We do, at least I think most of us do. And we love all the work you've put into the New SA client and the SA expansion. And we really appreciate all the late nights and hard work you've put in. We love the communication we have with you, there is nothing like it in any other game. We love Draconi and Sak and all the rest of you working your magic on us and the world of Sosaria.
And we need you now, possible more than ever, to work your magic on us. To calm us down and communicate to us so that we all stop worrying. No discounts for multiple account expansions... No new character slot.. the possibility of not being able to even buy the expansion because we've brought other things from UO store within the month...
and now Cal's gone and insulted the "care bears" and said he intends on returning us to the wild west west.. the possibility of being FORCED to pvp because we will, "have to go"...
An announcement coming AFTER the release of SA...
We need you to work your magic.
And I think the "care bears" need and apology from Cal.
Mayadevi ( Not a trammie, not a "care bear", and NOT buying an expansion without an explanation )
And we need you now, possible more than ever, to work your magic on us. To calm us down and communicate to us so that we all stop worrying. No discounts for multiple account expansions... No new character slot.. the possibility of not being able to even buy the expansion because we've brought other things from UO store within the month...
and now Cal's gone and insulted the "care bears" and said he intends on returning us to the wild west west.. the possibility of being FORCED to pvp because we will, "have to go"...
An announcement coming AFTER the release of SA...
We need you to work your magic.
And I think the "care bears" need and apology from Cal.
Mayadevi ( Not a trammie, not a "care bear", and NOT buying an expansion without an explanation )