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you read but you never post ?


Seasoned Veteran
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why is everyone leaving eotd ???
is it because were a tramie no faction guild
is it because we do to much fel pvp
is it because we do to little fel pvp
are you finding your entertainment elsewhere
are you not being able to get along with people ?
have you lost interest in uo
have you found to much interest in uo ?
are you not getting enough loot
are you getting to much loot
were you given the boot
did you boot yourself?/ ?

i have the answer to the question and its the same reason why there is a cat sitting on the roof looking over the courtyard keen eyes looking for a mouse

its because you are weak...
the weak never make it to valhalla the halls of the great fathers...
shut up silverbow your just gonna make everyone leave oh ok ok see ya


Hey I'm still around!

Although lately I just can't get on for long enough to do much.
Trying to get everything in order though!


The EOTD ranks have been dwindling because its leader is AWOL. His second in command, in his great desire to instruct can sometimes be impatient, grouchy and condescending. Unfortunately these two facts have left the guild a less fun place to play.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
i dont see why anyone would leave EOTD.... its the perfect tram based guild with just the right amount of fel for those who want it. count dont be hard on urself its not your fault. uo is like the ocean, people participate like the ebbing and crashing of the waves, it comes and it goes. i myself havent been playing much lately except to train a new char but if you ever need to yell at someone, im a good listener... just keep ur distance okay? everytime i get close to u i get bit!rolleyes::sad2:


i dont see why anyone would leave EOTD.... its the perfect tram based guild with just the right amount of fel for those who want it. count dont be hard on urself its not your fault. uo is like the ocean, people participate like the ebbing and crashing of the waves, it comes and it goes. i myself havent been playing much lately except to train a new char but if you ever need to yell at someone, im a good listener... just keep ur distance okay? everytime i get close to u i get bit!rolleyes::sad2:
What she said, probably.


Lore Master
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Perhaps people quit because this statement is too Eric Northman-y for people to stomach?
That and I can hardly comprehend Silverbow's posts due to the lack of grammar and punctuation.

a slave girl

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps it is because I said in gen chat the other day that of all the guilds on Pac EOTD seemed to have the most guys with cajones...

(That realization startled me tbh!)

Pac seems to be a cajone free zone so maybe they felt out of place?

J/K I still think EOTD guys have a lock on those on Cs.



Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I don't think your ability to comprehend his posts has anything to with players leaving EOTD.
Idk, if Silverbow is as weird as he is on the Forums in game, then it might turn a lot of people away from EOTD.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Idk, if Silverbow is as weird as he is on the Forums in game, then it might turn a lot of people away from EOTD.
There's a forum in game? Or did you mean forums about the game? I CAN'T COMPREHEND!!! Do you see what I'm doing here? I'm taking unnecessary jabs at you; similar to what you're doing to Silverbow. Condescending attitudes are not becoming of a young woman such as yourself!

Pink Floyd

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There's a forum in game? Or did you mean forums about the game? I CAN'T COMPREHEND!!! Do you see what I'm doing here? I'm taking unnecessary jabs at you; similar to what you're doing to Silverbow. Condescending attitudes are not becoming of a young woman such as yourself!

This is an example of someone who thinks he is very clever failing at sarcasm.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The EOTD ranks have been dwindling because its leader is AWOL. His second in command, in his great desire to instruct can sometimes be impatient, grouchy and condescending. Unfortunately these two facts have left the guild a less fun place to play.
I agree Espilce! You have answered Silverbow's Question in part, but there are other reasons, too! In his Quest to make EOTD the best Guild on Pacific, his ego often times gets in the way and he does not think rationally. When someone tries to help him and contributes to the Guild, he uses them and can't just accept the help that was given him, but requires more! He often accepts people into the Guild immediately without question just so the numbers of EOTD will grow, so that he can say, "We are the number One Guild on Pacific!" On the other hand, he boots people from the Guild because he doesn't get his way. Like a child that has a temper tantrum stomping his feet and yelling Mine! Mine! Mine! Silverbow, to answer your question: It is not sheer numbers that makes a Guild great. The saying goes, it is the Quality, not the Quantity that makes something great. You treat people with respect and allow them to have an opinion on matters. Or is EOTD a dictatorship and what ever the Leader says goes? What ever the Leader doesn't get then that Guild member is not needed anymore, so boot them!

