The problem with grandfathered houses in the past was the fact, that there was usually not much space available to place even the smallest shack.
So if you got lucky, you could place a very small one. On top of the house, which you had on your home shard.
Then the change was announced. Players have been requested to give up their secondary houses on other shards, and the Primary house switch has been added for this purpose. So most players with multiple houses were afraid enough and followed the request.
The luckier ones have been those, who did not follow, since suddenly not only the primary house was grandfathered, but also the others.
But the luck was limited, since players with grandfathered houses got treated badly. They could not relocate, they could not resize or trade one of their houses up even with more and more free housing capacity on the shards available without immediately loosing the grandfathered status for all the other homes, putting them to decay. They could not even help somebody else with placing, always afraid, that one time the Do you really want to place dialog would be missed and all houses put into decay.
For my one account with some small grandfathered houses this was the final reason to give them up (and to use partially RTB houses for those shards instead). Others used RTB houses to keep guild towns/history intact after exodus of members.
Would I close accounts, if we could more than one house per account again? Maybe, but none, which I would not close in near future anyway. And to compensate this, there could be set a different rate to start decay:
1 House total: As before. Decay starts 90 days after last payment expired.
2 Houses total: 45 days after last payment expired.
3 houses total: 15 days after last payment expired.
Also for the guild master of a guild with members from x different active accounts could be allowed one extra guild house.
What I also miss is the possibility to pay ahead longer than 6 month without having to fiddle with GTC (not sure, how long one can pay forward stacking GTC) or maybe get the option to purchase a lifetime account, as it was possible in LoTRO.