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Worthless Once Again Since The Latest Nerf


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You left out one word in your post... Between the word "no" and the word "changes" should be the word "intended".

You won't convince me, or many other players, that there have been no changes... They are far too apparent to people who do vast amounts of them. I'm not trying to pick on the Dev teams programming skills here, but we have lots and lots of bugs in UO, so unless you're telling the players that you have added them all intentionally, then we must assume that sometimes changes have unforeseen consequences.
I can understand your position. That's one of the challenges of a game as old as UO with as many hands that have dug in under the hood. The OP was made on August 10th and then the follow up on August 16th. There weren't any publishes deployed during that time, so I can say with 100% confidence that we didn't change anything in that time from our end.