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[Discussion] X-ferring Napa Valley to Atlantic today.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm going to x-fer to Atlantic from Napa Valley, today.
If you would like to bring something, I'll pick up free.

Here is a time schedule for x-fer.
Well, I have a lot of time-difference, so I write by using GMT.

- Accepting request (till Sunday the 5th 12pm GMT)
- Leaving from Napa (Sunday the 5th 1pm GMT)
- Arrival at Atlantic, and derivery (Sunday the 5th 1:30pm GMT)

If you have something you would like transferred, send me a pm or ICQ.
Then, I'll let you know a detail (e.g. How to trade at Atlantic/Napa).

And, here is a warning to prevent scams.

- Pack items into one container.
- Include a book which was written below.
-> Your stratics's or icq's user name.
-> Your character's name who will receive items at Atlantic.
-> Your contact info. (e.g. icq number)
-> A four-digit number to identify. (e.g. '1234')
--> Be careful, if I cannot identify, I'll refuse delivery of items.

Feel free to contact me :)

ICQ:11767124 [Peil]


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I stopped receive requests, and I'll x-fer soon.

Thank you