<b>WoW Olympic Achievements</b>
Olympic Alcoholic: Prove your dominance by winning 20 duels while being "Completely Smashed".
Good Sport: Show respect to your opponent by bowing to them after losing a duel where they have less than 10% health at the end.
Winning Streaker: Carry and capture the flag 10 times in either the Warsong Gulch or Eye of the Storm Battlegrounds while naked.
This Is MY House: Destroy 5 different PvP buildings using a single siege engine.
Olympic Truce: Wave at a PvP flagged member of the opposing faction and have them wave back to you.
Beating The Home Team: Prove your superiority by slaying 20 members of the opposing faction in each of their capitol cities.
Opening Ceremony: Join any battleground and have your entire team dance together during the 2 minute preparation time.
National Pride: Flex at 10 different members of the opposing faction who are in one of your capitol cities.
Going For The Mold: Defeat 100 slime and ooze type monsters in under an hour.
The Hi!-Dive: Fall at least 100 yards and wave to someone before landing and dying of fall damage. Stay focused on the dive next time!
The Path of Horcules: Prove that you're as strong as Horcules, the legendary orc, by completing all 10 Olympic achievements.
Olympic Alcoholic: Prove your dominance by winning 20 duels while being "Completely Smashed".
Good Sport: Show respect to your opponent by bowing to them after losing a duel where they have less than 10% health at the end.
Winning Streaker: Carry and capture the flag 10 times in either the Warsong Gulch or Eye of the Storm Battlegrounds while naked.
This Is MY House: Destroy 5 different PvP buildings using a single siege engine.
Olympic Truce: Wave at a PvP flagged member of the opposing faction and have them wave back to you.
Beating The Home Team: Prove your superiority by slaying 20 members of the opposing faction in each of their capitol cities.
Opening Ceremony: Join any battleground and have your entire team dance together during the 2 minute preparation time.
National Pride: Flex at 10 different members of the opposing faction who are in one of your capitol cities.
Going For The Mold: Defeat 100 slime and ooze type monsters in under an hour.
The Hi!-Dive: Fall at least 100 yards and wave to someone before landing and dying of fall damage. Stay focused on the dive next time!
The Path of Horcules: Prove that you're as strong as Horcules, the legendary orc, by completing all 10 Olympic achievements.