This is a freaking joke. Flutter receives an icq from someone selling 4 billion gold, vendors everywhere have extrememly rare and obviously duped items for sale, Heartwood scripters continue to run 24/7 without GM interference, but oh Good Golly, the Smelting Section of UO won't be the downfall of this game.....not as long as you can tally up and big ole Whopping 4 Valorite ingots from smelting 24 individual ore. Yeah Draconi, we wouldnt want miners to take over the Top Spot on UO's Rich and Famous list now would we? 4 freaking ingots, and I just smelted a stack of 36 agapite, and got 2!!!! 105 mining, thanks a bunch. UO is a safer place now, we almost lost it once before with those damned NPC gating Mage Cash Cows, but you showed them with your idiotic 4 minute this...ridiculous.../end rant.