Should I postpone my retirement?
I did probably 4-5 hours of Treasure Hunting last night, and I agree there has been a change (a very good one).
Greater Artifacts and Major Artifacts appear to have an substantial increase in intensity. Different mods are popping up which is refreshing. I now find myself keeping a number of Greaters & Major Artifacts, where before virtually all greaters (And most Majors) I wouldn't even bother with. This is a very nice change to see different items appear, rather than the same ones over and over for the past I don't know how long.
I pulled out a few Legendary Artifacts...the majority of which were throwaways.
I did a run of 5 Level 7 Maps, 4 of them had no Legendary Artifacts (I was very disappointed). The 5th level 7 Map, however contained 4 Legendary Artifacts. Two of which were mediocre, 1 which was very solid, and one which was a "Hells Yeah!EUREKA!". A very nice drop.
Keep in mind this was after a nice 4-5 hour Treasure Hunting marathon.
Hopefully things stay this way. It's alot more fun when you know there is a chance at something nice.
@Bleak @Kyronix!