special" drop or anything of that nature from the thing... just a good time to be had by all...

Outside of that, I did enjoy the event that led to us building the cask items with the Treasure Maps and all that which we had to gather all the items and use the pentagram and whatnot to go and gather the special spells in the special spellbook for the 20th Anniversary... I enjoyed that event quite a bit.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I like many of them but my favorite was the abyss shard. It was when skills only went to GM. You walked thru gates to get skills. It was a color vs color capture the flag type thing.
Where in the end you had to take the opposing sides castle.
Was the only time I liked PvP.
Yes! Loved this. I think they also had clicky stones that gave a random weapon (back when it was like vanquishing) that I'd click a few dozen times to go fight with. I also liked during Xmas when you could play as a reindeer. Those times were so much fun.... I remember spending countless hours playing on those shards

Lindae Lives

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Invasion of Trinsic by Juo'nar.
that's one that i didn't get to see! all these years i thought the players were victorious, but a few months ago i was informed by an expert that juo'nar actually won and that's the official lore for the trammel/felucca split. the narrative depth and complexity of this game continues to amaze me. it deserves a unesco listing.


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Most of the best ones have been mentioned, but I'll throw in the slime dye event. Was a ton of fun running around to find the less common colors.

Lex Darion

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that's one that i didn't get to see! all these years i thought the players were victorious, but a few months ago i was informed by an expert that juo'nar actually won and that's the official lore for the trammel/felucca split. the narrative depth and complexity of this game continues to amaze me. it deserves a unesco listing.
There's a great writeup of the event in one of the magazines chronicling UO.

- US shards players faught but everyone fought solo or in very small groups. Trinsic eventually fell.
- EU shards players sat indoors sipping tea and roleplaying while Trinsic fell. (Ok there were people fighting too, but not as many.. I was there. Lots were roleplayers and just didnt care about global events.)
- Asian shards actually bested the spawn. Their guilds were working as one, with supplylines and healers and different lines of defending players taking the charge. OSI was actually puzzled by this one as the event wasnt designed to be "won".
Eventually OSI just decided that Trinsic fell anyway even though it had infact not. Lots of the asian shards were very annoyed with this decision of OSI.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
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I remember a lot of these, they were all fun.

I stumbled across the Trinsic invasion when I had no idea what was going on and got wrecked. I briefly engaged Minax herself 1v1 (I lost - granted she had her invul tag on). I armor ignored robo-Blackthorn when he made a crazy play to invade Yew. I battled the first Exodus Minion Lords. (Those began as event spawn long before they became just another monster.) (This was the same event cycle that also featured the Juka invading our cities and the Meer accidentally turning Yew into a swamp -- in a sense one of the more tragic events because "winning" meant Yew would be a healthy and living swamp and "losing" meant it would be a blasted, damned, decaying outdoor dungeon in the shape of a swamp and would stay that way until the elves arrived.) I soloed the Void Shadow (I lost but I held my own for longer than I did against Minax.) It wasn't quite an event but I stumbled into the first Harrower spawn on Lake Superior. (Went looking for Baracoon, found The Harrower.) Yes @Lord Arm , I remember the Grim Reaper event -- it was one of several Halloween events we've had over the years. I remember a lot of those too. Some were funny, some were (more or less) scary.

One event cycle called "In the Shadow of Virtue" (this was the Virtuebane/death of Queen Dawn event cycle) had an interesting distinction for me: my impression was that on most shards it was possible to not notice that there was an event cycle going on. But on Great Lakes, our Event Moderators really picked up the flag and made it their own and turned it into a harrowing epic storyline of near-unbearable intensity. We even had a little mini-storyline in between the main chapters wherein we tracked down and killed those most directly responsible for the death of the Queen.

Another thing that no one else has mentioned is the death of the real Exodus -- to me it's notable because it culminated something that had begun many years prior when Exodus first appeared. This also was the same event cycle that led to King Blackthorn.

Oh dear god! We all forgot the Ophidian invasion that all started with Ricardo trying to steal something from the Terathans, him escaping through the Ophidians stealing from them after failing to steal from their enemies, and their invading our towns while following him. Or the time when the orcs invaded us accidentally while running from the Savages.

There've been many events and storylines in UO. Some localized, some global.

Even the mediocre ones have contributed something to the world we inhabit.

May they continue as long as the game does.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Blackthorn being king is just so wrong.. I hope one day we get to oust him.
Lord British loyalist here..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blackthorn being king is just so wrong.. I hope one day we get to oust him.
Lord British loyalist here..
A King is A King don't forget we had a Queen as well.

Don't think you will see Lord British again unless he steps in the game and EA and BS allow it for lets say 25th year arch or 30th. I think he owns the right to it and only he can play it. He did try to get the game back and EA said NO lol


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I always liked Queen Dawn myself... given that she was from Yew...

I too find Blackthorn a bit of a stretch... but yeah... nothing I can do there...

