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Wrong character graphics?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know if anyone has already noticed and written about it,
but if you move your character around, you can see that what he is holding is shown ok in 5 positions.
In all the others you always see what you have in your right arm (for example the shield) while you should see what you have in your left arm !!
See the pic:



Stratics Veteran
this is an old 2d trick to save on time of making sprites. left/right sprites are almost always mirrored. it's like that in most 2d games tbh, even newer ones lol


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whatever you do, don't wear one of the "threads of" robes only and turn to show your backside while mounted. Your behind will shine through as well as yer thighs I was asked to submit this as a bug about ohhh 10+ years ago? I would suspect it is the same for elf robes, but well.... Elves stink.

Oh and how bone helms look diff on girl chars than boy chars. Still no answers on that one either.


Crazed Zealot
These "bugs" are the least of our problems..We got other much bigger gooses to fry sadly. But hey, its still a ton of fun for me every time I get a little chance to play..