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You know your a uo pac tool if.... please add a suggestion heres some


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
You say the word balls more than 10 times a day....

You check all the spawns at least once a day...

You go to em events then say how awful they are...

You have more than 3 vendors....

If all you do is pvp...

If youve ever spammed at a idoc...

You have notes written down on how to do quests...

hmmmm im sure ya can think of something... :loser:;):p:thumbsup::dunce:


If ur the guild leader of EOTD...or ur working Destard and leave when u see SirRehpotsirhc...


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
You throw hissy fits when your killed while camping at luna bank

in case you didnt notice this is suppose to be a keep it light and humorous thread not a im gonna take this opportunity to personally attack people because its the only thing i can do with my life to make me feel important thread...


You have deleted an account with a legendary tamer and a stable full of dread mares over 600 hp

Do I Win?



hissy fit lmao,last time i checked nobody wants to die afk at a bank.and i do not have to do anything to feel important silver i am important,do EOTD a favor and retire from UO


just because i want u who are a cancer to ultima,to retire i dont think that qualifies as a tool bud. sry better luck next time.


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:mf_prop::gee:I am away quite a bit right now making buku bucks in rl and getting my summer bod ready for the beaches...

keep holding down those idocs though im sure one day youll turn all the stuff you have in game into what a 2 week pay check ? :thumbup::mf_prop::gee::confused:

i dont know why you remind me of a neighbor that borrows a lawnmorrow then never returns it then is crabby about when you ask for it back rofl :party::heart::rant2:


Both SirRehpotsirhc and Count are lames. No one cares of your "Job" that you have no way to prove that you got. No one cares how much "Money" you got. This is UO and a cyber world, which both of you suck at. No one cares if anyone is a tool or not. In UO land you can act however you want and do what you want. This mean's nothing about anyone rl.

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

you know your a tool if you use all sorts of smiley faces when replying to posts.

your a tool if you pick up runes and books and say they cause lag... lag on a 15 year old engine... right. Maybe its your puter?

your a tool if you cry in general chat everytime you get killed.

likewise, your a tool if you say how good of a l33t pvp g0d you are in general chat.

your a tool if you pay rl money for items in ultima.

your a tool if you play ultima and your BMI is over 85%.

your a tool if all you can come up with is "you spelled seige wrong"

your a tool if you have more than 2 mirrors in your house.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
master p and sir rehposteric = fail (the we talk smack because it fills that gap in my life crowd) the proof is in the pudding anyone who wants a tour of the playboy mansion just let me know and i can arrange that is if you cant afford to make it to one of the parties and hang with paris and the paparazi... ok tyelor ??? being in eotd would help as usual..

ander and imil Ispep = win (for actually understanding one of my posts)

heres a few more

You need help making vent work ..

UO cartographer wont load the maps for you...

You complain how dead pac is compared to other shards.. :blushing:

sheswan beefy will agree with anyone who talks bad about the count i think shes got a secret crush going... winks winks