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Your experience with taming (SA)



So what is everyone's experience with taming? I havent seen much, and I'm not trying to start another taming debate but I'm really hoping there ist anything that will be super nasty.

I believe the greater dragon already owns in pvp when used correctly, wondering if anyone has seen anything that might be as nasty.

Lord Drakelord

The only thing I had hope to see in this exp was the Dread war horse. I guess the only way we see them again is if the Vanguard attack the cities again.


I could not yet manage to get a All-70-100%LRC suit on Retribution. So I went off with what I had and Raptors kicked my butt. Right now I'm checking every new creature in the Abyss but most of them are not very open minded about Taming. Haven't seen so many though because they ate every chthonic healer too. :cursing:


Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
I could not yet manage to get a All-70-100%LRC suit on Retribution. So I went off with what I had and Raptors kicked my butt. Right now I'm checking every new creature in the Abyss but most of them are not very open minded about Taming. Haven't seen so many though because they ate every chthonic healer too. :cursing:
you know theres a virtue gate right so you could honor tame everything :)
i know thats not "testing" but...


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Skree will cause problems im betting. They don't hit hard, but they spam sleep from what I understand.

Other than that all the pets are nice, interesting, but nothing imbalancing at all. I made a post with pics and info on them all on this board as well.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I suspect the Skree will be quite a handful, when they are fully trained.

I am kind of thinking I am going to go about trying to train one up, just to see.

I looked all over for the Iron Beetle and could not find one ..... so unless someone can give me a hint .....


yeah so far the Skree is looking like it might be the new PvP or at least a contender. It lacks the HP and Dmg of a GD but that sleep spam could be nice, really depends on how sleep effects players and how well resist spells deals with it.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah so far the Skree is looking like it might be the new PvP or at least a contender. It lacks the HP and Dmg of a GD but that sleep spam could be nice, really depends on how sleep effects players and how well resist spells deals with it.
And what the tamer is running beside taming. Ninja tamer will love this guy.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Look deep, deep in the Underworld
Ok .... :)

First the Underworld can be reached by the Gate to the Abyss Entrance with the Goblins? If so then tomorrow I will redo that area and look for how to go deep, deep :)

I kind of got sidetracked in the Rooms that were connected to the Silver Tree, what with all the colored slimes, fire daemons, elementals etc.


The skree is nice if you are a garg flying you can't be touched and the skree can run just as fast as someone can on a mount.

I took it out pvping it did nothing but spam sleep I wouldn't go taking this thing out into a group of people it will die in just a few enemy of one hits but it will also spam sleep on a greater I thought that was kinda funny I watched my skree spam sleep on a greater for about five min before that got old.

It's base dmg is only 5 - 7 so I don't know even fully trained how well they will do.

Other then that skree there is nothing worth taming for pvp I wish there was dread mares tho, kinda tired of a select few tamers getting to use them while other cannot talk about unbalance. The whole pvp revolves around greaters now ide like to see something that can stop them other then a skree that has 200 hp and spams sleep :p