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yellow snow, dbl blessed stuff??


Stratics Veteran
Recently became active again and unsurprisingly, I need gold to upgrade some gear.

Curious about prices and desirability on a few of the old items I have:

Yellow pile of snow

The Robe of Britannia "Ari" 10 phys

partisan of chaos sash

Lenshire clan Tabard

dryad sandals

Dbl blessed plain dress

Dbl blessed Fancy shirt

Etheral horse

Dbl blessed sandals of various colors black blue silver red

dbl exceptional spined sandals

Meat eating Ki-rin

Edit: oh and I just found "Bottles Of Green Ale Brewed By Goblins Deep In The Underworld"

Thanks in advance for any help and Happy New year!
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chester rockwell

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have no clue the value of the yellow snow, but I could see myself throwing an offer in the ring if it isn't stupid high.