According to the WoWhead homepage, it seems an official launch date has been set for Lich King.
Are we ready?
Are we ready?
Regular expansion - $39.99Hooray!
Now I'm tempted to go and change my reservation for 1xWotLK to 1xWotLK Collectors Edition. I wonder what the price difference is...?
According to the dumb ass gamestop employee I just talked to 10 minutes ago when trying to get a pre-order in the store "there is no collector's edition in WoW for Wrath of the Lich King"i'll be doing the same thing i did when BC came out. Go to gamestop and wait on line for the midnight with some friends and joke around with the people on the line.
"The happiest place on Earth!"the local Fry's stores.
According to the dumb ass gamestop employee I just talked to 10 minutes ago when trying to get a pre-order in the store "there is no collector's edition in WoW for Wrath of the Lich King"
So guess I get to pre-order mine online.
Cool, I'm gonna get mine at lunch.I just got home from gamestop (went last night but they said it wasn't going to be in the system til this morning, so i went back this morning and just preordered my CE. =D and CE I was told was only 69.99