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(Player Event) Would you want to kill me?


Stratics Veteran
Hello Atlantic!

I am thinking of starting an occasional event that stars *you* as the killer and *me* as the victim.

I am thinking of creating a character specifically to run around Fel during specific times. The goal would be for you to find and kill me. I will be either carrying items that will drop or posting monitory rewards to be given out after each event.

I will not submit any murder counts, and my character would have no offensive skills. However he/she will be versed in hiding/stealth/shape changing to make this more interesting. Sometimes there may be a story to go along with the hunt, other times it may just be for wanton destruction.

I have not worked out all the details but I do know I would be showing up at random locations to help avoid players getting ganked while searching for me.

Do you think this is something that sounds like to may be fun? Have additional ideas? Let me know what you think. Let's keep it positive and helpful.
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Stratics Veteran
Anyone Else interested, have any input? I'm going to give it some tries anyways, as I know not everyone reads the forums, especially the Atlantic ones, but I know there are more of you out there!