Yeah, that's unfortunate, and you're right, it should be. Before reactivating, I had last played in 2010 during RTB, and as I remember, the WBB roof wasn't even decorated.
I don't know what the EMs are like on other shards, but I LOVE Lake Superior's EM, Falcon. She pops in the general chat on a regular basis, chats with everyone that's been participating in the current event arc, and has mentioned stuff she plans on doing: decorations & other stuff that I didn't really pay attention to, plus future events (with a PvP tournament being a possibility. I was excited for that one, it'd give me a chance to do some dueling again after 7 years.) One night she even came to a Travesty a group of us were doing & chatted there. After that was over, I believe we headed to the Vesper/Minoc area and had to do the Orkin man's job, since their job description doesn't cover man (and dragon) eating spiders.
I'm not much of an RP'er, so I don't get too involved in that aspect of it, but I enjoy the fighting we've had to do (I'm more of a "HULK SMASH" player), with her cracking jokes about how much we've all liked the fighting (and dying)