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[Buying] WTB gargoyle's pickaxes Atlantic


Slightly Crazed
Not sure if anybody will do it .
Easiest way for me to make them pickaxes is bribe dagger BODs to exceptional . Any exceptional iron BOD also works, but dagger bods are very common and need very little material, not heavy, can craft 100-120 (if using Smith press or BOD reward 250 charge tool .


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
thank you, i do have a smith, but never got into bods, will give it a shot
how many pickaxes does it give you via this?


Slightly Crazed
@whitesmith you get 1 pickaxe per BOD .
you can get lots of bods giving 0.1 blacksmithy for your every character. This will make you 18 bods per day (6 toons per account)
while shields can go in colorful bribing direction (dull copper, shadow iron and so on ) weapon BODs only can go to exceptional.
With .1 skill you will get mostly daggers and shields. Shields you can buy from blacksmiths , fill bod and turn in at once to get better one. Daggers you bribe till they become exceptional , craft =>fill=turn in => get reward and new BOD.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
lol, back to the mines of Moria, that is way too much for pulling out a shadow ele