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Wor non-aggressers?



Absolute rubbish - I was there on my stealther and you were the other stealther. The other guys who were there were not affiliated with WoR and they were the ones who attacked and killed you. Since I was not in party with them I didn't know of their plans.

The only reason they were not attacking us were:
1) Because the IDOC had just fell
2) There were a lot more Minox people to kill and attacking us would have caused them more problems than they needed.

Anyhow - they killed you, I assume incase you had anything of value. I myself stayed visible and they killed me afterwards (I assume to check if I had anything of value). What they should have realised is that if I had anything of value I'd not have hung around infront of them.

I have also heard they killed one of my other members when he had completed Despise with them - just to steal his scrolls. You should keep your eyes on them when spawning.


Oh, but I completely agree that I thought it was peace time, chat about what we had got, and relax. Their attacking us both was unacceptable and stupid as it lowers my opinion of them for no gain themselves.


I am sorry if i was wrong about it being a Wor that first attacked but i was nearly positive it was a red kirin for Wor that attacked, if i am mistaken then i apolygize. i know one of the other attackers was ScrivenrDeGreace. im not complaining about being attacked in fel..thats to be expected it was the fact that we where having a chat with them and then they attack, i thought was a truce while we share loot storys...but was fun anyhow lol