Don't worry you'll catch on.
Ok as for weapons.
Bows are very slow compared to melee weapons. 4-5 seconds for most of them make SSI(swing speed increase) the most important property on any bow. It is the difference between shooting a regular speed bow, and shooting 2x as fast. Even a bow with major properties isn't really looked at unless it has SSI.
Slayer bows of course are great for monster hunters, but you want entirely different properties on PVP bows. (cept undead slayer I guess, which might boost pvp damage vs necros in wraith/vamp form).
Since they nerfed leeches on bows to 1/2 strength, having those on bows aren't quite as important as they are on melee weapons. Mana leech is the one most want. Other properties.
PVP.. Hit lower defense. Very nice. Balanced, great for potion drinking. Velocity. Hit properties like fireball/lighting very good.
So, lets take a bow you make.
35 hit mana
35 hit stamina
35 hit life
40 hit fireball
40 di
A bunch of good properties, but with no ssi, you aren't going to be doing much with it except sitting there taking damage waiting to shoot again. I wouldn't use it since there are plenty of equal level bows out there with SSI
Now, you have
Dragon slayer
30 ssi
1 fast cast
20 di
This bow will be used by dragon hunters, because its fast, and does nice damage to dragons. Even though it does't have many properties, it still will be very useful against even ancient wyrms/shadow dragons. This actually is the bow I have. (until i find a better one)
Now I have a nice heavy Xbow with
30 ssi
40 di
23 hci
39 hit mana leech
This has properties that anyone can use, be it pvp or monster. You can use potions while using the bow, it is fast, great hit chance increase, and the mana leech isn't bad either. The only thing that would make this bow awesome would be to replace the mana leech with hit lighing/fireball, or maybe hit lower defense.