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Yay! i WON the Gargoyle house!!


Muu Bin

Way to work that RNG!!! When you throw out the box it came in just toss it in my mail box... :lol:

Rand Al

anyone have a ss of the house or know where it is at cause i never have seen it im stuck in fell most of the time.


well.. depends on how creative they are.

I have no plans of ever going to the abyss again.. so maybe when he customizes he'll post screen shots?

Your buddy Obi Wan Kenobi was one of the winners :)

Rand Al

poor obi his leader eric sent him to die to me a few and eric never left luna to help him he just sat there calling girls names and saying how much of a man he was haha fail


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
poor obi his leader eric sent him to die to me a few and eric never left luna to help him he just sat there calling girls names and saying how much of a man he was haha fail
Eric! He is the king of Fel!



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure, this the design i made. ENJOY!

http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac289/GoldenSun98/Abyss designs/YAYme.jpg

http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac289/GoldenSun98/Abyss designs/MyAbysshouse00003.jpg

Oops, i forgot if you want to add a vendor down here you should leave a message at the bulletin board by the front door. This house is open to the public and i added a Ankh of Sacrifice for players to resurrect if they were to die on that side of Abyss. Run up to the front doors to be resurrected once every one hour. (i think...)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is a killer design , looks really good in the dark night too.

Lucky *******!

Enjoy your awesome Abyss house! rolleyes: