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you have to be logged in to get the promotion tokens?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so i put my code in, it said it was processing.. but nothing.. its been about 20 minutes..

i gotta go do stuff, will i lose the items if i log out?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i did this.
but i gotta leave now. :(
its been over 30 minutes since i put that code in and no items in my pack :(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it said
"your promotional code has been submitted. We are processing your request."

anyway i gotta deal with this when i get back.. hope i didnt lose my gifts.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

the promotional code is not on the screen when you have paid.You get it on mail.

Are you maybe confused with the code alike numbers on screen saying the number of your order?

I just logged in to get my gifts, took the ordinary 2 seconds before they hit my backpack.

The Scandinavian

Old Man of UO

Hmm... I just upgraded at UOGamecodes, got my email about 15 seconds later with the upgrade code and promotion code. Then upgraded to SA on the account management page, logged in and entered my promotions code and got my tokens and statue! All of this in about 5 minutes, including time to find my wallet. See how much trouble everyone else is having, must be my lucky day.


If you use the EA-Store, the codes are given on the screen - and then you get an e-mail confirmation with the code listed again for future reference.