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xbox 360 double standards


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i know i know shouldnt post anything here that relates to anything non uo but my freind just had this happen to him and he was ranting to me about it, so now its ur turn.

anyway he has in his profile not his gamer tag the words dice mofo in the house... and he wakes up to get his account temporary 7 day ban..
i mean for the words dice mofo is what customer support said when he called them.. DICE MOFO...

then were like its ridiculous because almost every 360 game out there has the f word or s word or worse in it now a days. I mean look at some of the fatalities in the new mortal combat there awwesome but its like lets have someone get the body chopped in half there head splatterd and cut up into 30 different peices kind of stuff but then he gets his account suspended for having the words dice mofo in it ? it just shows you the double standard that gaming companies have when it comes to making money...

and who do you the gamer have to complain to absolutly no one. they even claim that it was there computer system that filters accounts for obsenities hes had his account for 6 years and never a problem and now they hit him with suspension man i laughing over all of it.. since when does xbox become the police on whats acceptable and whats not.. they have all of these swear words in there games but you cant have the words dice mofo in ur profile...

its creepy how they say its a computer thats screening it and making these decisions and theres nothing anyone can do about it talk about cyberdyne systems 101 taking over. Its all a money thing imagine how many accounts have been banned over absolute nothing only forcing the customer to have to buy a new account membership who knows.

bottom line is if they allow all the cuz words and everyhting to fly in there games they shouldnt screen everyones gamer tags and suspend or ban them for a service there paying for. the end :thumbsup::wall::twak:
