well granted if i was playing in my uber insured suit i wouldnt have died nearly as much , but with the lag who knows ?
i am a master of death recovery . so i tend to throw my body around rather reclessly . you can pull off some amazing stunts if youre willing to risk
siege fits my style very nicely . cant be afraid to die here.
most of those deathrobes came when a lord camped the healer . id run out , get him to chase me a few steps , die, and go do it again . eventually i worked him far enough away from the healer that i (and others) could recover . then i set up camp myself at the healer and just stomped any monster that came near .
one of the nice things i found on siege was even tho some of the dudes fighting next to me were from known enemy guilds we could put our differences asside for a while and consentrate on a common foe. at that moment i didnt care if you were tnt jsv or whoever (i kept chaos shrine defaulted on one book) . if you were helping you got help from me. assuming at that moment i wasnt running down the street with my own ass on fire hehe. i recieved plenty of help from unknown folks as well. thanks guys.
of course there was alot of griefing and looting going on. if you were being a jerk, i felt no remorse settin the dog on ya. i found my lrc tunic on one. im like hey this looks familliar . sweet ! i needed that ... now which one of you fu##ers has my gorget ? *eyes the crowd suspiciously* o well ill find annother one, theres more monsters to stomp.