But if Garriott ever got the game back that would stink... I'm sure it would be almost worse than what we have now ... given all his other projects outcomes since ...

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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i will always be loyal to casca, lol

He let his dog die. I shan't ever forgive him for that. Pure evil. If EM Seppo is reading this thread I hope you have forgiven yourself for that was an epic moment as many of your moments were.

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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Is there a calendar of global events list that can be perused?


Crazed Zealot
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My favorite was the Halloween event that gave all the crystals and the conjurer's garb reward.

I'd also like to see a return of the slime event. That was fun and I would love to get some more items dyed with those rare colors.


UO Forum Moderator
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My favorite was the event arc where we had the "Book of Truth?" and "Candle of Love".

Much of the north between Compassion and Justice was invaded by ore elementals, and on my shard, my alliance ALREADY had a guild, with many of the other guilds' leaders present in it, that were dedicated COMBAT MINERS. We would go to Ilshenar as a guild activity FOR FUN and try to DELIBERATELY get paragon ore elementals.

So, suddenly having dozens of wild ore elementals running amok outside our houses near Compassion Desert meant that it was our hour to shine, and we spearheaded the assault, and racked up huge amounts of colored ingots in the process.

Luc of Legends

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I have two favorites:

First was the Invasion of Moonglow the one with the Daemons, Balrons, Chaos Daemons, Arcane Daemons, Lichs, Lord Lords, and Ancient Liches. Best memory of that event was the Arcane Daemon that kept spawning in Woody's house/Vendor shop. Woody's house was the most famous and busiest vendor shop on Legends. Poor Woody somehow he missed the announcement that Moonglow was going to be invade; if there was one. He logs in and a Arcane Daemon had made himself at home in his house/vendor shop. Of course he was insta-killed cause he was on his crafter. So he hits up me and sis for help via AIM (remember that?). We fought our way to Woody's, rezzed him. Oh he was fuming. While Woody was ranting an ancient opened the door, walked in and killed everyone. We ran to Moonglow healers which was full of invaders and the bodies of those foolish enough to try to get rezzed there. So we run back to Woody's and started looking for a roaming healer. Found one, got rezzed, got bodies, with some backup we dispatched the Ancient Lich. After that every morning Woody would find a Arcane Daemon in the vendor house so he'd log in on his fighter first. That was wild.

My second favorite was the destruction of Magincia with the Light and Void Daemon. LOL my guild got taken out by a Light Daemon that went BOOM. LMAO Jirel got teleported to a graveyard while helping to kill a Void Daemon. Then there was Me, sis, Lady Phoenix, Mage Cruella, DevilsOwn(?), Damia(?), Five Fingers, and Plucky Duck rubble collecting. Plucky telling the rest of us we sound like demented Hamburglars spamming Rubble-Rubble-Rubble-Rubble. OMG Legends shad had so much fun during that event.


There have been quite a few I enjoyed, but my favorite "event" was probably Tram placement night and it's ensuing sh*t show. At least on Sonoma. I got lucky and placed my castle in the opening seconds then a few minutes later things started crashing. I remember ICQ that night with everyone going back and forth over who placed, who hadn't yet, where spots were still open, who was locked out, who managed to stay in, etc. So much cooperation between everyone trying to do their part to help get people placed. I had one intrepid friend I'd armed with a deed to get me a tower and stayed in contact with him for hours while he played an overglorified screenshot struggling to get from place to place and find a spot. Finally things began to normalize in the wee hours and I was able to get back in to be sure I still had my place.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Ugh... I remember placing on Europa trammel.
So nerv-wrecking!

I ran around trying to place a villa with the meager funds I had collected with my wages as a roleplaying guardsman.
Keep was way out of my reach, and all the good spots got taken by castles and keeps in the first round of placement.
Then when it was finally us scrubs time to place..

Mind you, I was playing on modem from god-fcking-nowhere over a shoddy telephoneline that had last been serviced around WW2.
But everyone was laggy AF so everyone was equal.

Ran from meadow to meadow as my first choice got taken from me.

Then I ran up to Yew Graveyard and placed my villa.
Another guy comes up and places his own villa and we block out a dude that is raging because he couldnt place his tower.

A few year passes and the owner of my twin villa stops playing. I buy or place during IDOC, cant remember which.
But eventually upgrade these two villas to towers that has stood since 2006.


Yeah I never did get that tower that night. Ended up with a cabin outside Skara. It took a few months and a lucky jump at an IDOC before I got a tower. The whole experience game-wise was a calamity but that night will always be fondly remembered


Stratics Veteran
Destruction of Magincia. I and some others who weren't quite up to battle standards were the healers and rez-crews. My paladin had the ability to cast Noble Sacrifice. I made sure the ghosts understood that I'd slap a bandage on them as fast as I could. One or 2 ghosts I'd use bandages, but a group requires NS.

Several folks came back later and split any loot with all of us as a thanks. That was fun.