And lastly, when negotiating or asking for something that will benefit the Guild as a whole, don't demand! You need to give something back in return! Or is it EOTD's Philosophy to give everything to the Guild, including their Wordly UO Possessions (Gold and other Wealth) to make the Guild that much more Better? Last time I looked EOTD is a Guild and not a Religion.

People want to have fun when they join a Guild and not be dictated. EOTD was once a good Guild, but now it is one that needs to either reform and change, :gun: get wiped out by the PvP guild it hates, or just simply dissolve!


Seasoned Veteran
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your right tony eotd should just disolve and get wipped out by all the pvp guilds. you should keep the cartographer you set up for the guild because yea, absolutly not one person in the guild appreciated it. you should spread the word on how bad everything the guild has set up because yea its a religion and i viciously force everyone to be in the guild or just boot them when there not doing what i ask.

"when you say dont demand, you have to give something back in return." your right i never once tried to assist a guild member when they were under attack. never did i offer up gold or items to help get people better gear or to add a bit of luxury to there homes. ur right i always turned my back whenever people needed help at a spawn, yea why would i bother doing any of those things i have my ego to worry about.

what can i say brother you must of been a soothsayer in a previous life

i have simply one request, please dont do me or the guild any more favors.
just remeber trust who can you trust tony ? i know who i can trust do you ?
now you want to see eotd dissolve why dont you try it then use your magic and make eotd disolve...
make count silverbow vanish from the land tony this is what you truely want isnt it? for i am a the scourge and eotd will become a plague to UO
i can guarentee you that your heart isnt as cold as mine.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
your right tony eotd should just disolve and get wipped out by all the pvp guilds. you should keep the cartographer you set up for the guild because yea, absolutly not one person in the guild appreciated it. you should spread the word on how bad everything the guild has set up because yea its a religion and i viciously force everyone to be in the guild or just boot them when there not doing what i ask.
This is not a personal attack against the Guild Leader of EOTD. This is not a mud-slinging contest. In my last post, when did I mention UOC? To answer your statements: I didn't say enough people didn't appreciate it. I said not enough people were using it and it wasn't appreciated. No one, but you thanked me for it. No one acknowledged the effort it took to set it up. It was taken for granted that it would always be there. I took the time and effort to set it up myself. No one asked me to do it. It was voluntary. Since it was a server. it was constantly running on one of my computers and using up resources. Since I put it up, don't I have the right to stop it at any point I want to? Was I under any obligation to keep it running? What benefit was it doing for me personally? Was I being compensated running a UOC Server? Don't you have to pay to use Vent? Was I charging EOTD anything for it? Was EOTD paying me anything to keep it running? As a Guild Leader, set up a UOC Server yourself. See how easy it is to do! BUT, that is a whole different issue! You asked why EOTD was having problems and I gave my honest assessment about the Guild. I did not personally attack anyone. See your Ego is getting in the way of what the real problems are. I never said you did not help anyone in the guild. I never said that the EOTD Guild was a Religion. Read what I wrote and don't read into it. As far as UOC goes that is a whole seperate issue and has nothing to do with your post about why EOTD is failing as a Guild. You asked a question and I gave my opinions of what I see are some of the problems. Leave UOC out of it. That's a whole seperate issue. Or is it?


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I wanted to send you a personal PM so that we could work out any differences and to discuss other matters that the UO Public need not see, yet I can't send you a PM because you have them turned OFF???

WHY? Afraid of what people may say to you in Private?