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Words of Power


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Does anyone else wish that they could see words of power over their pets? I know during events this would be a nuisance, but maybe if they were only visible to the owners if you toggled something. Reason I bring it up is because I was taming a Skree earlier and saw him casting with words of power and thought that would be nice to know what exactly pets are casting.

Just blabbing ;)

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
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Does anyone else wish that they could see words of power over their pets? I know during events this would be a nuisance, but maybe if they were only visible to the owners if you toggled something. Reason I bring it up is because I was taming a Skree earlier and saw him casting with words of power and thought that would be nice to know what exactly pets are casting.

Just blabbing ;)
Yes, I’ve wondered the same thing - it would be quite helpful, for instance, to know when your pet has cast enemy of one - or just when and how its tapping into its mana - if you don’t mind the notion of talking pets
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't tame a skree unless you plan on changing its magery ability.
A pet skree will NEVER cure itself when it is poisoned. Instead it wastes all its mana casting greater heal on itself, which doesn't work, because it is poisoned.

Did you see the publish notes where it says that the skree AI was adjusted so that it would stop spamming greater cure? Yeah, about that, @Bleak, this is distinctly NOT a fix.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But also why I said " have a toggle " you know just in case that breaks the reality barrier for some ;)