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Would you look for this?

  • Thread starter Old Man of UO
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Old Man of UO

The other thread about scripting resources, and rarity of valorite and frostwood, made me wonder what it would take to get players out digging ore and chopping wood once again. This idea came to me and it may just be a crazy idea, but interesting to me.

Would you start chopping wood if:
One tree, somewhere-anywhere in all of UO, Felucca, Trammel, Lost Lands, etc., had a special bonus attached for each account. Every account would have a different bonus-tree, and this bonus could only be collected once each year. After the bonus-tree was found another random tree would become the bonus tree. Since it could be collected only once per year, I am hoping scripting impact would be minimal and not worth their time (who really knows though).

Let's say you would need a minimum of 50 lumberjack skill to collect the bonus, and no young players or new accounts could collect. The bonus should be something unique and perhaps valuable... a deed for a blaze cu sidhe, a ride able regular dragon, an anvil of +15 blacksmithy skill, something like that. The prize specifics aren't what's important for this, but you should get the idea.

Second question:
Same idea but for mining.

Would you look for this one tree and/or unique digging spot, somewhere in all of the UO lands?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
One award per account or could you get one per shard?

I'd do it in a heartbeat either way. But somehow I doubt that the people who won't mine or lumberjack now unless they can use runes for spots that someone else found for them would bother with it. Some people enjoy exploring in UO, even if it's a bit tedious and doesn't seem all that efficient; others don't. For some, the journey is as enjoyable as arriving at the destination. Others just want to get there, put their feet up, and bask in the sunshine, I guess.

(Sorry, I'm in a whimsical mood today.)

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Is it an interesting idea, yeah.
Would it get me out gathering more resources, unlikely.

The odds of finding that one special tree (even in a year's time) are staggering. There's just too much land to cover. Even playing 24/7 you'd be hardpressed to hit every tree in the game searching for 1 in particular.

Old Man of UO

... Even playing 24/7 you'd be hardpressed to hit every tree in the game searching for 1 in particular.
Heh... Unless you were using KR... lumberjacking and mining are about ten times faster with KR. And you can mine or lumberjack as you walk while using KR.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While this is an interesting idea i'm afraid the scripting impact would still be significant. scripters would simply use recall books and rails to hit larger forested or larger mining areas until they found the particular tree or mining spot that would give their account or their several accounts their prize or prizes. once found they would simply resume their normal scripting operations. many normal players wouldnt spend the time or effort more than likely to search all the trees or mining spots, and thus you would have many scripters selling these valuables prizes unless the prize was account bound. if you mentioned that sorry i missed it

Old Man of UO

While this is an interesting idea i'm afraid the scripting impact would still be significant. scripters would simply use recall books and rails to hit larger forested or larger mining areas until they found the particular tree or mining spot that would give their account or their several accounts their prize or prizes. once found they would simply resume their normal scripting operations. many normal players wouldnt spend the time or effort more than likely to search all the trees or mining spots, and thus you would have many scripters selling these valuables prizes unless the prize was account bound. if you mentioned that sorry i missed it
Ya... I don't see any way to prevent scripting anyway, except by making it once per account or shard, and no young or new accounts.

If EA didn't implement some idea just because of the fear that scripters and dupers might take advantage of it, we would never get any new content. EA should do their best to counter the threat, but not penalize the real players because of that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's true and I dont want it to seem that I'm trouncing your idea. personally i would love it if they implemented something like this that would give me some incentive to take my mule out mining or lumberjacking again


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would probably do it, but one issue I have come across while lumberjacking that doesn't affect mining so much is that choppable areas are so big. You can mine up or down a mountainside and even mine out a cave and be certain you have hit all the nodes possible, but you can't mine out a forest. In order to make sure you've hit every wooded node you would have to make a map of coordinates that you have hit and mark off areas, and probably have to redo some of the edge areas. An option that would require less writing down of coordinates but more overlapping chopping would be to walk in a coordinate direction and chop through a whole section, then move a few tiles to the perpendicular and reverse direction, moving through the whole woods that way.

I think that is simply too much work for the average player.

It's a good idea though, and I think those of us who can do repetitive tasks for hours (hi) would go for it.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

After last weekend... not really.

Thanks to a great distribution in the range of mountains I mine frequently as well as usage of garg picks and prosp tools, I netted a VERY SWEET distribution of ingots in a relatively short time of mining (including 1300+ Valorite) with a short run Saturday and another short run Sunday, might follow up tonight as well.

Considering the sheer amount of space involved in the game, finding such a "special" spot would be too time consuming to be rewarding (also especially since I have vet reward logs and carts churning out resources as well that I haven't even used, simply collected and stashed) in comparison with just straight mining.

I'm all for randomly occurring quests, rewards, and ingame content, but it DOES have to be "findable" within a reasonable frame of effort and time.